Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
questions & answers
Question: I locked myself out of my apartment and was denied entry by management for 3 1/2 hours. Is this legal? I asked to be let back in and the guy (who has a key) told me it wasn't his job to let me back in.
Answer: As a general rule, if you were able to identify yourself (for example, with a driver’s license) as the lawful tenant of the dwelling and the manager that you approached has the authority to let tenants into the building, then you probably should not have been made to wait for so long. However, without knowing all the details surrounding what happened, it is impossible to say how egregious the manager’s actions were or what if any legal options you may have. You certainly may wish to draw the matter to the attention of the building’s landlord.
I locked myself out of my apartment and was denied entry by management for 3 1/2 hours. Is this legal? I asked to be let back in and the guy (who has a key) told me it wasn't his job to let me back in.
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