Unemployment Compensation
questions & answers
Question: I have more than 10 years seniority in my job. I was on a family leave for 6 weeks last year . This summer my boss denied my request for 10 days off saying that I was already too much off work. Can he do that?. I think he wants me to resign. If I do will I be eligible for unemployment compensation?
Answer: - Generally speaking, and depending on certain circumstances, there are certain requirements for an employer to allow an employee time off to take care of health issues, caring for a child, or giving birth; this falls under the Family Medical Leave Act. See this article here for more information. However, assuming these issues are not the reason for taking time off, an employer usually has an employee handbook that details the requirements for time off within the company, and such should be read to find the relevant information. Eligibility requirements for unemployment insurance benefits may be found here.
I have more than 10 years seniority in my job. I was on a family leave for 6 weeks last year . This summer my boss denied my request for 10 days off saying that I was already too much off work. Can he do that?. I think he wants me to resign. If I do will I be eligible for unemployment compensation?
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