Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
questions & answers
Question: I was let go from the company I work for. I had employee housing that I took a paycut for to supplement me staying in the house. I was not given an eviction notice but was told that I needed to be out by 6 pm the same day. It was 1 pm when I was informed. My final check has been withheld until I move out. And my landlord/employer has told me the locks will be changed the next day. Is this even legal??
Answer: This is a complicated situation. The rules that apply to employee-residents sometimes differ from the rules that apply to regular tenants. This is why it might be wise to speak with an attorney. There are links to free and low-cost legal services on this website (at
I was let go from the company I work for. I had employee housing that I took a paycut for to supplement me staying in the house. I was not given an eviction notice but was told that I needed to be out by 6 pm the same day. It was 1 pm when I was informed. My final check has been withheld until I move out. And my landlord/employer has told me the locks will be changed the next day. Is this even legal??
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