Other Family Issues
questions & answers
Question: I want a divorce, husband doesn't. He is the cause of the divorce. When I talk about it he gets mad, makes accusations and threats. He does not get physically violent, but he has told me things like I cannot leave (or takes my keys or phone so I can't), or I cannot take the kids from the house, or says he will take the kids. He is very possessive and becomes a bully when divorce is brought up. On multiple occasions he has driven off aggressively saying his life is over without me and the kids. I feel like the kids and I need somewhere else to stay while I file to avoid more detriment. Can I?
Answer: The types of intimidation you describe can be classified as domestic abuse. You do not mention where, in Arizona, you live, so I am unable to give you a specific telephone number. Check out the Department of Economic Security's Domestic Violence Program. Go to: https://des.az.gov/services/basic-needs/shelter-housing/domestic-violence-services. The website has phone numbers to help you find assistance in your local area. Arizona is a no fault divorce state. He does not have to agree to the divorce. The only requirements under Arizona law are that at least one of you live in Arizona and that you believe the marriage is irretrievably broken. (A.R.S. Section 25-312). You can find the forms and instruction you need on the court's website. Go to: https://www.azcourts.gov/selfservicecenter/Family-Law-Forms. The court's website also has domestic violence information in the self-service center. Your situation is rather complex, so you will probably need legal help. The domestic violence programs do have legal resources available or they can direct you to a lawyer who can help you. They may also be able to find you a safe place to live.
I want a divorce, husband doesn't. He is the cause of the divorce. When I talk about it he gets mad, makes accusations and threats. He does not get physically violent, but he has told me things like I cannot leave (or takes my keys or phone so I can't), or I cannot take the kids from the house, or says he will take the kids. He is very possessive and becomes a bully when divorce is brought up. On multiple occasions he has driven off aggressively saying his life is over without me and the kids. I feel like the kids and I need somewhere else to stay while I file to avoid more detriment. Can I?
Free & Reduced Fees Legal Aid Resources
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- Please select your county of residence below.
State Bar of Arizona
www.azbar.org -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Catholic Charities - Coconino, Apache, Navajo Counties
View full description - Community Legal Services - Central Office
View full description - Catholic Charities - Central & Northern Arizona
View full description - Maricopa County Regional Homeless Court
View full description - DNA - People's Legal Services - Tuba City
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