Criminal Law
questions & answers
Question: I have been victim of domestic violence for the past 15 years. I stayed with my husband for the sake of my son, my husband has been arrested any times and the police and CPS have been called by myself and my 14yr old son. I purchased gun and have a concealed carry permit. He came at me last week and I shot him twice to keep him from killing me. Now I have been charged with 2 counts of aggravated assault. I do not have the resources to defend myself. I am out o bail for now but do not have the balance of my bond. I need help asap. Thank you.
Answer: Depending upon how the attacker comes toward a victim can determine whether the victim can be said to have reacted in self defense. Self defense requires that a defendant prove that the assault (in this case, the shooting) was reasonably necessary to prevent equal or greater harm. Because the State has proceeded with charges of aggravated assault, which are criminal charges, a person is entitled to counsel if they face incarceration. This is guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment. Court appointed counsel may be requested for those who are indigent. For more information about obtaining court appointed counsel and domestic violence, please visit and and call them for information regarding court appointed counsel for indigent defendants.
I have been victim of domestic violence for the past 15 years. I stayed with my husband for the sake of my son, my husband has been arrested any times and the police and CPS have been called by myself and my 14yr old son. I purchased gun and have a concealed carry permit. He came at me last week and I shot him twice to keep him from killing me. Now I have been charged with 2 counts of aggravated assault. I do not have the resources to defend myself. I am out o bail for now but do not have the balance of my bond. I need help asap. Thank you.
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National Domestic Violence Hotline
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Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
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- Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc.
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View full description - Arizona Coalition to End Sexual & Domestic Violence
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