AHCCCS Medical Program
questions & answers
Question: I would like to know why it is that my income does not count towards my stepchildren when it comes to medical? My husband is currently not working due to he has hemodialysis 3 times a week so I am the primary wage earner in the home. Because my income does not count towards them we are over income for AHCCCS for me & my husband. We had AHCCCS but now don't qualify for TMA & his copays are expensive through my insurance from work.
Answer: The Department of Economic Security can talk to you about eligibility criteria. You can call them at 1-800-352-8401 or 602-542-9935.
I would like to know why it is that my income does not count towards my stepchildren when it comes to medical? My husband is currently not working due to he has hemodialysis 3 times a week so I am the primary wage earner in the home. Because my income does not count towards them we are over income for AHCCCS for me & my husband. We had AHCCCS but now don't qualify for TMA & his copays are expensive through my insurance from work.
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