questions & answers
Question: We hired a lawyer to file court papers to stop foreclosure. He did not file in time but He said he called bank and they said they would wait 1 more week to foreclose because our lawyer needed more time. The bank did not wait and foreclosed anyways (of course) our lawyer did not file proper paper work for that he just called the bank and they said ok Now we are losing our house and don't know who to get help from. We have paid thousands to these lawyers and are waiting to see if appeals court will take our case. We did what were suppose to do they did not Have lived here 31yrs. who can help
If there is a disagreement with your attorney’s actions a complaint can be initiated through the disciplinary process of the Arizona State Bar. The State Bar advises persons not to delay exploring other remedies, as one can lose valuable legal rights.
Homeowners can apply for free and reduced fee legal services through the Access To Justice Online Intake System (follow link), located on the top-right of AZLawHelp under the LegalLEARN section.
There is more information regarding programs to avoid foreclosure, housing counseling, and reporting fraud on the website for the Arizona Attorney General. Homeowners can find HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agencies by visiting the website for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.
We hired a lawyer to file court papers to stop foreclosure. He did not file in time but He said he called bank and they said they would wait 1 more week to foreclose because our lawyer needed more time. The bank did not wait and foreclosed anyways (of course) our lawyer did not file proper paper work for that he just called the bank and they said ok Now we are losing our house and don't know who to get help from. We have paid thousands to these lawyers and are waiting to see if appeals court will take our case. We did what were suppose to do they did not Have lived here 31yrs. who can help
Free & Reduced Fees Legal Aid Resources
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- Please select your county of residence below.
State Bar of Arizona -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- National Domestic Violence Hotline
View full description - William E. Morris Institute for Justice
View full description - DNA - People's Legal Services - Hopi Legal Services
View full description - Pio Decimo Center
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