Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
questions & answers
Question: What can I do if my apartment manager showed my rental file to another employee who is the grounds keeper and discussed how my rent payments are always late. Also how they want to evict me because of this.
Answer: - Generally, when a tenant rents an apartment from a landlord, there is a contract called a lease agreement that contains provisions relating to the lease. Reading the lease agreement’s provisions may help a tenant find the obligations of the landlord and the tenant. ARS 33-1368 (b) says that “a tenant may not withhold rent for any reason not authorized by th[e] chapter. If rent is unpaid when due and the tenant fails to pay rent within five days after written notice by the landlord of nonpayment and the landlord’s intention to terminate the rental agreement if the rent is not paid within that period of time, the landlord may terminate the rental agreement…” Also, ARS 33-2143(b) says that …the landlord shall not terminate or refuse to renew a rental agreement without good cause. However, part (g) says that “good cause” can be 1) noncompliance with any provision of the rental agreement or 2) nonpayment of rent. For more information on a tenant’s rights, see this article here.
What can I do if my apartment manager showed my rental file to another employee who is the grounds keeper and discussed how my rent payments are always late. Also how they want to evict me because of this.
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