
questions & answers

Question: What makes a Will valid in the state of Arizona

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Question: I am personal representive of my mother's estate in Nebraska. My brother who is 44 moved in with my mom 4 years ago and never left. Now she has passed and has several thousand dollars in debt and the house and contents need to sold ASAP and he won't leave, how do I get him out and how long will this take? He has not paid her anything in the 4 years to live there, he's basically just squating.

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Question: My father recently moved to AZ; however, his Will was written (through an Attorney) while he was living in the state of Washington. Is his Will legal in AZ? Is there anything further he needs to do?

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Question: How would I locate a will that was made in 1992 for my father that he and two witnesses signed as well as signed and stamped by a notary public there was also one made for my mother identical to his I able to find the original for my mother but only am able to find a copy of my fathers. I need to know if there's any way to locate his since they were both made at the same time. Both of my parents have passed away I only had a copy and was told I would need the ordinal copy to claim it can anyone help? Need info ASAP .any info would be great and a big help.

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Question: my mother passed away in march.my brother was named personal representative in her will.it's going on 100 days since her death.i've had a lot of problems with my brother on settling the estate.i would like to know if property listed in the will to be devided equaly to my brother and myself can be counted as assets possably used to pay bills of the estate.also how long does a personal representative have to settle an estate and what are my options if this matter is not resolved soon.thank youfor your help

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Question: My brother is a broker and the trustee of my mothers estate. He has misuse his powers of a broker and the trustee of the estate.

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Question: Do I have to probate my father's will. He doesn't have many assets. Just some mineral rights. All I need to do is have the ownership changed to my self and my siblings.

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Question: My boyfriend of 25years past 2012. The family told me to get a apprasel for jewerly I purchased him in chicago. After I did this I was told they are keeping the money. Also I purchased most all of the furniture in the home.CAn I protest the will which is in probate. Do I have any standing to do this.? Thanks

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Question: I would like to file a formal complaint against a trustee of an estate for which I am a beneficiary. Where can I file my complaint?

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Question: how do i find out about a will that my mother has. she has changed this will 3 times in the last 4 years. she has dementia and now she has her sister in charge of the will. she wont give us a copy of the will. can we get a copy of the will.

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Question: My mom and dad were seperated for many years but still married. She passed away. Her will was changed not long before she died making the man she lives with the beneficiary. Isn't my dad still entitled to her estate, or a percentage of it if still legally married

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Question: if it is stated in the will that a minor must graduate or turn 21 to receive is inheritance will other heirs received thoes

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Question: In 2008, my only uncle put everything he owned, including his business he had for over 30 years, into a revocable trust naming my sister and I as co successor trustees and me as the executor of his estate. My uncle passed away September 22, 2014 and my sister wants to sell the business...but I have been running the business and want to keep it. She has moved away and declared she wants nothing to do with it. Will I be forced to buy her out in order to keep the business? Or because it was a gift that she doesn't want isn't that just like refusing any other gift? Thank you, Lisa

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Question: How can I verify the validity of a Beneficiary Deed?

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Question: How do I sue the executor(my aunt) of my mother's estate (no will) for breach of fiduciary duty?My mother died almost two years ago and there has still not been any distribution of funds from the sale of her home or possessions.She had a car which I left at the house my aunt was staying at in February and I just learned in September that the lawyer representing her had not been told they had the car and it had not been put up for sale yet.My aunt also took jewelry and other possessions of my mother's when it appears my brother and I are the only heirs according to AZ law when there is no will.

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Question: My grandmother passed away 08/04/15, She had a living will and trust naming my mother and Uncle as the beneficiaries of her house. The house is paid off and the deed was never transferred into my uncle or mother's name. Now,my mother passed on 09/14/15. My mother did not have a will or trust. My uncle does not want the house and wants to leave it to me; but, my sibling,my mom's only son, says he is entitled to a third of the house?is this true or is my Uncle the sole owner of the house? The house is valued under $50,000

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Question: I keep reading about terms of a trust are usually laid out or confirmed by what's in a Will? What if a Corporation does not produce a Will for 8 months after death of deceased and the Will states you only have the first 3 months to challenge anything?

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Question: My son passed away June 17, 2016, he was 32 years old. He had never married and had no children. His only asset is a checking account at our local credit union. He had no co owner on the account and did not set up a beneficary. We believe there is under $2000 in the account and would like to close it out and just donate the funds. Since he had no Will and we do not have the money to open probate, is there any other option for us?

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Question: My dad passed away about 2 years ago and he did not have a will so I hired an attorney to claim half the property from his current wife the wife was appointed the executor and has a bone since then she has sold all the assets and his business yet I have seen nothing my lawyer will not return my calls or my e-mails what can I do?

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Question: My father recently passed and I completing an affidavit of small estate. Do I need to include a motor vehicle that was jointly owned by the decedent and myself? Do I need to include a life insurance policy that has a stated beneficiary? Do I need to include stock purchases that have a stated beneficiary?

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Question: can an estate executor change the beneficiary of a will?

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Question: 86 y/o widow had a will and trust set up as a single woman 3 years ago. Last year the man she lives with had a will drawn up stating that he is married to the widow. Her will & trust have not been updated and no one in the family has seen any legal document that shows they are married. She has stock, a house & and money...he has very little. She is being treated for dementia but family does not know if she is truly competent to have married this man. If she dies will her will & trust be valid as is or not? Can he contest her will and claim community property?

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Question: How do I find out if my mother who passed away had a will?

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Question: My husband is in for emergency surgery for cancer. What happens if we don't have a will yet?

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Question: My husband and I need to change executors of our will due to health issues of our first choice of executor and due to carelessness of second choice person. Our will was done in Northern Nevada in 2007, we moved to Arizona in December of 2017. We would like to know if we can get help with this issue due to our lo-income and my husband's health. Thank you.

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Question: My ex-husband died in 2017 and there was no will filed. We each had made a will out when married in 1987. We divorced in 1993 amicably. Is this will still valid?

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Question: My son was 45 and recently past away without a will. What can I do to get power of attorney so I can contact his mortgage company and have access to his banking accounts and other loans

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  • What makes a Will valid in the state of Arizona
  • In 2008, my only uncle put everything he owned, including his business he had for over 30 years, into a revocable trust naming my sister and I as co successor trustees and me as the executor of his estate. My uncle passed away September 22, 2014 and my sister wants to sell the business...but I have been running the business and want to keep it. She has moved away and declared she wants nothing to do with it. Will I be forced to buy her out in order to keep the business? Or because it was a gift that she doesn't want isn't that just like refusing any other gift? Thank you, Lisa
  • My father recently passed and I completing an affidavit of small estate. Do I need to include a motor vehicle that was jointly owned by the decedent and myself? Do I need to include a life insurance policy that has a stated beneficiary? Do I need to include stock purchases that have a stated beneficiary?
  • if it is stated in the will that a minor must graduate or turn 21 to receive is inheritance will other heirs received thoes
  • My boyfriend of 25years past 2012. The family told me to get a apprasel for jewerly I purchased him in chicago. After I did this I was told they are keeping the money. Also I purchased most all of the furniture in the home.CAn I protest the will which is in probate. Do I have any standing to do this.? Thanks
  • My brother is a broker and the trustee of my mothers estate. He has misuse his powers of a broker and the trustee of the estate.
  • My grandmother passed away 08/04/15, She had a living will and trust naming my mother and Uncle as the beneficiaries of her house. The house is paid off and the deed was never transferred into my uncle or mother's name. Now,my mother passed on 09/14/15. My mother did not have a will or trust. My uncle does not want the house and wants to leave it to me; but, my sibling,my mom's only son, says he is entitled to a third of the house?is this true or is my Uncle the sole owner of the house? The house is valued under $50,000
  • how do i find out about a will that my mother has. she has changed this will 3 times in the last 4 years. she has dementia and now she has her sister in charge of the will. she wont give us a copy of the will. can we get a copy of the will.
  • My husband is in for emergency surgery for cancer. What happens if we don't have a will yet?
  • I am personal representive of my mother's estate in Nebraska. My brother who is 44 moved in with my mom 4 years ago and never left. Now she has passed and has several thousand dollars in debt and the house and contents need to sold ASAP and he won't leave, how do I get him out and how long will this take? He has not paid her anything in the 4 years to live there, he's basically just squating.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program


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