questions & answers
Question: I need an attorney I have court this month called my public defender multiple timetimes and got no answer. I feel my rights were violated I was handcuffed and thrown in police car and wasn't even in seat on floor couldn't move and transported to station this way
Answer: If you are unhappy with your public defender, you may ask the court to give you a new public defender, although this request is not guaranteed to be granted. If you would like to hire a private attorney, a list of all attorneys licensed to practice law can be found on the Arizona State Bar website at, You can search by practice area to find a criminal attorney. The Modest Means Project has attorneys who practice criminal law, but only criminal misdemeanors, not felonies. To see if you qualify for the Modest Means Program please call our LegalLearn line at (866) 637-5341. The Maricopa County Bar referral program offers a thirty minute consultation with a licensed attorney for $40. Their phone number is (602) 257-4434. The Pima County Bar referral program offers a thirty minute consultation with a licensed attorney for $35. Their phone number is (520) 623-4625.
I need an attorney I have court this month called my public defender multiple timetimes and got no answer. I feel my rights were violated I was handcuffed and thrown in police car and wasn't even in seat on floor couldn't move and transported to station this way
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- Please select your county of residence below.
State Bar of Arizona -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- DNA - People's Legal Services - Tuba City
View full description - Catholic Community Services in Western Arizona
View full description - Arizona Secretary Of State
View full description - Pio Decimo Center
View full description - Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc.- Bisbee
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