Other Family Issues
questions & answers
Question: With joint custody, how are heath insurance premiums, co pays, dental , optical all handled? One parent pays for all as in my daughters case?
Answer: First, an order for support is ruled by the court if there are any issues with the support of a child. Additionally, according to Arizona Revised Statute 25-503, the method of the child support payments are calculated based upon the obligors income. See 25-503 (1)-(3). Finally, ARS 25-535. Enforcement of health insurance coverage; medical support notice; administrative review; is a good source to review how a parent is required by an administrative or court order to provide health insurance coverage for a child shall provide the department or its agent with the name of the health insurance coverage plan under which the child is covered, the effective date of the coverage, a description of the coverage, the name of the employer and any other necessary information, forms or documents related to the health insurance coverage as provided to all new members within thirty days after the support order is established.
With joint custody, how are heath insurance premiums, co pays, dental , optical all handled? One parent pays for all as in my daughters case?
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