questions & answers
Question: I belong to a Property Owner's Association. The manager and the original Developer states we do not follow ARS Title 33 because the Association is a non-profit corp. and does not own property. We are all mandated members that must pay dues to maintain the roads that are dedicated to public use. We have bylaws, CC&R's. Is this true? The developer is getting properties back thru foreclosures and says he does not owe dues and is using his 10-1 votes from the foreclosures. Our CC&Rs say that if the first mortgagee gets property back they are not liable for past dues, but from acquisition. Help?
Answer: This question is very specific to the CC&R's and HOA bylaws. Consult an attorney for advice.
I belong to a Property Owner's Association. The manager and the original Developer states we do not follow ARS Title 33 because the Association is a non-profit corp. and does not own property. We are all mandated members that must pay dues to maintain the roads that are dedicated to public use. We have bylaws, CC&R's. Is this true? The developer is getting properties back thru foreclosures and says he does not owe dues and is using his 10-1 votes from the foreclosures. Our CC&Rs say that if the first mortgagee gets property back they are not liable for past dues, but from acquisition. Help?
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