Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
questions & answers
Question: My mom's land lord gave us a letter that we had to sign for from the mail man stating that she had 60 to move out. His reason for kicking my mother out was " He wanted new tenants"? Is that legal in Arizona also his appointment does not have any smoke dectors there mold in the bathroom and kitchen I have ask him 6+ times to address this issue and he reply is ok I'm going to have someone come out and fix the toilet n sinks but no one ever came my mother has been in the hospital 4 times now due to his neglected duty to fix things in his apartments. He is a slum land lord can someone please help.
Answer: The lawfulness (or lack thereof) of the landlord’s 60-day notice will depend on a number of factors, including when the existing rental agreement is set to expire, what the existing rental agreement says about notice, and what kind of rental unit or space the existing rental agreement covers. You may wish to speak with an attorney in order to determine how these various factors impact your mom’s and her landlord’s rights and responsibilities. There are links to free and low-cost legal services on this website. In the meantime, it is important to remember that tenants in Arizona may not withhold their rent in order to compel their landlords to make required repairs. Tenants should make all requests for repairs in writing and be sure to keep copies for their own records. If, after a reasonable period of time has passed since the landlord has received formal notice of the problem(s) in need of repair, then the tenant has options. Those options are described on this website under the Housing topic.
My mom's land lord gave us a letter that we had to sign for from the mail man stating that she had 60 to move out. His reason for kicking my mother out was " He wanted new tenants"? Is that legal in Arizona also his appointment does not have any smoke dectors there mold in the bathroom and kitchen I have ask him 6+ times to address this issue and he reply is ok I'm going to have someone come out and fix the toilet n sinks but no one ever came my mother has been in the hospital 4 times now due to his neglected duty to fix things in his apartments. He is a slum land lord can someone please help.
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- Community Legal Services - Statewide Farmworker Program
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