Expunging or sealing records
questions & answers
Question: what can I do to get a set aside I have s class 2 sum its been about 24 yrs ago when I done this
Answer: Your reference to a “class 2 sum” is unclear. Assuming you are referring to an Arizona criminal conviction, there are specific circumstances which allow a criminal conviction to be “set aside.” Arizona law does not authorize criminal convictions to be “expunged.” A.R.S. § 13-907 prescribes the method by which certain criminal convictions may be “set aside.” You should be aware that pursuant to A.R.S. § 13-907(D), the set aside does not apply to a person who was convicted of a criminal offense: 1. Involving a dangerous offense. 2. For which the person is required or ordered by the court to register pursuant to section 13-3821. 3. For which there has been a finding of sexual motivation pursuant to section 13-118. 4. In which the victim is a minor under fifteen years of age. 5. In violation of section 28-3473, any local ordinance relating to stopping, standing or operation of a vehicle or title 28, chapter 3, except a violation of section 28-693 or any local ordinance relating to the same subject matter as section 28-693. Further, A.R.S. § 13-907(A) provides: Any person who has not previously been convicted of any other felony shall automatically be restored any civil rights that were lost or suspended by the conviction if the person both: 1. Completes a term of probation or receives an absolute discharge from imprisonment. 2. Pays any fine or restitution imposed. It is a good idea to contact an Arizona attorney so they may ascertain the nature of your previous conviction, and determine if your conviction qualifies for a set aside. Additionally, an attorney may be able to evaluate whether the restoration of civil rights as a first-time felony offender statute applies to your situation. The information contained in this answer is intended to be used as information only, and is not intended to be construed or interpreted as legal advice.
what can I do to get a set aside I have s class 2 sum its been about 24 yrs ago when I done this
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