questions & answers
Question: My fiance moved into a duplex, and I was at a assisted living center. She asked me to move in and said that the leading company stared since she was my care giver, I did not have to be added to lease. Well 2.5 y3ars later, we received a ten day notice to make a new application or have me move out. All my mail and electric, t.v cable are all in my name. I am 100 percent disabled, and have a eviction on my record 7 years ago. Do i have rights to stay?
Answer: At A.R.S. 33-1413.03, the Arizona Mobile Home Parks Residential Landlord and Tenant Act states that a live-in health care provider may temporarily reside with a resident pursuant to a written treatment plan prepared by the resident’s physician. However, the Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (which governs duplexes) does not address the subject. You may wish to contact an attorney to discuss in detail what the property management company said to your fiancée and what your fiancée (and you) said to the property management company. There are links to free and low-cost legal services on this website, and the LegalLEARN Helpline toll-free telephone number is 1-866-637-5341.
My fiance moved into a duplex, and I was at a assisted living center. She asked me to move in and said that the leading company stared since she was my care giver, I did not have to be added to lease. Well 2.5 y3ars later, we received a ten day notice to make a new application or have me move out. All my mail and electric, t.v cable are all in my name. I am 100 percent disabled, and have a eviction on my record 7 years ago. Do i have rights to stay?
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