Discrimination on the Job
questions & answers
Question: I was targeted by other staff who did not do their jobs according to policeys, I was responcible for menu/budget also medical appointments and to communicate care plans. other staff who did not want to follow Dr. driven diet plans or portion control complained I was bossie. Now my former employer is using these without merit complaints against me to block my eligibility for UC. Also the day of discharge i was in such shock that I signed the termination paper and it was not explained to me to also write in my side of said incident. Now that also is being used against me as evidence. any hope 4m
Answer: Information on qualifying for unemployment benefits can be found here. You should also read our Unemployment Compensation Article. Information on qualifying for unemployment benefits http://www.azlawhelp.org/documents/Unemployguide.pdf Unemployment Compensation Article http://www.azlawhelp.org/articles_info.cfm?sc=17&mc=2&articleid=50
I was targeted by other staff who did not do their jobs according to policeys, I was responcible for menu/budget also medical appointments and to communicate care plans. other staff who did not want to follow Dr. driven diet plans or portion control complained I was bossie. Now my former employer is using these without merit complaints against me to block my eligibility for UC. Also the day of discharge i was in such shock that I signed the termination paper and it was not explained to me to also write in my side of said incident. Now that also is being used against me as evidence. any hope 4m
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