Wage Claims
questions & answers
Question: I worked as in Independent Contractor and was just let go by the owner, when does he have to pay me for services? Is it the same as if I were an employee? (within 24 hours)? Thanks,
An arrangement between a client and an independent contractor is agreed to either verbally or in writing. Was there any agreement reached on this issue? That is your first step. As an independent contractor, it is up to you to ensure that you get paid. There is no state or federal agency that can assist you. Also, as an independent contractor, you have less rights than an employee does. In your question, you didn’t state whether you and your client prepared and signed an agreement that stated the terms of payment. To protect yourself in the future, you should prepare a written service agreement that covers all the relevant details of the project. Do an Internet search on “Independent Contractor Forms and Agreements” to look at some examples. If you and your client can’t reach an agreement on when you should receive your final payment, you could take him to small claims court in Arizona. You may want to mutually agree to a 30 day (or a bit more) time period to avoid more problems. In most cases, employees that quit or are fired in Arizona must be paid within three working days or the next payday, depending on certain circumstances.
I worked as in Independent Contractor and was just let go by the owner, when does he have to pay me for services? Is it the same as if I were an employee? (within 24 hours)? Thanks,
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