Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
questions & answers
Question: My Landlord has been providing poor maintenance that "fixes" the problem. Our a/c has been leaking into the hallway and under the sink where the drain connection is. Because of the poor maintenance and the well-being of my family I pipe snaked the drain and provided proper fittings for the drain a total of 1.5hrs of maintenance. I notified the landlord and asked for a reduction in next months rent for labor and materials, am I within my legal right to do so?
Answer: A tenant is allowed a self help remedy under the Arizona Residential Landlord Tenant Act.(A.R.S. 33-1363) The work needs to be $300 or less or under half the cost of rent; and the landlord needs to be informed in writing. For more information see the Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibility article.
My Landlord has been providing poor maintenance that "fixes" the problem. Our a/c has been leaking into the hallway and under the sink where the drain connection is. Because of the poor maintenance and the well-being of my family I pipe snaked the drain and provided proper fittings for the drain a total of 1.5hrs of maintenance. I notified the landlord and asked for a reduction in next months rent for labor and materials, am I within my legal right to do so?
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