Other Family Issues
questions & answers
Question: My husbands ex-wife and her current boyfriend have been harassing my husband about giving up his parental rights and change his daughters last name. He is behind on child support (has his first job in almost 3 yrs of which we can't even cover our bills with) she refuses to even let him speak to his daughter over the phone, among other things. We need to speak with a lawyer or something please what do we need to do? We don't want to lose his daughter and we want visitations which he hasn't in almost 3 yrs (ex-wife blames me the current wife go figure.) please help
Answer: You may wish to seek counsel of an attorney on this matter. Access to Justice.org can assist you in finding a low cost attorney for a small fee. You may also want to check out the Superior court in your county to see how to enforce his visitation as well as get caught up with child support payments. You can go to http://www.azcourts.gov/familylaw/Home.aspx for information and forms.
My husbands ex-wife and her current boyfriend have been harassing my husband about giving up his parental rights and change his daughters last name. He is behind on child support (has his first job in almost 3 yrs of which we can't even cover our bills with) she refuses to even let him speak to his daughter over the phone, among other things. We need to speak with a lawyer or something please what do we need to do? We don't want to lose his daughter and we want visitations which he hasn't in almost 3 yrs (ex-wife blames me the current wife go figure.) please help
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