Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
questions & answers
Question: Hi, my landlord's pool maintenance person put a lock on the pool pump for no apparent reason. We did not get a notice from the landlord about this action. We now have no control of the pool pump operation. As a tenant, I feel I have the right to full access of all properties on premise. Is this correct? is my landlord's action violate tenant's right? thank you.
Answer: Arizona law requires that the landlord do the following:
1. Meet the requirements of local building and health codes regarding the condition of your home;
2. Make repairs necessary to keep the home in a fit and livable condition;
3. Keep shared areas, such as hallways and playgrounds, clean and in a safe condition;
4. Keep all the electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and other facilities and appliances that are supplied by the landlord, in safe and working order;
5. Provide and maintain containers for the removal of trash and provide for the removal of the trash from the containers;
6. Supply running water and reasonable amounts of hot water, heating, and air conditioning or cooling, unless these services are exclusively controlled by you and supplied by a direct public utility connection.
B. For some services, you and the landlord can make a good-faith, written agreement for you to be responsible for specific repairs and maintenance duties. This agreement must include that you get some kind of compensation, such as reduced rent. Follow this link for “Arizona Tenants Rights and Responsibility Handbook”:
Hi, my landlord's pool maintenance person put a lock on the pool pump for no apparent reason. We did not get a notice from the landlord about this action. We now have no control of the pool pump operation. As a tenant, I feel I have the right to full access of all properties on premise. Is this correct? is my landlord's action violate tenant's right? thank you.
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