Family Medical Leave Act
questions & answers
Question: I and another coworker have become pregnant, since informing our employer of our current conditions our job responsiblities have changed dramatically, the employer has not treated us with respect and has caused undue stress on us both. Also the employer has denied us time off for doctor's appointments and refuses to work with our current schedules to accommadate our appointments. Where are we covered under the FMLA or are we? We have fewer then 15 employees and we are a non-profit organization.
Answer: Generally, an employer should have an employment handbook that may contain important information related to time off within a company. The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) pertains to those companies who employ more than 50 employees. Therefore, this would not apply to a company who has only 15 employees, see the article here. However, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act at this link may be helpful to understand more rights involving pregnancy and discrimination. If an employee has sick time or personal time, this may be used to cover doctor appointments. Generally, It may be best to contact an attorney about any discrimination on the job. Visit this link for information on how to get an attorney.
I and another coworker have become pregnant, since informing our employer of our current conditions our job responsiblities have changed dramatically, the employer has not treated us with respect and has caused undue stress on us both. Also the employer has denied us time off for doctor's appointments and refuses to work with our current schedules to accommadate our appointments. Where are we covered under the FMLA or are we? We have fewer then 15 employees and we are a non-profit organization.
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