Name Change

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Question: During the final divorce could I change my name back to my maiden name but also keep my married last name, Just hyphen it? EX: jane doe-smoe

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Question: Why is it that I would be required to notify anyone I have had children with when I change my name?

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Question: When my son was born 12 years ago his father and I weren't married and I gave him my last name, this was in San diego. Then his father and i married in Virginia. I didn't change his name on his birth certificate but I did have it changed on his social security card to his father's last name. So since he was 2 he's had his fathers name. Since then we've divorced and I've remarried. But I wanted to finally change my son's last name on his b-certifn

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Question: I need names ADDED to filed certificates, not changed. There are no court order forms for this as required by the Office of Vital Records (R9-114 thru R9-118) This set of twins only needs to add given names, not change their surnames. The forms available are not accurate for this situation and cannot be used without major adjustments. Need these certificates immediately for plane travel requiring ID. HELP

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Question: Can i change the last name of my child from his biological fathers to mine, legally with out his consent if he is incarerated?

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Question: My ex wife and I are legally divorced and in our divorce decree it states for hee to restore her maiden name. But she still hasn't done it yet, what do I do??

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Question: I would like to know the cost of a name change for my child, and i woudl liek to print off the forms to do it myself but the link in the text would not pull up the site. thank you

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Question: My daughter was born in 2004, at the time my boyfriend did not have ID on him so they would not let him sign the birth certificate. We were planning on changing her last name from mines to his before she started school, in Nov 2006 he was killed she does get social security from her father and I really would like to grant his wish for his only child to have his last name and she was always taught that her last name is his, please tell me what I can do to change her last name to his?

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Question: I came from a very dysfunctional home.I never did get married,as luck has it.I been thinking about changing it to my great grandmothers last name.Can this be done since I wont be getting married anytime soon,cAN A PERSON ALSO CHANGE THERE FIRST NAME MY BROTHER HAS COMMITTED D. V. IS MY OTHER CONCERN WE LIVE IN FEAR OF HIM FINDING ME,

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Question: I want to hyphenate my daughter's last name.She currently has her biological father's last name,who has nothing to do with her.I have remarried and want to give her mine and my husband's last name,who is the only father she knows.Can I do that? And since I am not removing my ex's last name,do I still need his consent?

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Question: My son was born while i was out of the country and his mother put her boyfriends last name down as my sons last name on the birth certificate. Do I have a legal right to have my sons name changed to my last name?

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Question: We added a middle name to our son's name after we turned in the hospital paperwork. I sent off for his official birth certificate and noticed that it does not have the added second middle name. He is two now, what do I need to ensure that both of his middle names are part of his legal name and on his birth certificate?

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Question: Do I still need the my ex's permission if I have sole custody? He has never even paid child support.My kids want their name changed too.

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Question: My son is 5 years old. I have sole custody. I read the self service paperwork and it says I have to notify the other parent or show "order terminating parental rights of the other parent." Is my divorce decree showing sole custody good enough? I know sole custody gives me the right to make decisions for my children even if my ex does not agree.

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Question: I have a felony conviction. Will this prevent me from changing my name?

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Question: Do all name changes have to publish? What if adult needs visa and the name is not what they went by and now the passport office is refusing to issue to US Armed Service member. How do you get around the publication issue if they are leaving on tour of duty forthwith. Is there not a special provision for this type of name change AND can they get one.

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Question: i want to change both my sons last name i hav sole custody n their dad is incarserated for 11 years does he still hav to agree?

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Question: I am recently married and want to legally change my name. What documents do I need to complete?

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Question: My daughter who is 14 almost 15 would like to change her name. She would like to have this changed before she gets her drivers licenses. Do you know how much this will cost and what is involved?

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Question: My divorce was final in March of 2009 and I opted to not take my maiden name back at that time. I have since changed my mind. How can I go about restoring my maiden name?

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Question: Im 13 and want my daddys last name. My dna giver or "real dad" means nothing to me. My daddy has been there for me since i was 2. He has different dna but who cares. my mom said i can borrow money and she will help me change my last name to be like her and my daddy. but how? my mom says dna dad has to say its okay to change my last name. but he wont. i even asked him. and i only see him one every few years. cant i tell judge i want my daddy's last name even if not same dna? pleaze help.

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Question: how many times can I change my name?

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Question: how do you get the fathers name off the child's birth certificate and change the child's name to the mother's last name. have been divorced for 2 years and the father has abandoned the child no contact and no child support

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Question: I got married, but my Marriage certificate still has my old name. Has my Name changed automaticly after marriage or do I have to do something to get the Last Name of my Husband?

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Question: When we got married, we both hyphenated our last names to form one. Now, we are frustrated with having the hyphenated name and would like to switch--my husband back to just his last name and myself to having my last name as my second middle name and his as my last. How do we go about this?

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Question: I need to know how to change my name back to my maiden name.I have been divorced for nine years now my Daughter from this marriage is now 18 and I no longer have her on my insurance as that is why I didnt take my maiden name back at the time of the divorce and now I want to change it.So if you could please tell me how I can do that and I am on a limited income so free help would be great. Thank You

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Question: I will like to change my first name what would i need to do?

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Question: I am legally divorced and wanted my maiden name back, but know don't want to change it, do I have to change it?

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Question: How do I change my name in AZ and Maricopa County

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Question: I have twins and i wasnt married at the time they were born. My ex put him his last name knowing that they werent his, after 3 yrs we broke up and i put him on child support, he denied to help me and requested a dna test, of course it showed up they were not his, now, i dont know anything about him and i want to change my kids last name to mine, how can i do that or what papers do i need, we already went to court and show the dna results to the judge, now, to have a birth certificate again with my last name what do i need to do

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Question: I am a convicted felon, can I legally change my name?

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Question: need a copy of name change where do i go or call

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Question: I have an old felony can i change my last name

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Question: I filed to change my name and have a hearing date. Is it possible to amend the filing prior to the hearing to make changes?

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Question: how can i change last name to my dauther im not his blood father but i have her sends she was 1 year old

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Question: What is the fee when changing your name? Also will I be able to change my first and middle only?

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Question: what if the father is not on the birth cert. Will i still need to get his consent to change my sons last name?

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Question: when you graduate medical school, do you have to legally change your name to DR.?

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Question: What if I [the mother] am the only one on the birth certificate? Then does the father have to sign it?

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Question: If i want to change my childs last name and there is no father on the birth certificate, am I the only one who has to sign?

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Question: I have a 6year old daughter from a previous relationship we were never married,but she has his last name. He is paying child support. I've been married for 3 years and have two more children,and i would like to change my daughter's last name to ours. how would i do this and would it effect child support payments?

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Question: my 6 year old son lives with his grandparents and we want to get his last name changed can the grandparents change it without my the other parents permission and my son says grandpa is more of a dad to him then his birth dad

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Question: I am a father with joint custody of my 2 1/2 year old son. His last name is his mother's on the birth certificate. How can I go about changing his last name to mine? We have had joint custody since he was 8 months old and I have been there since his birth.

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Question: I just got married and changed my last name and want to change my daughters last name to match my husband's and my last name. Her current last name was my maiden name. Her biological father has never been in her life. How do I go about changing her last name?

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Question: Can groom take the bride's last name?

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Question: Will a judge grant my request to change my name to something other then a former name during a divorce proceeding

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Question: Can a person still change their name if they have been convicted of a felony?

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Question: Hi, I legally changed my last name this year (2011) and wanted to know if my wife has to file and pay for her last name to be changed?

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Question: How do I request a name change for my minor son?

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Question: How much does it cost to get a name change?

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Question: Does my spouse have to sign my petition for legal name change for me to go back to my maiden name? There are no divorce proceedings pending.

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Question: Where or who do I call to change my 5 year old daughters last name? I want to put her dad's last name before she starts school.

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Question: What is the price of a name change? I have 3 minor children and want their last names to be the same as mine, what all do I have to do and how much will it cost me?

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Question: I was convicted of a 2 felonies (non-dangerous and non-repetitive) about 19-20 years ago. I'd like to now change my name but am concerned this might be a hang up. The reason i wish to change my name is simple. I don't like it, never have. most people who know me call me by the name i wish to use (first name anyway). what should I anticipate as objections or concerns? By the way, have only had one traffic ticket in the past 20 years.

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Question: I have a 6 month old son ahd i want his last name changed to his real father but I hand my ex-boyfriend that lived with me, he wanted to be his dad so my son has his last name we thought it would work, but it didn't. Now the real father wants to give him his last name, how do I get my son's last name changed to his father's?

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Question: I agreed to allow my son's father to change his last name. I signed the paperwork a full year ago, but he never processed it. Is there a statute of limitations on the petition I signed? My son was 20 months at the time and has since learned his full given name, so no longer wish to change his name

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Question: hi i have 4 kids 3 are not by me but ive raised them since ages of 3mnths and up they now want my last name who do i call about this ??

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Question: I want to change Back to my maiden name. I am not legaly divorced. I have been seperated to 18 years and have no idea where my husband is. Can I file for a legal name change without being divorced?

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Question: My daughter's father has been incarcerated since she was 5 months old . we get no help from him or his family. does he have to be informed and approve to change her name to my last name? he has a 25 to life sentence.

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Question: i am about to have a child in october. the father of the baby wants to take me to court to get the last name changed to his. he's been in and out of helping one month he will help the next he won't. we've never been married. will a judge approve of the last name change?

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Question: How much does it cost?

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Question: hi I have a 4 year old who I want to change his last name to my boyfriends last name because the name he has now is my ex so what do I do to make it the guy I am with now? an how much is it?

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Question: I am trying to do a formal name change for my son. His biological father's rights were terminated july 2012. Do I still have to notify him of the name change?

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Question: I am trying to do a formal name change for my son. His biological father's rights were terminated july 2012. Do I still have to notify him of the name change?

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Question: My dad hasn't been apart of my life for 3 years and lives out of state.My mom has sole custody of me and I want to change my last name to my mom's maiden name. Can my sister and I have our mom change our name and does my dad need to approve it since mom has sole custody?

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Question: When I got my divorce I did not indicate that I would be taking back my maiden name. Shortly after, I just started using it. Thirty-two years later I am experiencing a problem with Social Security. I will be 62 next year and need to legally change my name so I will be able to collect my monthly Social Security. I was divorced in California but now reside in Arizona. My question is, will I need a Certified or Exemplified copy of my Divorce Decree? Or no copy at all?

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Question: I want to change my 3 year old son's middle name. He was born in AZ, I'm currently in TX . Am I able to do it online or do I need to be present in court?

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Question: Would I be able to get visitation of my two children if they live in a diffrent city? They live with there grandparents and there mother live in the same city I live in.

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Question: Hello I have a two twelve year olds and I want to change their last name to my last name because they have their fathers last name and he no longer lives with us so I want to change their last name. How much would it cost to change their last name and how do I change it..?

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Question: I have a 4 year old step daughter and her real father does not come around and hardly ever has but pays child support. She does not have his last name she has my wife's maiden last name. I am married to her mother and was wondering how I could go about getting some kind of guardianship over her or if I can legally get her last named change because I have been around since she was a baby and doesn't believe her last name isn't the same as mine. Thank you looking forward to hearing back.

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Question: who do i call if i have not gotten my child support payment in 2 weeks

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Question: I have a 2 year old daughter from a previous relationship, which the dad (for the most part) is not in the picture. I just recently got married, so my name is now the same as my husbands. We also want to change my daughters last name to be the same. How do I go about doing that? Is it possible to do so without the paternal fathers consent, when she has my maiden name currently and the father is not on the birth certificate?

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Question: My boyfriend and I had our daughter in the state of colorado. We hyphenated her last name, now that we are married we want to change her name to his last name. Do we still have to go to court for that?

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Question: I am getting married and wanted to change my entire name due to issues with identity theft. My question is is it possible to change my entire name during the name change process of getting married, what steps will I legally need to take. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance .

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Question: What are the steps I would have to follow to add a middle name and I was born in Mexico but have been a citizen since 2000?

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Question: Hi i want to get married to my boyfriend and i want to change my son last name to his my son has my last name would i be able to change my sons name

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Question: Hello. My ex husband and I were not married nor was he around and in the picture when our son was born so I gave our son my last name. My son is going on 8 years old and my ex wants to change his last name to his. My only issue at this point is my son knows his last name by now and I don't think it's right to change it if it's not something he wants to do. At what age will the court take my son's thoughts into consideration before forcing him to change his name? Thank you!

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Question: how old do you have to be to change your name

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Question: if my birth certificate only has my last name do i still have to pay to change my name?

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Question: Can my girlfriend have my last name if we aren't married

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Question: I have a 10 yr old son. His father's name isn't on birth certificate. He has not helped at all. I started to take him for child support but that fell through. I really don't want him involved in his life. He shows no concerns of my son's welfare. My question is can I change my son's last name (his father's)to mine without going through the courts in establishing him being his father? We were never married. His last contact with him was over 4 yrs ago. There is nothing that's been done through the courts. I also want my fiance to be able to adopt him (they want that too)

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Question: I have a 12 year old son, who has a hyphenated last name. He wants to drop one of the hyphened names so that we have the same last name. His bio father never signed the birth certificate and has never been in the picture. Do I need to contact the bio father in order to get the name change? Or can I do the name change without notifying him? As stated, my son's bio father never signed the birth certificate and has never been in the picture.

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Question: I have not change my name after marriage but now i want to nominate my son .Can I do this without changing my name as our names arent match?

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Question: I have been married for over 7 years but never took his last name. I would like to change mine to his but don't know since we have been married awhile and have children together.

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Question: The father of my son has his name on the birth cirtificate and also my son has his last name. But over the last 6 months, his father has shown no real interest in wanting to see him and hasn't helped pay for any expenses. My question is, is there anyway I can get my sons last name changed to mine so his father can't decide to come back into the picture a few years from now and try to get custody?

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Question: I am a widow and would like to return to my maiden name; do I need to file a name change request? or can I just go back to my maiden name

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Question: I got married in Tucson and now divorced. i didn't return back to my maiden last name when it was finalized. but i wish to change my last name, but not to my maiden last name but to my childrens last name. do i have to go back and file for a name change in Tucson, or can i do it here in Phoenix? My children have their dads last name and we don't want to get married but do i need his permission to do so? Do i have to change my birth cert to the last name change or can i just keep it as maiden once i change?

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Question: I'm wanting to change my kids last name to my last name how do I go about it?? Father is not in the picture he is in prison for 12 years, that being said i want to make sure when he comes out he can not use my sons identity due to him being a jr main reason for the name change.

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Question: If I was born in Las Vegas, NV, but have been living in the state of AZ since 2013, am I able to legally take off my middle name here in AZ?

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Question: I have been divorced for almost ten years and my ex-husband has been remarried since almost immediately after the divorce and his wife is not demanding I change my last name. I have two children with him and have had the name for twenty years. Can he legally make me change it and what are the costs and requirements in doing so as far as notifying the appropriate people

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Question: I want to know if I change my name back to my birth name, if I can still use both names. i.e. Birth Name changed from Ernest (info removed), I want to continue using both names. i.e. My current legal name is Merrick (info removed)

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Question: Before me and my sons father got married and when i had my son his father did sign his birth certificate but my son is carrying my lastname and his fathers lastname as part of his middle name until we get married then i would want my son now to reverse his middle name which is the fathers lastname to my sons lastname ans my lastname to his middle name as well, will there be a fee to that or is it free do reverse his middle and lastname?

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Question: How much are the fees for changing my name?

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Question: I want to give my stepdaughter my last name, her biological father lives in Mexico and he hasn't been in her life at all. She's 10 yrs old and I have been taking care of her since she was 2. How can I do this If me and my wife don't know his whereabouts?

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Question: My daughter is 9 months right now, i still havent gone to go get her birth certificate. And now i want to remove her last name of the father. Can i still change her last name before i get her birth certificate?

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Question: throughout my pregnancy the father of my child wasn't around because I felt threatened by him and when I gave birth I gave my son my last name which means he is not in the birth certificate hes been around , spend time with our son but now he wants to take me to court to change the last name . what can I do to keep my last name? and no we weren't married or planned on it

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Question: Hi I was married for 9 years...After the divorce I removed my husband last name ...I feel devastated now that I did that ..can I change and add my husband last name again?

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Question: I have a 2 year old from my previous marriage. Her father moved out of state after we separated and filled for divorce since i did not know of his whereabouts i was given sole custody. I have not changed my last name back to my maiden name because i wanted my daughter to have my same last name. Can i add my last name after her father's last name? maybe hyphenated? what is the process? does her father have to sign? where do i go to start the process?

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Question: My exhusband has signed over his parental rights to my 11 year old daughter. If I go to the courts can she have her last name changed to mine since he no longer has any rights to her?

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Question: Me and my wife got married and my step daughter has my wife's maiden name do we need permission from the father to change her last name to ours? she is starting to get upset that she doesn't have our last name and we would like to correct that. My wife has sole physical custody so we were unsure about the procedure.

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Question: What do I need to do to change one of my daughters last name. My domestic partner is not the biological father but he has been there with my daughter and i since about 3 months into my pregnancy. My daughter currently has my last name but both my partner and i want to change her last name to his. Her biological father isnt in the birth certificate nor in her life. And she is 1. What are the steps to change her last name?

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Question: How long does it take to have your name changed in Arizona?

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Question: I was born in Oregon and reside in Arizona. My birth name was my Mom's maiden name however, I would now like to take my Dad's last name. Where do I file for a name change Oregon or Arizona? If Oregon do I have to appear for the court date if I don't live in Oregon?

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Question: My husband and I were married in 2008 on our marriage license I have his last name but I never officially started using it. I now want to have his last name. How do I go about that process. I was wondering if I have to petition the courts for a change of name since it has been so long or just take my marriage license into the social security office and have it done?

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Question: I turn 18 in October. I was wondering what it would take to change my last name to my moms maiden name in October. My mom is okay with it and father hasn't been in my life. Also my mom and father are seperated and going through child support issues. Is there anything that would prevent me from doing that? If so what can i do?

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Question: I am divorced and kept my married name. I am now getting married again and upon marriage want to change my last name to my maiden name hyphenated with my new husband's last name. Can I do this and what do I need to do to make that happen?

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Question: My husband and I were married in 2010, I didn't change my last name then, but now I want to. On my marriage license/certificate my name doesn't have my husbands last name. How can I change my last name to my husbands?

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Question: I filed for divorce about 2 years ago but my ex wife still has my last name. I wasn't aware and didnt have the money to pay for it afterwards. She lives in the same state but different county. How do i go about getting her maiden name back to her?

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Question: My son's mother used her ex-husband name as the father on the birth certificate i am the bio father I was giving full custody by the courts how do change his name on the birth certificate and social security card

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Question: Question: I'm not divorced yet but I am separated. Can I change my last name to my maiden last name before getting divorced? How much would this cost me?

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Question: I am married with one child and carry my maiden name. I would like to hyphenate our daughters last name to show my maiden name and her father's last name. Can I do that?

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Question: Hi, I turned 22, and would like the same last name as my mother. Can you please let me know what is the fee for doing that? I want to surprise her it would make her so happy. Thank you for your time.

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Question: I am a legal, permanent resident of the United States, not a citizen of the United States. I want to change my first name. Can I do this here? If so, how can I change it on my documentation of legal status and residence here?

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Question: So my daughters father and i where together when she was born naturally i gave her his last name. On Septemeber 29, 2015 he was arrested and charged with his 3rd domestic. There's a 2 year order of protection in place he gets visitation within that op. Due to all this id like to not change but at least hyphenate her last name can i do this?

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Question: I Was Wondering How Much Would It Be To Change My 13 Year Old Daughter Last Name?

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Question: Am I able to use the certified copy of my marriage license at the Social Security Administration to change my last name or do I also have to file papers with the court?

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Question: When I was 5 my mom married a man who was not my father, we moved to Wisconsin, and when my mom registered me for school, she just used her married name for me. I am now having problems because my birth cert doesn't match- trying to get a license here in AZ, I am married and the marriage license has my name on it, I have not used the last name on my birth cert since I was 5. How can I change my last name permanently and legally. I am living in AZ now, again. Thank you

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Question: I was born in CA and started using my step-father's last name at approx. 8 years old. I never legally changed my last name but my military records, ssn, etc. all use my step-father's last name which I've used throughout my life. I'm now a resident of AZ. Can I legally change my name here to the name I'm already using for all forms of ID/records? I just want to ensure my birth cert matches all my other forms of ID. Thanks

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Question: How do you get the cost of a name change fee waived. I am on disability. Are there certain papers I need to show proof of income and if so which ones. How is a waive determined at the time of filing and who decides?

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Question: I would like to add my last name to my daughters birth certificate. They currently have fathers last name. I have sole custody of them and their father & I were never married. He's always been inconsistent with his visitation rights (in and out of their lives, Reason for change). Do I need a court order & his permission to add my last name to their birth certificate?

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Question: I have a 5 year old and she has my maiden name as her last name (her biological father is not in the picture and never has been) I recently got married and would like to hyphenate her last name with my maiden name and my married name. How would I go about doing that? Is it possible to do without her "fathers" permission since I couldn't even tell you where he is?

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Question: Does being an ex felon prevent me from changing my name?

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Question: My child was born out of wedlock and me and the father rarely speak. I plan on giving the child my last name. Does he have any rights to change the name?

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Question: I want to change my name due to domestic violence. He was convicted in Texas, a felony. And here but only a misdemeanor. Im getting ready to move and want it done fast. I dont know where he is but I know hes keeping a eye on me. I dont have the funds to pay so how do I go about it

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Question: How much does a name change cost for a child who is five years old

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Question: My soon to be wife and I would like to create a new last name when we get married, how do I fill out the marriage license form to reflect that?

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Question: Where can i go and get help filling out forms for name change.

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Question: I recently divorced, and due to an error the request to restore my maiden name was not checked on the decree. I currently live out of state for graduate school, though I still hold an AZ driver's license and remain registered as a resident in Pima County. Since I am out of state, how do I now go about getting my name restored?

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Question: I want to know if it is possible to add another name to my baby of 6 months, for example if his name is Luis but I want his name to be Jose Luis

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Question: I just got married and want to change my daughters last name to match mine. She is 6 months old and there is no father on the birth certificate nor do I know who they are. What forms do I need and will I have to pay a fee for PIMA county minor name change because of marriage.

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Question: How much is it to change fathers name on birth cert. I have a court order to change this I jus don't know how much it will cost

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Question: Can I get a new birth certificate with my new name after a name change. I heard I can but I still want to make sure. Can that even be possible. What do I have to go through to get a new birth certificate with only my new name.

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Question: How do I change my children's last name to their biological father's last name?

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Question: My sixteen year old son was giving mine and his mother's last names at birth by a nurse that took it upon herself to do so. At the time she and I weren't together but since have been. What we want to do is remove his mother's last name which leaves him with one first, middle, and one last name instead of one first, one middle, and two last names How do I go about doing it?

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Question: I got divorced and in the decree it did not grant me permission to change my name. I took the decree to the Soc Sec office and the still processed it. I have a new Soc card and drivers license with my maiden name. But keep having trouble as it was never officially changed in the courts. Do I have to file for a name change and pay the fee or is there a way to add it into the decree so I can officially go back to my maiden name?

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Question: My husband and I separated after my daughter was born and we then got divorced. She has his last name and I would like to change it before she starts school. It has been almost 5 years since he has seen her. I never got an original copy of her birth certificate. Do I still need to file through the courts for a name change?

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Question: I want to change my 3 year old daughter's name, but she does not have a father listed on her birth certificate. How do I go about this since there is not a father on her birth certificate?

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Question: when i married my second husban i still had my fiert husban´s last name what can i do to change it fron the marriage certificate since we wantto make ar double citizenship for ar daughter.and in the mexican consulate they told us that, it does not match my last name of my birth certificate.thank you.

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Question: Can I change my daughters middle and last name without her father’s permission he hasn’t seen her in 10 months I have sole custody.

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Question: My child was born in California, but now we live in Arizona. My wife and I are in agreement on changing her name. My question is that, can I go through the Arizona courts to change her name. Or do I have to file all the paperwork through California courts.

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Question: I changed my name when I was 19 YOA with the Social Security and then got married. I'm now divorced and the box was not checked off to restore my maiden name. Now, I want to get my drivers license in Arizona but, my birth certificate has my birth name and my divorce shows my married name. Now AZ MVD told that there is no legal document when I change my name when I was 19. So they what me to change my name back to my birth name just so I can get a drivers license. Now my California ID show my changed and married name Social Security has me in there system with both names.

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Question: I have a 1 year old son that does not have me or his biological father last name how can I get his last name same as his biological father last name

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Question: My daughter will be 5 in August of this year. There is no father on her burth certificate, and the biological father has never been in contact. I married when she was a year old and her step father has been her father. I want to change her name to her step fathers name. He is thr only father she has ever known ad rhey love each other dearly.

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Question: Hello, I got my name changed in Tucson years ago, but can't find the document proof! I've moved away from the area to another state. Is there a way I can get the proof of a name change paper mailed to me?

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Question: I would like to change my last name. What would be the first thing I would need to do?

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Question: I have used the last name of my mothers second husband for my whole life. I was unaware that I was not officially adopted or entitled to use the name until recently with the new ID law coming into effect. Can I change my name legally now. If I do so will my wife have change her name. even though we were married several years ago? every thing I own is in the last name of my step dad does that matter if I change it now?

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Question: How to change the name of my Newborn Child? Is a hearing still required?

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Question: I left an abusive marriage in another state 16 years ago. My husband has died. This was a second marriage so I want to go back to the name prior to this marriage since I have adult children with that name and plan to be buried with the first husband. What will I need to proceed with this name change.

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Question: How do I determine my wife's legal name? Prior to marriage and according to her birth certificate, her name was [first name] [mother's maiden surname] [father's surname]. After marriage and consistent with her cultural practice, she dropped her mother's maiden surname as a middle name and now uses [first name] [Father's surname] [husbands surname]. There is no indication of the name change on the marriage certificate. How do we know what is the proper name to use for driver's licenses, passports etc.?

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Question: I have been legally married for 3 years, and have decided to take on my husband's last name. Do I still need to go through this process and court hearing? Or is there another route that can be taken?

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Question: named changed when a child. different from birth name. no paperwork done. need birth name changed to current name in order to fly. Thank you

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Question: My Birth Certificate reads Kitrina and I have been writing as Katrina since high school. Everything I own is in Katrina, Driver's Lic, Soc Sec card, Bank Account, Home ownership. With the new Driver's Lic requirements my Birth Cert. would not make it possible any longer to have it Katrina they will only issue with Kitrina. Do I have to do a legal name change?

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Question: Hi, I was wondering if somebody could tell me what the processes for removing a father off of my three-year-old daughter’s birth certificate and changing her name? He is her biological father, however a year and a half ago we moved to a different state and he has not bothered to have any contact with her for over a year And of course has never paid child support. I’d like to take him off of her birth certificate and change her name to my name instead. Thank you for your advice!

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  • I want to know if it is possible to add another name to my baby of 6 months, for example if his name is Luis but I want his name to be Jose Luis
  • What if I [the mother] am the only one on the birth certificate? Then does the father have to sign it?
  • Where to Buy Kamagra Online at the Best Price without Prescription?

  • Can my girlfriend have my last name if we aren't married
  • Hi, I legally changed my last name this year (2011) and wanted to know if my wife has to file and pay for her last name to be changed?
  • My daughter's father has been incarcerated since she was 5 months old . we get no help from him or his family. does he have to be informed and approve to change her name to my last name? he has a 25 to life sentence.
  • i am about to have a child in october. the father of the baby wants to take me to court to get the last name changed to his. he's been in and out of helping one month he will help the next he won't. we've never been married. will a judge approve of the last name change?
  • Will a judge grant my request to change my name to something other then a former name during a divorce proceeding
  • Do all name changes have to publish? What if adult needs visa and the name is not what they went by and now the passport office is refusing to issue to US Armed Service member. How do you get around the publication issue if they are leaving on tour of duty forthwith. Is there not a special provision for this type of name change AND can they get one.
  • Where or who do I call to change my 5 year old daughters last name? I want to put her dad's last name before she starts school.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program


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