Family Law
questions & answers
Question: Does Arizona recognize marriages performed in other countries? ie: my husband and I were married in the Philippines 7 years ago. Last year he married a woman in Tucson, without divorsing me. Indeed, he never did tell me about his other marriage until I saw it in the public records last week!
Answer: You may want to review Title 25 of the Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.). A.R.S. § 25-112 states:
A. Marriages valid by the laws of the place where contracted are valid in this state, except marriages that are void and prohibited by section 25-101.
B. Marriages solemnized in another state or country by parties intending at the time to reside in this state shall have the same legal consequences and effect as if solemnized in this state, except marriages that are void and prohibited by section 25-101.
C. Parties residing in this state may not evade the laws of this state relating to marriage by going to another state or country for solemnization of the marriage.
Does Arizona recognize marriages performed in other countries? ie: my husband and I were married in the Philippines 7 years ago. Last year he married a woman in Tucson, without divorsing me. Indeed, he never did tell me about his other marriage until I saw it in the public records last week!
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