Discrimination on the Job
questions & answers
Question: my fiance had to quit her job due to harrasment that has now caused long term effects and has caused her depression to progress. She was not only sexually harrassed by her coworker but also talked down to made fun of and harrassed by her boss. who should we contact in order to bring a law suit against them? and its been a month or so since she quit , so do we still have a shot?
Answer: There are laws in place, Title VII, to help ensure that all people are able to earn a living without fear of harassment. Harassment claims can be very complicated and it is strongly suggested that an attorney who specializes in employment law be contacted to assist in determining if there is a possible claim against the employer. For a list of attorneys, please visit the State Bar of Arizona online. The law, called statute of limitations, allows a person to file their complaint two years from the time harassing conduct. But it is better to speak with an attorney as soon as possible.
my fiance had to quit her job due to harrasment that has now caused long term effects and has caused her depression to progress. She was not only sexually harrassed by her coworker but also talked down to made fun of and harrassed by her boss. who should we contact in order to bring a law suit against them? and its been a month or so since she quit , so do we still have a shot?
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