questions & answers
Question: Can a landlord request rent after an eviction? The keys were turn in within the 5 days court came me, yet they are avoiding rental and doing construction on the property requesting rent till its rented or end of rental contract
Answer: A landlord can evict you for not paying rent and still pursue you for rent through the earlier of the end of the rent term or when they can re-rent the property. Importantly, the landlord has a duty to mitigate its damages, meaning it must try to rent the property. If you can prove they have not tried to mitigate their damages, you may be able to avoid liability. Here is a link to the Arizona Residential Landlord Tenant Act containing the statutes I referenced and other helpful statutes: https://housing.az.gov/sites/default/files/documents/files/Landlord-Tenant-Act-ADOH-Publication-July-2018_0.pdf
Can a landlord request rent after an eviction? The keys were turn in within the 5 days court came me, yet they are avoiding rental and doing construction on the property requesting rent till its rented or end of rental contract
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