Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
questions & answers
Question: I'm renting a apt/condo in Casa Grande. My neighbors tree fell across her driveway and landed on my parked car in my driveway. Who pays for damages to my car? My car is still drivable and damage is mostly cosmetic.
Answer: Does the neighbor live in a house? Do the neighbors own their own home? If they do own a house, then their homeowners insurance should be responsible to pay your claim. If you both live in a townhouse complex or condominium complex, then the community will have usually have insurance to cover liabilities in common areas. If the tree sat in a common area (small lawn or gravel area between driveways), you will need to contact the homeowners' association and obtain insurance information. You should contact your landlord and check with him to determine who is responsible for maintaining the trees and insuring them. The landlord can either provide you with the homeowners' association information or contact them himself. If the situation is such that individual homeowners are responsible for lawn or open areas between homes, your neighbor's insurance needs to be contacted. You may want to talk with your neighbor and review your association documents.
I'm renting a apt/condo in Casa Grande. My neighbors tree fell across her driveway and landed on my parked car in my driveway. Who pays for damages to my car? My car is still drivable and damage is mostly cosmetic.
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