Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
questions & answers
Question: Can you provide me with the laws regarding motel living for an extended period of time.
Answer: Article 1 - Obligations and liabilities of Landlord
ARS § 33301.states:
§ 33301. Posting of lien law and rates by innkeepers
Every keeper of a hotel, inn, boarding, lodging or apartment house, or auto camp, shall post in a
conspicuous place in the office or public room, and in every bedroom of the establishment, a printed copy of sections 33-951 and 33-952, with a printed statementof charges by the day, week or month for meals,lodging or other items furnished.
§ 33302. Maintenance of fireproof safe by innkeeper for deposit of valuables by guests;
limitations on liability of innkeeper for loss of property of guests
A. An innkeeper who maintains a fireproof safe and gives notice by posting in a conspicuous place in the office or in the room of each guest that money, jewelry, documents and other articles of small size and unusual value may be deposited in the safe, is not liable for loss of or injury to any such article not deposited in the safe, which is not the result of his own act.
B. An innkeeper may refuse to receive for deposit from a guest articles exceeding a total value of
five hundred dollars, and unless otherwise agreed to in writing shall not be liable in an amount in excess of five hundred dollars for loss of or damage to property deposited by a guest in such safe unless the loss or damage is the result of the fault or negligence of the innkeeper.
C. The innkeeper shall not be liable for loss of or damage to merchandise samples or merchandise for sale displayed by a guest unless the guest gives prior written notice to the innkeeper of having and displaying the merchandise or merchandise samples, and the innkeeper acknowledges receipt of such notice, but in no event shall liability for such loss or damage exceed five hundred dollars unless it results from the fault or negligence of the innkeeper.
D. The liability of an innkeeper to a guest shall be limited to one hundred dollars for property delivered to the innkeeper to be kept in a storeroom or baggage room and to seventy-five dollars for property deposited in a parcel or checkroom.
E. For the purpose of this section the term "inn" includes hotel, boarding house, lodging house,
apartment house, motel and auto camp.
Can you provide me with the laws regarding motel living for an extended period of time.
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