Expunging or sealing records
questions & answers
Question: I was arrested in 2008 for possesion of meth and paraphenalia. My judgement was to complete tasc for a year and pay all fines and what not. I successfully completed the diversion program and now my case is dismissed. Am I eligible for my case to be expunged? I am asking for the reason of wanting to join The Arizona National Guard. I have a recruiter saying he is wanting to work with me but the current case dismissed will not help. He says I need my case expunged
Answer: Please follow the link to the AZLawHelp article on Expunging or sealing records.
I was arrested in 2008 for possesion of meth and paraphenalia. My judgement was to complete tasc for a year and pay all fines and what not. I successfully completed the diversion program and now my case is dismissed. Am I eligible for my case to be expunged? I am asking for the reason of wanting to join The Arizona National Guard. I have a recruiter saying he is wanting to work with me but the current case dismissed will not help. He says I need my case expunged
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