Family Law

questions & answers

Question: How do I file an amendment to my response for custody and child support, I would like to add that i want to discuss arrearages of child support and 1/2 med exp owed by father.

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Question: My step son is 15. He has been with us for 16 months without seeing his biological mother. My husband is getting deployed in 2 weeks again, our son does not want to go back to mom being she has put him through alot. Does he have the right to tell a judge that and stay with me while dad is gone? What do we have to do legally to keep him home?

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Question: Is it true that you can motion to have a Commissioner replaced by a Judge, I've heard that the Judge is a elected official and a Commissioner is appointed by a Judge, since the Judge is elected by the people (me), don't I have that right?

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Question: Does Arizona recognize marriages performed in other countries? ie: my husband and I were married in the Philippines 7 years ago. Last year he married a woman in Tucson, without divorsing me. Indeed, he never did tell me about his other marriage until I saw it in the public records last week!

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Question: My ex has decided that he would like to relinquish his parental rights. When we go to court and the judge allows this (he's been out of the picture for 10 yrs) will the child's last name change right then, will it go to my maiden name? I'm not sure who to ask any of these questions to?

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Question: Is there any law regarding the age of a person subpeona for a trial?

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Question: how to changing child support" what paper are needed to file

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Question: If the other parent signs a typed letter and has it notarized granting the other parent sole custody while maintaining supervised visitation and has it filed with the court is it legally binding?

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Question: I left my abusive husband almost 6 years ago and have been trying to get divorced but the lawyers and he are dragging their feet because I'm paying him support. I recently found out that he called our health insurance co (he's under my plan because we are still legally married) and changed the address listed, which was mine, to his. So now he knows where I live and I fear for my life. I have moved 3 times in the last 6 years and I thought I was safe. Do I have any legal recourse to have him arrested?

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Question: I left my abusive husband almost 6 years ago and have been trying to get divorced but the lawyers and he are dragging their feet because I'm paying him support. I recently found out that he called our health insurance co (he's under my plan because we are still legally married) and changed the address listed, which was mine, to his. So now he knows where I live and I fear for my life. I have moved 3 times in the last 6 years and I thought I was safe. Do I have any legal recourse to have him arrested?

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Question: My husband and I have been married 45 years. 4 years ago my step-daughter took him to live with her in Las Cruces, NM. She has isolated him from me, I haven't spoken to him for 3 1/2 years. Recently, she has been taking the $1200 per month that goes directly into an account set up for me. My husband's name is on it but I have received this money for 5 years because this was our arrangement. I think he is not capable of making his own decisions and she is exploiting him. She or someone cleared out his CDs of $50,000. Is there any legal action I can take to cover myself?

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Question: My father-in-law moved me, my husband,and kids from Arkansas to Tennessee,bought us a trailer house and put it on his property as a gift. Now five years later wants to charge us rent. Can he legally do that?

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Question: I have a deadbeat stepson that is 20 years old who won't do anything to help himself.He says he does not need to get a job & says I have to take care of him. What are my rights & options to get him out of my house. I am a renter so I don't know if that matters.

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Question: I have a mentaly disabled daughter that is 20 yrs old. She is wanting to give up her rights to make all decisions because she is scared she is going to make bad ones. What can i do and how do i do it????

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Question: I have lived with my fiance' who just passed away, for many years and handled all of Debra's medical and financial matters since she had cognitive deficiencies fro her heart issues. I need a copy of her death certificate and all my attempts have been denied by her dad, who only wanted Deb to leave me so her dad could put her in a long term care facility. I need the certificate for our bank and many of Debra's doctors, which include creditors. I need an attorney that can request this document for me. Bill

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Question: I have full custody of my three girls. Ages 5, 8 and 10. My ex/their dad is very involved. My boyfriend has a legally adopted son/nephew who Is 18 years of age and a junior in high school. Who I was going to allow to live with me. My ex is threatening attorneys and fighting for custody because I am allowing this boy to live in my home. He is a good kid with no criminal history nor any record of any trouble. If I marry his dad, he will be my stepson. Does my ex have a leg to stand on? I will not risk losing custody of my daughters. Please help

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Question: Me and my wife separated 3 years ago. She moved out of state with our three children and then about a year later two of my boys came back to live with me in Arizona. They went up to visit their mom in Utah last Summer and she refused to let my boys come back . Come to find out she filed for divorce/custody when they first got up there and I was never served anything. It's already been approved by a judge and now I'm paying child support and on a parenting schedule to visit my kids. What can I do and which state, Arizona or Utah do i contact? Thank you

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Question: I am currently legally separated, but wish to file for this to be dissolved. What paperwork needs to be filed with the courts to dissolve a legal separation?

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Question: what is required to close out a deceased person's bank account, no will but everything went to closest blood rel. only son.

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Question: My babies grandfather asked to keep baby Thursday night so we could get rest. This morning I called to check on her she said she was okay and that his younger son and girl friend were gonna watch baby. I went to the hospital cause my stitches tore to my c-section. Got released called to check on baby and ask them to bring her to me. grandfather said she is not there saying she is in tucson then mexico and that I abandoned her for 48 hrs. They won't tell me where my baby is. Do I call the cops? I thought they were trying to help not take my baby.

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  • Is there any law regarding the age of a person subpeona for a trial?
  • I have a deadbeat stepson that is 20 years old who won't do anything to help himself.He says he does not need to get a job & says I have to take care of him. What are my rights & options to get him out of my house. I am a renter so I don't know if that matters.
  • My husband and I have been married 45 years. 4 years ago my step-daughter took him to live with her in Las Cruces, NM. She has isolated him from me, I haven't spoken to him for 3 1/2 years. Recently, she has been taking the $1200 per month that goes directly into an account set up for me. My husband's name is on it but I have received this money for 5 years because this was our arrangement. I think he is not capable of making his own decisions and she is exploiting him. She or someone cleared out his CDs of $50,000. Is there any legal action I can take to cover myself?
  • If the other parent signs a typed letter and has it notarized granting the other parent sole custody while maintaining supervised visitation and has it filed with the court is it legally binding?
  • Does Arizona recognize marriages performed in other countries? ie: my husband and I were married in the Philippines 7 years ago. Last year he married a woman in Tucson, without divorsing me. Indeed, he never did tell me about his other marriage until I saw it in the public records last week!
  • I am currently legally separated, but wish to file for this to be dissolved. What paperwork needs to be filed with the courts to dissolve a legal separation?
  • how to changing child support" what paper are needed to file
  • My ex has decided that he would like to relinquish his parental rights. When we go to court and the judge allows this (he's been out of the picture for 10 yrs) will the child's last name change right then, will it go to my maiden name? I'm not sure who to ask any of these questions to?
  • I left my abusive husband almost 6 years ago and have been trying to get divorced but the lawyers and he are dragging their feet because I'm paying him support. I recently found out that he called our health insurance co (he's under my plan because we are still legally married) and changed the address listed, which was mine, to his. So now he knows where I live and I fear for my life. I have moved 3 times in the last 6 years and I thought I was safe. Do I have any legal recourse to have him arrested?
  • My babies grandfather asked to keep baby Thursday night so we could get rest. This morning I called to check on her she said she was okay and that his younger son and girl friend were gonna watch baby. I went to the hospital cause my stitches tore to my c-section. Got released called to check on baby and ask them to bring her to me. grandfather said she is not there saying she is in tucson then mexico and that I abandoned her for 48 hrs. They won't tell me where my baby is. Do I call the cops? I thought they were trying to help not take my baby.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program


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