questions & answers
Question: I was served a special writ for foreclosure due to being behind on HOA dues. How long do I have to try to pay the amount owed? It states my redemption period is 6 months. Is this from data of sale? Or from date I was served? Also, how long do i have before it goes to auction?
Answer: After a judicial foreclosure in Arizona, the debtor or his successors in interest ordinarily may redeem at any time at any time within six months after the date of the sale (A.R.S. 33-12-1282). (If the property was both abandoned and not used primarily for agricultural or grazing purposes, then it may only be redeemed within thirty days after the date of the sale.) This right of redemption does not apply after a non-judicial foreclosure (i.e., trustee sale) (A.R.S. 33-811). You may wish to discuss the specifics of your situation with an attorney.
I was served a special writ for foreclosure due to being behind on HOA dues. How long do I have to try to pay the amount owed? It states my redemption period is 6 months. Is this from data of sale? Or from date I was served? Also, how long do i have before it goes to auction?
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