Parental Rights & Obligations

questions & answers

Question: what are the fathers rights if not married?

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Question: If I have sole custody do I need the other parents permission to take our child out of the country on vacation?

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Question: Where can I find curfew laws?

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Question: My daughter's father has abandoned her for the last 6 years. Can I file for termination of parental rights and how do I do so.

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Question: If a child is born out of wedlock and the parents later marry,then separate does the father have equal paternal rights to that child?

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Question: While I was with my Mom at her boyfriend's house in CA, my friend and I walked in on them watching porn in the living room. They didn't hear us come in so she doesn't know that I know. I told my Dad and he is trying to decide how to handle this. I want to know (and so does my Dad) if this is reason enough for my Dad to get sole custody. Now they both have joint physical custody. Has a crime been commited and how will the courts view this event? Thank you.

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Question: do I lose my rights to my child if a grandparent is apointed permanent guardian?

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Question: What parental rights do I have as a non-custodial parent. The custodial parent refuses to inform of medical conditions, medical and dental visits, school functions (states I am forbidden to attend), parent-teacher conferences, open house at school, basically he believes I am not permitted to have any form of contact outside my ordered visitation time - Saturdays 7am - 6pm?

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Question: Please describe what the courts look at for "best Interest for the child". Do they take into account what the child(ren) want?

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Question: My husband and I are getting divorced and have 4 children under the age of 12. We have not been able to reach an agreement on custody and temporary orders  included that joint physical custody be granted. In addition, there are "parentling evaluations" scheduled . What is a "Parenting evaluation" and what kinds of questions should I expect? Will there be an opportunity for me to provide the evaluator with inforation? Thank you!

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Question: My ex wife and I have been divorced for 18 months and it involved two kids. Our divorce decree and final agreement is filed in Rogers County Oklahoma. I now live in Arizona and have since the separation in May of 05. This summer my son came to visit and he has been asking his mom if he could live here and she gave me written and verbal permission that he could and now he has been here for 3 months with the agreement that we would modify the final agreement and child support. He is enrolled in school and school activities and after school activities and is doing very well. She is now wanting him to come back to Oklahoma and I want to file documents to keep her from doing this........can I do it here in Arizona or does he have to be here for a certain amount of time? Where can I go to get more info on the net?

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Question: Does a mother have sole custody of a child if you have a child out of wedlock and there is no court order in place?

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Question: i need direction in finding a class were i can take for reinterduction so that i may see my children

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Question: If I want to sign away my rights to my children so that they can be adopted by their stepfather,what steps do I need to take? How do I petition the court, or am I able to even do this?

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Question: Are there any type of communication laws, guidelines,(w/ the mother) that are necessary for when I have my children during my parenting time?

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Question: Can a Father (who is currently married) take the child (of the marriage) and leave to another state without a court decision on custody or any other legal filing.

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Question: Where can I find a court approved parenting class?

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Question: Is there any resources for teen parents available to me?

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Question: My daughter is not married and has a 5 month old baby. The father is already listed on the birth certificate and now wants to "sign away" any parental rights. Is it possible to just sign away all rights? Will he still have to provide child support if he signs away all the rights?

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Question: I have a daughter who will be 16 the end of june. She wants to get married now instead of waiting. How do i go about doing this?? And if i she does get married am i legally responsible for her anymore??

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Question: If the divorce decree states that the father is responsible for dental costs for our children, must he carry dental insurance?? If not and he claims he is unable to pay the 2/3 of he medical/dental that is not covered by insurance what action can I take to get him to pay?

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Question: my ex filed for a order of protection and was granted it against me for him and my kids the year is now up and i need to know how to get my babies back i tried to file to get the order dropped but could not get to the courthouse to do it now i havent seen my kids in 12 months please help

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Question: If the biological father pay for childcare costs only, does that give him the right to claim our child on federal taxes? (we have no court orders established)

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Question: i was given a wavier of consent of guardianship for my son i want to know after i sign it what will be my rights and if i have to pay child support

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Question: I unfortunately am between jobs right now and do not have adequate car insurance. My ex-husband and I have joint legal custody. Is he required to provide transportation for my daughter so she can come and visit me?

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Question: My son is presently in the military and his girlfriend told him she is pregnant but does not want the child but that he may raise the child. He wants to know what he must do to keep sole custody of the child and have her relinquish her rights?

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Question: We are parents of a defiant & verbally aggressive & threatening 15 year old. A recent conflict ended with me as his adoptive stepdad giving him the choice to either work on better behavior or we would need to find alternate living for him. He chose to leave the house and is staying at various friends houses. What obligations do we as parents have to ensure a safe living environment and can we legally force him to return home?

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Question: After 6 months of being pregnant my boyfriend and I have separated and he wants nothing to do with our unborn child do i have to put his name on the birth certificate?

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Question: If I sign off my rights to my daughter and let her step father and mother adopt her am I still responsible for child support.

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Question: Mother is a minor and lives with parents. She and I have agreed to put my (father's) last name on birth certificate. Her parents are refusing. Do I have any legal rights?

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Question: does a father have to pay ful medical if both parents share custody?

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Question: My parents are getting a divorce and my younger sibing resides with my mother. Myself and other siblings realize that our mother is addicted to prescribed medications. My father does not want to write anything in the papers about my mothers drug dependency, however, my siblings and I agree that my mom should have to attend rehab to keep our sibling in her home. Is there legally anything we can do to demand rehab?

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Question: I have recemtly been told I have to relocate for work. My oldest son is 17 years old and graduates in a month. He has told me that he will not move, and when we go, he is "Disapearing". I told him he had to be emancipated to do this, and of course he responded "No one will ever get me". The child has has discplinary problems and typically does not do anything he is told". Is there some legal way of keeping this kid in check?

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Question: my sons mother has sole custody but i have visitation. do parental rights allow me to request medical & school records for my son?

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Question: I and my children's father have been divorced for several years. The children are very comfortable with my boyfriend and I trust him explicitly. Recently, one of the children was injured at school. Administration attempted to contact me, but I was unavailable, as was my ex. My boyfriend is listed as an emergency contact but has no decision making rights over the kids. Can I afford him POA to make those decisions without the consent of my ex?

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Question: My wife recently seperated with our unborn child, and i have to get an essesment done before i can be at the birth of our child, which is very soon, If i am not there or even if i am, what rights does she have to name our our child

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Question: I married a girl that already had a 3yr old.Because she came out pregnant from me.After a yr. of being pregnant she decided to change her sons last name to mine.We divorced after 6yrs. and she said in court I'm her son's father although we DO NOT have a father and son relationship.She lied when she filled out our divorced papers sayin we got married when her son was 9mnths. and NOT 3yrs. and about me being his only father figure.So im having to pay child support for him too.Im not allowed to see my daughter cause i dont have contact with her son.What can I DO to NOT have responsibilities over him

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Question: I live in a different state. My child was on probation in Arizona and even though my custody order allows me alt. holidays and 5 weeks during the summer, the probation dept. would not allow my child to come to my home to visit. Is this legal? Can the probation dept. overrule an existing custody order?

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Question: Where do i go to get signed up for the parenting class?

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Question: My ex-husband has made the choice to move 1 hour away from his daugther. We have joint custody however he is telling me I have to meet him halfway for drop off and pickup on his weekends. Is this correct?

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Question: where do i go to file and establish my paperwork for parental rights, and how much does it cost?

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Question: I am a stepparent. My husband's ex indicated that I can not sign permission slips for the kids to attend school field trips. I checked with the district and they said I could as long as my husband agreed. I always send a copy of the permission slip to his ex (she has never provided the same courtesy to my husband). I want to do what is right and legal. May I continue to sign permissions slips and pay for field trips or must my husband sign these slips?

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Question: the father of my 5 yr old daughter is incarcerated.His name is not on the bith certificate paternity has not been esablished.He has a violent past.he has chid abuse & kidnapping on his public record.I have a res. order in place can he still receive custody or visitation?

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Question: Does the class have to be court ordered? If not how can I take the class. My significant other and I have split recently after 9 years and we have a 6 year old daughter.

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Question: I am currently involved in a custody case that requires I take a parenting class. I was involved in a seperate custody case(the child was not with my soon to be ex) a year ago and took the class. Do I need to retake the parenting class for this case or will the class I took last year work?

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Question: My husband has 3 girls from a previous marriage (joint custody) and I have one son from a previous marriage. We moved into my 1800 sq.ft. home with 3 bedrooms as it is affordable for us without straining and comfortable as we see it. My son is in one room and the girls have the second bedroom with a bunk bed with a third trundle bed so each is able to sleep alone. However, thier mother is arguing that we don't have enough space for them and they aren't allowed to share a room. Is there a law or any grounds to this? Is our living arrangement acceptable?

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Question: i'm in the navy, i'm currently in chicago. my wife and 20 month old daughter live in tucson. my wife decided to leave me and move in with another guy and she took my daughter. she won't tell me where. since we're still married don't i have the right to know where my daughter is and with who?? can i call the police if she won't tell me where my daughter is?

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Question: My son is almost 9 years old and has never seen or met his biological father. He does not even know about him. My fiance has been his dad since he was 2. The bio dad has never attempted to see him or take responcibility and now that he is out of prison he all of a sudden wants to stake claim. Can he do this?

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Question: i have a son in az, and the mother is trying to take my son out my life i'm not on the birth paper but i have been paying her. and now she is trying to change sons name to a man she just do i get fathers rights?how do i get legal assistance when i'm in texas and she i arizona?

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Question: We have custody of two of our neices and feel that we should adopt them. We had them for a year and helped the mother get off drugs and returned them to her for a time. We found them in a hotel with her and older man and another girl. The adults were high and the little girls were filthy dirty and asleep. We brought them home and have had them again for 4 months. They are 4 and 3. We feel that we should adopt them and raise them. What do we do to accomplish this?

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Question: Im am 15 and pregnant. The baby Should be here around the time I turn 16..Im I a legal adult when the baby comes out? If not what rights do I have?

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Question: I know the Navajo Nation is some what like the same as AZ laws so. What age does the child have to bee to decide which parents they want to live with?

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Question: Our 17 year old daughter just had a baby out of wedlock. Do we have rights of say so over our grandson since she is a minor?

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Question: I share joint custody of our 10 year old with my exhusband (I am primary), am I able to modify our visitation agreement if has not taken our son to school (called him in absent) for the last 5 Fridays in a row without my knowledge or consent?

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Question: I am divorced and sole custody of my 2 daughter ages 5 & 7. In my divorce it stipulates I do not have to if form my ex-husband of any thing regarding the girls even a move. He does not even get parenting time of any kind. I do allow supervised visits for the girls's sake as lang as he is sober at the time.He does not pay his child suport. My question is what rights does he have over the girls and how do I terminate his parental rights? so one day my futer husband can adopt them?

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Question: I have a 2 year old son and his bio-father has never really been in his life. We went through a custody hearing and he was given some visitation but now is wanting to sign his rights over. We have mutually agreed on this. How would we go about doing this? I am married and have a stable house hold.

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Question: I have sol custody of my son and his father has been ordered to pay child support but has failed to make an effort too. He has supervised visitation is it legal for me to stop that visitation for failed payment.

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Question: My ex wife and I share joint custody. I have since remarried and have another child. I will have my child from my first marriage while my ex is deployed. I told her that he would be spending a few weeks with his brother at his grandparents house from my marriage now. She responded with she is giving her Mom her custodial rights while she is gone and has threatened to have me banned from letting them spend time without me around with his Grandparents from my current marriage because they are not blood relatives. Can she do this and if so what can I do.

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Question: My significant other and I have a child, we are not married, nor is there any court order in place in regards to child custody. We have been living together in CA for the past 3 years and I want to move to AZ with my child without her. Do i need her permission to do that? I have already planned on filing for sole custody once i get to AZ.

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Question: my 12 year old son just ran away what do I do?

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Question: MCan my sons father, who live in Colorado, take our son away from me? What are his legal rights to our son? We are not and never were married and he is on the birth certificate.

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Question: i have been with my boyfriend for 8yrs we are not married and have been living here for 4yrs. He and i have 2boys together 7yr and 4yrs. He wants me to leave he alwyas tells me to get out and doesnt want a relationship anymore however i have no family here in az therefor i want to move back to ca with my children can i leave the state with my boys without him taking the kids away from me iwant to do this the legal way and need advise. thank you

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Question: i gave birth when i was 16 and the biological father was 20. he signed the birth certificate and left. the child is now 3 years old and he has never had any contact with him or paid child support. im trying to get him to sign away his rights can he do that and what papers would i need to do that? if i cannot would he be able to sign his rights over to my bf who has been taking care of him since birth. if that is what i have to do what papers would i need for that? also my bf is only 18 is he old enough to take guardianship of my son?

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Question: I live with my parents but want to move to another town to re establish my career. they have helped me raise my daughter and now are telling me i cannot take her with me. i have custody of her and their defense is that they have invested alot of time in her. i have the right to just move with her do i not?

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Question: We have Jount Custody, with I being Primary. His parenting time is every other weekend. He is moving 175 miles away soon, do I have to meet him halfway without going to court first? I do not have reliable transportation due to him being $10,0000 behind in Child support. Would I be in contempt or would he need to get a court date to first change the parenting time to include meeting half way? Currently he is to pick them up at school and drop them back off at school, as we do not get along. Does that remain in effect till legally changed?

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Question: We have Jount Custody, with I being Primary. His parenting time is every other weekend. He is moving 175 miles away soon, do I have to meet him halfway without going to court first? I do not have reliable transportation due to him being $10,0000 behind in Child support. Would I be in contempt or would he need to get a court date to first change the parenting time to include meeting half way? Currently he is to pick them up at school and drop them back off at school, as we do not get along. Does that remain in effect till legally changed?

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Question: I have a 13 year old daughter that would like to contact her father, on the original court documents our addresses were not to be listed, however his was. Is there anyway I can legally find out if this is still his current address without violating any privacy issues?

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Question: Once parental rights are severed can a parent petition the courts to get her rights back?

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Question: My former boyfriend has denied me and the baby since i was five months pregnant and as delivery time gets closer he's now threatening me with court and parental rights even though he's under the age of 18 and does drugs. What are his rights?

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Question: the mother of my children left me with our 2 children 8 yrs ago and I have been the sole parent on my own since they were small were not married. what are her rights to come get them and move them with her?

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Question: I recently found out that I am the bio-logical father of a 14 year old daughter who has been adopted. I never knew until June 2011 that I was this child’s father. What rights do I have since this was done without my knowledge? This was actually done in Colorado but I reside in Arizona. I do not want to up-root my child from her adoptive family as she has been with them for 6 years but I would like to met her and let her know that I did not abandon her and I am here for her if she wants to get to know me.

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Question: If a parent surrenders their parental rights in the state of AZ,are they still obligated to pay child support?

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Question: My ex just moved into a new house and now my son is sharing not only a room but a bed with 2 other "brothers". My question is, are children required to have their own beds?

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Question: I am having a child with a 16 year old (I was 17 when I found out I was pregnant) and I just turned 18 less than a month ago. He has been living with me for 3 to 4 months and his father has made him move to Apache junction with the new girlfriend of his. His father has child abuse charges on him and had his daughter taken away for this. We were wondering if he could move with me and my family. He loves it with us and with his father he gets verbal as well as mental abuse I want to know if there is anything I can do to get him out of there and keep him safe.

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Question: What are my rights if I am kicked out by family member?

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Question: With the school year almost complete and AIMS test taken, am I able withdraw my children from school without any proplems or legal issues?

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Question: my husband & i have been separated for years. he does not pay his court ordered child support and ive soley supported our child for the past 10 years & he doesn't come around. My son has became too disruptive & I feel he needs to be with his dad. If I give him to his dad to raise.....can i be charged with child abandonment? also, can he sue me for child support even though he's 30K behind in child support currently?

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Question: My husband got a divorce in AZ to his ex. She remarried military so they move quite often. The youngest child (both in mothers care) is now living in a different state than her mother and is not emancipated or 18 yet. She is either living with her step-dad (against divorce agreement) or own her own. What steps need to be taken to enforce mother's responsibilty of child custody? Dad has custodial custody currently but the child went to live with her mother due to domestic violence towards me. Mom is in WI and child is in NC. Any help would be greatly appreciated to straighten out this issue.

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Question: My daughters father has now seen her since dec 2011 when she was only 2 months old. He does not ask or attempt visits i do have sole custody, can i ask a judge to take away his rights?

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Question: My ex husband and I filed joint custody over our daughter. he was to pay the joint custody fee but as of yet hasn't. it's been about 8 months now. can he still pay it? What happens does one parent have more rights over the other? can I get full custody and he have visitation? help please!

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Question: I have recently filed for child support for my two kids, my oldest is two years old and my youngest is 2 months. I filed a restraining order almost a year ago. Now that I have filed for child support, will the other parent get any rights to be around my kids, even though I have a restraining order still in place since last year?

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Question: My ex-wife has primary custody of my two children and is living in the same household with another man. As the father of my children do I have any rights to know who this individual his (i.e. surname)?

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Question: My wife is sleeping with another man and not coming home at night.  We have teenage children in the house.  What rights do I have?  Canh I box her stuff up and put it in the garage and ask her to leave?

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Question: I moved to Az over 2 years ago and have a 6 year old daughter. Her father and I have joint custody of her in the State Of New Mexico. Does that agreement still hold up in the state of Arizona, as we were never married? Would i have to obide by the joint custody plan that we signed in New Mexico in 2009 or would i be able to get custody of my child in Arizona?

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Question: I previously had a custody hearing in front of the mediator with my ex husband. My new boyfriend was his friend and we all hung out every weekend. We are getting divorced now and I'm seeing his friend. We decided on 50/50 custody. But he doesn't want his old friend, my current boyfriend, near our 3 year old son cause he had a couple bar fight charges and a drug charge 5 years ago. My new boyfriend was always at are house with us and our son. Now he's harmful?The mediator decided we can't live together until a hearing. So he asked to modify it a week later now, he can't even be in public with him. What do I do?

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Question: My son was was recently taken from his father by CPS because he was suspected of substance abuse and unable to provide proper care. I'm the mother and was incarcerated at the time. CPS placed my son temporarily with his fraternal grandmother. I was released on Saturday so i have to wait for mMonday to contact CPS. Is there any reason why my son shouldn't be home with me? Would I be hurting my case if I showed up and brought my son home myself?

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Question: If a divorced parent has full legal custody and full physical custody can they legally move the children out of state without the consent of the other parent?

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Question: What is the next step to get my parental rights back?

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Question: What do I need to do about getting my kids from my husband who doesn't even care for them properly? And IF my fincaee has a weed card does that stop me from having my kids full time?

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Question: I have three childre with my ex. We are stil legally married. What right do I have when it comes to custody issues?

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Question: If you are 18 and still in high school, can your parents legally kick you out ?

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Question: My mother was given guardianship of my children when I was incarcerated. I've been out for over 2 years now. She has not allowed me to see my kids. I had a notarized statement giving custody to their dad, the judge did not accept it. Instead he accepted a letter I wrote to my sister while in county jail. How do I go about getting my kids back or visitation when I.can't afford it. To me this was all done wrong. And she wants child support when I can't see my kids.  

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Question: I spent over 10 years in prison and havent had any luck with work, how can the state of az hold me responsible for back child support for children if the incarceration was imposed under mandatory sentencing and no provision was adopted too offset me being charged child support and fees and interest during the incarceration?

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Question: In Arizona what educational decisions are covered under Joint Legal & Physical Custody Major Decisions?

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Question: I want to move out of state my 14 year old daughter is now living with her father how do I sign over guardianship to him I don't want to give up my rights I just want him able to make legal decisions because we have joint custody and I'm the primary patent

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Question: By law at what age can a minor be left alone

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Question: I have joint legal decision making with my child's father. he recently request a list of everyone who lives in our household do I need to give him that information?

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Question: I have joint legal decision making with my child's father. he recently request a list of everyone who lives in our household do I need to give him that information?

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Question: My children are 15 and 9. I would like to take us on a trip to Europe. When looking at the passport papers it says I need the "other" parent to sign off on Form DS-3053, consent for a minor child to get a passport. My children's father hasn't had ANY contact with them in the past 9+ years. Is there a way around this? Can I file something with Arizona court? Doesn't the length of time count as abandonment by him? Thank you.

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Question: we are fighting to get our child back from foster care. why do I have to pay child support if we plan on getting her back?

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Question: If a child has been removed from the home by CPS and assigned a family guardian 8+ yrs ago, does the mother have to petition the court in order to restore parental rights and get the child back? Or does the guardian have to petition the court?

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Question: Dad lives in Tucson, Mom moved out of State. Dad has primary custody. Dad wants to take daughter to Sierra Vista for a couple of days, Mom objects, saying he needs her permission. It's about 65 mile drive. Does dad need her permission everytime he wants to take a short rode trip within AZ? Thanks in advance.

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Question: How do I strip the father of his parental rights

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Question: will i ever be able to get custody of my children after theyve been adopted

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Question: What are the laws on if a parent moves out of state but has joint custody

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Question: My ex husband has not seen our son's life, or hasn't seen him for 7 years, and my son only hears from his father when I make him call.. He is never on time with child support, and demands I talk to him on the phone rather then text, which I won't do. He hasn't had a job in 8 years and if he does it is normally under the table. I have sole custody. What would I have to do to get his right striped away so my current husband can adopt my son?

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Question: This is a plea for my best friend. She is desperate need of legal help. She has shared custody of her 7 year old daughter with the father of the daughter and his wife. Her ex and his wife have harassed her, have bullied her by coming to her work and causing a scene, that resulted in the police getting called. They have given consent for the daughter to have surgery without the consent of my friend (the girls mom) or even telling her that she was going to have surgery. My friend found out after the surgery was done and the girls face was swollen and purple.

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Question: I am pregnant and not in a relationship with the father. He wanted me to get an abortion and I refused. He has provided no assistance or support and now that I am about to deliver he says he has a change of heart and is making unreasonable demands. What are my rights and how can I protect my child?

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Question: Does my daughter have to have her own room? My ex boyfriend kicked us out and now wants custody of my daughter because we share a bed at my grandma's home

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Question: I am going to be 18 in November but I am in my senior year of high school and I graduate in May, am I legally allowed to move out when I turn 18 before I graduate?

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Question: My ex husband has now been incarcerated for the past 5 years. He has charges of domestic violence and aggravated domestic violence against me which happened in front of the kids. I currently have sole custody and he has not seen or spoken to the kids in at least 4 years. I would like to terminate his parental rights, is this a possibility?

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Question: My hhusband has a child from befor we where married. He was never married to this woman, we are looking into how to get custody or joint custody of his son. Do we need to do a legal paternity test if he is already on the birth certificate and he doesn't question that he's the father?

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Question: My hhusband has a child from befor we where married. He was never married to this woman, we are looking into how to get custody or joint custody of his son. Do we need to do a legal paternity test if he is already on the birth certificate and he doesn't question that he's the father?

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Question: My hhusband has a child from befor we where married. He was never married to this woman, we are looking into how to get custody or joint custody of his son. Do we need to do a legal paternity test if he is already on the birth certificate and he doesn't question that he's the father?

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Question: Under what legal authority does the father (never married) of my 6 year old, who has been deemed unsuitable for joint custody & has yet been able to abide by basic court appointed supervised visitation guidelines, have to continually bring me to court with neglectful parenting allegations, which are always dropped &, coincidentally, decided that he is the perpetrator in each case? Furthermore, as victim to his court declared domestic abuse (physical/metal), how is it that I am being required to be in contact with the perpetrating father, or at risk of losing my son due to parental alienation?

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Question: Me and my boyfriend are both 16 and I'm pregnant but my grandparents are trying to say he can't see the baby or have nothing to do with his child, does he have any rights as a teen father to be in his childs life.?

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Question: I'm moving cross country , my 17 year old daughter is basically refusing to go with me. States she will live with friends/ their father until they can get jobs. Do I have the legal right to force her to move with me? She will be 18 sept 2015

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Question: My son turns 18 years in a few months. I feel it necessary to move him out of the house when he turns 18. I have heard that it isn't that simple. Can I simply ask him to leave and if he doesn't what are my rights? Since age 16 he has been destructive, disrespectful and has stolen thousands of dollars from us. Police have been involved, therapists, family therapist, case managers etc... The home is in turmoil... It's time for him to go.

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Question: My parental rights were severed to my son who was born in 2003, members of my family have visitation rights. Is there anyway I can request to visit? And how old does he need to be to have contact with me?

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Question: My parental rights were severed to my son who was born in 2003, members of my family have visitation rights. Is there anyway I can request to visit? And how old does he need to be to have contact with me?

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Question: If two parents of a minor that have joint custody of said minor do not agree to a medical procedure to help said minor which patent has final say in minors treatment?

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Question: If two parents of a minor that have joint custody of said minor do not agree to a medical procedure to help said minor which patent has final say in minors treatment?

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Question: My son is supposed to receive money when he is 18 from my brothers passing. Is there a way I can make it that he doesn't get it till he turns 25 and has a high school diploma due to him not being mature and dropping out of school and just relying on this money?

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Question: My ex husband and I have joint custody and he has court ordered visitation. He was a recovering alcoholic during our divorce and has since relapsed. He planned on going to rehab but his insurance will not cover it so he has not taken his visitation in 3 weeks. According to him he is being evaluated for psychiatric disorders in place of rehab. He struggles with compulsive lying, gambling, sex addiction. I suggested counseling for our children and he blew up and denied approving such care. He now says he will start taking his visitation again but is very unstable. What can I do to keep kids safe

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Question: My son father lives in Fl and I live in SC. He is asking me to move to FL so he can be closer to his son. Our son 20 mos and has some disability. Is he obligated to pay for moving expenses and helping with household expenses BC he wants us to move. And all my support is in SC. So I'm be carrying the load all by myself.

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Question: my sister lives in AZ. She has a parenting agreement with babies father. He is abusive, in and out of jail for meth, and many other reasons she is trying to move back home to Indiana. Father says he will have her arrested if she leaves the state and she is scared, please help.

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Question: My baby father of two kids and now one on the way which will make three and i got our children unwilling tooken aaway and place in my mother custody almost three years ago beacuase we were young and dumb and gotten into a domestic violence dispute we didnt have thingthings etablished like we needed to i willing signed my rights to my mother but my baby father didnt nnw that we have had a stable income no domestic violence disputes for going on three years and have a safe and stable living environment with a home we have shared and have had stable housing dor almost two yrs can we get them back

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Question: My sister in law recently got her rights severed, is there anyway she could get her 6month old son back? Also the foster mom who recently has my nephew has been getting money from the mother is that even legal also? Wouldn't the foster mom get in trouble for that?

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Question: My ex and I have joint physical custody and in the JPA we are required to notify the other parent when we travel out state with our daughter and provide an itinerary. My Ex travels frequentl and will NOT abide by this rule and will take my daughter out of state and refuses to give me locations, dates and times. what is my recourse? My daughter doesn't even know where and when she's going.

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Question: do I have to go to court to sever parental rights if both parties are in agreement after and at home paternity test. Or can I just fill out a piece of paper have it notarized and submit that

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Question: my daugther is a 14 yr old runaway she is with a 16 yr old and his mother is aware of this. i recently had order of protection papers served to his mother, but they will not surrender my daughter she is still staying there with them. what shall i do to get her back. is there a form i can fill out and take to court that will say surrender 1 week or less, what should i do. please help! thanks

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Question: Can cps keep my child I never new he was mine until he was 6 months old and was not with the mother she had him taken by cps when she deleivered him I didnt even no she was pregnant

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Question: Can the father of our child bar his sister (our child's Aunt) from visiting if I agree to allow the visits? She has been in our child's life since birth and would often babysit.

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Question: My 16 year old son was taken to the emergency room for taking pills and scratching his arm. There is no disputing that he needs inpatient care to help with his depression. The hospital has been very helpful, but are telling us that he may be transfered to a facility that we are not comfortable sending him to. What rights do we have when it comes to making sure that he goes to a facility we have investigated and approve of? We do not want him to go to a place that has terrible staff and facility reviews, and are looking out for his best interest.

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Question: My ex and I have a 12 year old son. He lives with him and sees me every other weekend. I want to give him full custody. do I have to pay child support if he gets full custody?

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Question: I have a defiant 17 year old daughter who is violent and verbally abusive. She has even damaged our home by punching holes in the doors and is using drugs. She will not follow any of our rules and basically comes and goes as she pleases. She turns 18 in 5 months, but will not graduate high school until May of next year. Are we still responsible for her until she graduates, or do our responsibilities end once she turns 18? She is causing turmoil and fear within our home and we just don't know what our rights are.

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Question: I currently have an estranged husband but my husband was deported 3 years ago. Can I get his parental rights terminated if he has not paid child support on 3 children nor bothered in their upbringing in 5 years?

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Question: the father of my child does not want to drive both ways to pick up his son for visits- can I be forced by courts to drive oneway?

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Question: One of my friends is 17 (18 in less than a month) and is graduating. She used to live with her mother in Georgia, and was promised a better life, but when she came out here, her father forced her to watch her little sister and brother. Her brother is autistic, and she can't keep watching him. Is there any way she can get out of this legally? Her schooling and her career are both suffering.

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Question: My girlfriend and I had a daughter together. She has left and has made no attempt to support my daughter. She has no residence or job. How do I get sole custody of my daughter? There has been no legal action taken on either side.

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Question: a friend if mine is incarcerated and wishes to give me parental rights over his 9 year old son who is now a ward of the state, after being sent letters asking him if he had a family or friend with which he would want the child placed but DCS never attempted to place the child with me as he asked. this has been going on almost a year. I once had guardianship of the child when he was 3 months old until he was alnoay a year, and have known the father since the biological mother, now deceased, was pregnant. They are like family to me. we have been trying to find out if he can give me parentals

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Question: My ex wife has not let me see our daughter in almost a year. We share joint custody. I have called and texted at least 2x a week with no response this whole time. I just received notice of intent to relocate minor child to North Carolina. How do I respond to this? What papers do I file? How do I get her to let me see my daughter again?

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Question: My girlfriend left me and made a bogus claim to get a restraining order. In the meantime she also took my daughter and i have not seen her in several months. I cannot contact her so how can I see my daughter?

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Question: Am I legally able to move out of state with my son, if the father is on the birth certificate? He has been active in our sons life as well as paying for his needs. However I am not safe nor is my children's state of mind and well being. There is 15 years of emotional, physical and mental abuse from him. My children as well as myself want a safe home and stability. I can't provide that unless I relocate. I have a job lined up in the new state as well as a home I can afford on my own The town sheriff is 200 feet away from me as well as CIA behind me I would be renting my home from family friends

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Question: 4 years ago I had a child and the father has never been involved or even tried to contact us. I have been with the same man since my child was born and he wants to adopt! Do I have to contact the birth father to have him relinquish his rights?

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Question: My child's mother did not put me on the birth certificate. I have had a hostile relationship with her and was forced to give 100% of my paycheck just to see my daughter the first 3 years, leaving me with no room to pay legal fees to establish paternity and support. She also has not filed for support. I have not been in contact with the mother in 3 years nor has she been in contact with me. At this point, I would like to sever my parental rights even though I am not legally established as the father so I can move on with my life. Is this possible?

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Question: my girlfriend and i got our parental rights severed by the courts. can we get them reinstated

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Question: Can a parent take aa child out state with out permission from other parent?

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Question: If a father's rights are severed can you still get child support from then

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Question: My kids father abandoned us the day I out that I was pregnant th our 2nd child my son at the time was 1. He is now 7 and I'd like to remove the dad from my son's birth certificate. How can I do this?

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Question: I am 33 i have a daughter that is 5 and me and her mother waz never married.we are no longer she wont let me see my daughter.i was and still am a good father.iv given her money all she is married and wont let me see her.i miss her so much.i work a full week.every week.i need to see her.what can i do ,i go payday to payday.i need help.i dont want to lose my daughter

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Question: My son's father and I were never married and we broke up before he turned 1. I have sole custody and he has visitation time which his parents use as he has zero interest in being a part of my son's life. My son is now 12. I have been married for over 6 years and my husband and son both want for him to adopt him. My son views my husband as his (only) dad. My ex is an alcoholic who recently picked up his 3rd DV charge against his current gf. If my ex is willing to terminate his parental rights so my husband can adopt my son, how do we cancel out our current agreement and terminate his rights?

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Question: I am a Non Custodial father of my 18 year old son he is still in high school living with his Mother and I am still paying child support I found out through Facebook he is going on mission to Dangerous Mexico in December,his Mother or he never told me about the trip, do I have any rights that I was not told and does he need my consent to make this trip, he traveling to a part of Mexico that is on the State Departments no travel list, what are my rights to stop this trip without my consent,also will the school be liable for letting him go without my consent.I am scared for his life on this trip.

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Question: My ex has sole physical custody of my 17 year old child and has just kicked her out. Is there a law against this?

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Question: I'm a victim of domestic violence and my ex wants to see our daughter and I don't feel safe being around him or him seeing our daughter because then he will not return her. Will I get in trouble with the judge if he hasn't seen our daughter in a month? Do I have to file for sole custody of our daughter in order for him too see her?

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Question: My daughter is now 6 months old, her father and I broke up while I was a month pregnant, he didn't want to be involved until I was 8 months pregnant. He saw her the day after she was born so I put him on her birth certificate but I haven't seen or heard from him since. Can I take him to court to terminate his parental rights?

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Question: My sons father lives out of state but isn't on the birth certificate. does my sons father need to pay child support??

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Question: my ex- girlfriend passed away I am the biological father but her new boyfriend sign the birth certificate as the father, I want to get custody of my child now that the mom is deceased, what are my legal rights

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Question: I have gotten a woman pregnant and I want to be involved in the child's life but not be involved with her. She is now threatening to move out of state and not let me be involved. Do I have any legal recourse at this point to make sure that my rights as a father are protected?

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Question: If a couple is separated and pending completion of a divorce, how may one parent get to see their kids throughout the divorce process if the other parent is denying them access to see the children?

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Question: I filed for a temporary order for parenting time and sent the papers to the last known address, and the papers were returned to me. What happens if i don't get them delivered because I have no clue where he lives at, with my children? Does my childrens father have the right to keep his address from me when there's no custody order and I also have a order of protection against him

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Question: I read a similar but not exact question, so I'd still like to ask one. My son's biological father & I went through a custody case in 2013. He was granted extremely limited parenting time, but (for some reason) joint legal decision making. It's now been almost 2 years and we haven't seen from or heard from him. I'd like to sever his parental rights, and my current partner is considering adopting my son. The question I read earlier cited ARS numbers, but that doesn't help. I have a doc: "Petition for Termination of Parent-Child Relationship". Is that correct? What if they can't find him?

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Question: I have a 4 yr old child.The father and were never married. Fathers name is on the birth certificate. He has never paid child support. The father does keep the child for the week end for the last 2 yrs. I want to move to another state. Will there be a legal issue?

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Question: My ex husband currently has temporary custody of our three kids. The order was granted for a year. That year has past already and since then I have made great progress in life. It was my decision to give their father the kids because after he abandoned me and the kids, I was having a difficult time trying to support myself and my kids. Throughout our 13yr marriage I was a stay at home mother as he requested, so being as such, gaining stability did not come easy. Now that I have stability he makes it hard to be active in our kids lives. How do I regain rights to my kids?

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Question: My son's father and I have never been married. We have never filed anything through the courts. therefore, it has been my understanding that I am the custodial parent. What are his father's rights in this situation? His name is on the birth certificate, does that legally establish paternity?

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Question: My girlfriend is pregnant and our baby will be born in 8 weeks. She broke up with me and moved in with her mother who has legal guardian ship of my girlfriends previous 7 year old child. My girlfriends mom knows her daughter smokes pot all during pregnancy and smokes her pot cap pen with her and i think my girlfriends mom may try and get custody of our baby by getting CPS involved during the birth at the hospital. I’m the unwed biological father of my girlfriends baby and I think it is in the best interest of the child to be in my custody so what should i expect and do?

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Question: Questions on the rights of unmarried fathers-Is it possible to get a court order for a paternity test while the mother is still pregnant (we are not married), or does AZ not recognize those tests? Is it possible to have the mother court ordered to allow me at prenatal appts and the birth of my unborn child? Lastly, do I (as an unmarried father) have any rights at all while the mother is still pregnant? I understand I can gain rights AFTER the child is born, but I would like to be involved long before that.

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Question: My husband and I are separated and I need to know my rights about taking our 5 year old daughter out of state on vacation. He has a past felony and a history of domestic violence. He has been abusive towards me and that is why I left. He's never been abusive to our daughter. He is preventing me from seeing her most of the time and has forbid me from taking her out of state while I'm off work for the summer. I work at a high school and get the summer off. He doesn't work. I am the sole supporter in our family. Do I have the right to take her out of state temporarily?

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Question: Is there any course of action that can be taken to have parental rights restored threw family court after looseing a CPS case and appeal and having parental rights severed to children. Can any litigation or legal course if action be taken to amend over turn or modify a family court judgement on a cps case that the parent lost at trial & appeal

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Question: Hello, my son is 8 months & his father has a drinking problem. I am scared to leave him by himself with his father because he drinks & thinks he is okay...His father believes its okay to drive while drinking some whiskey & driving with beer & We have never lived together & we have no paperwork. Our 8month old lives with me & we visit his father & his fathers family at least 3to 4x a month for weekends. He wants to pick him up sometimes while I'm at work, he lies about drinking & I have seen him drink when we are visiting. What do I do? I am sooooo scared, he has an alcohol issue

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Question: my husband and I have a child together. she is 18 months old. I lived in CA and want to return there my husband wants to stay in AZ with our child. He is verbally and mentally abusive. He has a drug and alcohol problem. How can I leave AZ with my child legally. He is kicking me out of the apartment and telling me the child stays with him. What do I do?

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Question: If a parent has not been in a childs life for over 15 months, is there a way to get them removed from a birth certificate and change that childs name? Parents were never married, custody and visitation rights were never established- the child lives with mother 100% of the time and doesnt even know her dad. Thank you!

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Question: If a parent internationally kidnapped a child and then was determined to have a mental disorder after the child was recovered is that enough for termination? That along with no contact for over 3 years.

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Question: If my Ex and I were attending Mediation and she decided it was not working out and walk out of Mediation before agreeing on anything. All I was asking for is equal time with my child. Do I need a lawyer .

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Question: Set my 16 year old go to California last month for a week with some friends and they were only supposed to have her for a week they have kept her this whole entire time refuse to give her back to me and refused to put her in school what can I do the sheriff's department is not helping you tell me there's nothing that they can do I don't know what to do I'm so scared and stressed please help me

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Question: My Ex Husband is the Biological father of my Oldest Son. My son is 7 years old we have not seen or spoken to my ex husband for over 6 years due to the fact he has not tried to get in contact with us and he doesn't pay child support regularly. My son doesn't even know who his real father is nor do we know where he is. Am I able to have his parental rights removed?

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Question: Hello in a divorce decree where both parents have legal decision-making if a child needs mental health treatment or counseling and the father continues to refuse to sign off on a consent or refuses to allow the child to receive any treatment, can a judge intervene and file an emergency order without the fathers consent so the daughter can receive the needed treatment.

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Question: The father of my children has been absent for 4 years now because he is physically abusive and a drug addict. I do not want him to have access to the children if something were to happen to me as I fear he would harm them. So what can I do to take his parental rights away permanently?

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Question: me and my wife split but she told me if im not with her i cant have no contact with my 1 year old son. she left turned her phone off and has not contacted me about my sons waer abouts or safty and her family tells me there in mexico witch i dont believe but she tells me not to call. i just want to know since we are legley married can she do that and do i have rights to have my son or at least see him?

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Question: If my grandparents were awarded permanent guardianship would I still be charged for child support

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Question: My husband's divorce was finalized in AZ. The 1998 divorce Parenting Plan had a clause saying "Both parties agree to designate the child as their sold beneficiary on all life insurance policies and as the sole beneficiary of their respective estates. In the event either party remarries, the remarried party agrees to maintain the child as a beneficiary of at least 50% of their life insurance policy and estate." He just passed and his now 24 old, married, not living at home, not disabled, daughter is informally contesting his will. I know he believed this was not longer valid, I need to confirm.

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Question: If my family has temporary decision making over my children can they allow the children to travel out of the state without consenting me or without getting my permission?

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Question: With our state on stay at home order due to the pandemic are we still having to provide our child for visitations even if it would mean the child would travel to another city and be more exposed as a result? And if so wouldn’t that be breaking the stay at home order? If we don’t do it would that be considered breaking the visitation order?

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Question: I am trying to serve through publication. Case and child are in maricopa. I don't know where mom is but think she might be in Washington. I was unsuccessful at all address I found her name linked to. Do I need to publish in maricopa paper or the paper where it is believe she might be?

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Question: My daughters dad just passed away and me and him both have custody of my daughter . My daughter is with his mom right now but I want her with me . How can i go get her without running into any problems ?

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Question: What are Conciliation Services?

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Question: I am divorced and my ex took my children out of the state of arizona. She didnt give written notice of this and she lied to me and the children that she was moving some where else in the state what can I do to get my children back???

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Question: If both parents agree to 50/50 custody and neither want to pay or recieve child support what is the law? Will one of the parents have to pay some amount?

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Question: My husband is trying to adopted my son who was born out of wedlock. If the biological father has not made any attempts to establish parternity legally does he have parental rights? I have already informed the court who the father is and now the biological father does not want to consent to the adoption even though he has never made any attempts to be involved in my sons life or pay child support in the past 5 1/2 years (since Birth).

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Question: My son is 5 years old. I have sole custody. I read the self service paperwork and it says I have to notify the other parent or show "order terminating parental rights of the other parent." Is my divorce decree showing sole custody good enough? I know sole custody gives me the right to make decisions for my children even if my ex does not agree.

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Question: Where can the parenting Education classes be taken..

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Question: My son is 17 and in high school with twins on the way. What is his finacial obligation while in school? Can the mother come after my husband and I for child support? The mother is of legal age and out of school, so do the courts take that into consideration?

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Question: My girlfriend and i are having a baby in may. She is legally separated from her ex but not fully divorced. She has been in the middle of trying to divorce him for a year and 2 months now but for some reason its taking an extremely long time. i want to know if our baby will be considered mine, and if i will have legal rights and be put onto her birth certificate....please any insight will be greatly appreciated.

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Question: my sons mother was just incarcerated this week for laiure to appear in court and two days later was arrested on another charge of burglary and armed robbery. as you can see she is not doing well and i fear for my sons well being i dont know where he lives, she kept him away from me and i do pay child support . how can i have him placed in my home i work i have two other kids and a extra bedroom for him. please help me

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Question: I had a daughter 16 years ago while i was 16 myself. Her father took her from california to Az to see her grandmother. after that his girlfriend and he would not let me see her. A child myself i was devistated its been 16 years since ive seen my daughter. i recently found out where she is, both her parents are illeagal citizens, what r my rights as mother, to get to see my daughter again?

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Question: My boyfriend and I have broking up and he took our two boys ages 2yrs and 11months old to las Vegas and we haven't gone to court,can he do that? We have never been married either,what can I do to get them back?

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Question: Me and my ex-spouse has joint custody, recently I move and have not reported to the court. Im scared to let him know my new residents due to the threats that I recieve by text and answering machine I decided to get a training order is there anything that I need to know addiction to this order?

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Question: is a custodial parent required by law to notify the non custodial parent of an address change, whether its in the divorce decree/custody agreement or not?

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Question: My wife has been in prison for the past 10 months, and was just released last month. I have been raising our 16 month old daughter on my own since Nov. 2013. I need to leave my wife, but refuse to leave my baby with someone she views as a stranger. Can I take her and leave without going to jail while I start filing for divorce?

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Question: Can I put a restraining order on my wife for myself and our three children? We are in the middle of a divorce and the kids live with me, I take care of them, she hardly calls or comes to see them but everytime I don't give her money she threatens to take them and remove them from school while I'm at work? I need an order of protection to keep her away until the court hearing. Can I do this?

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Question: My son is 4 and his father (starting another family) has chosen not to be involved in his sons life anymore. If I am okay with it, is he able to sign over his rights to his son?

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Question: My boyfriend has two kids with his ex and is paying child support.Whenever the ex feels like keeping the kids from him she will,Sometimes for a year at a time. His kids have expressed that they want to be with him. What can he do to get visitation and/or joint custody?

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Question: my son's father wants him to visit him in texas, my son is 3 and has maybe seen his father maybe 10 times in his lifetime if i let my son go to texas for a visit and he wont let him come back what can i do?

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Question: My daughters father hasn't been in her life for 7and a half years. If anything where to happen to me I wouldn't want her going to him. I can I have full rights? I don't even know his wear abouts

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Question: What does it mean if my parenting time is suspended? What are my rights? And what do I do to get my rights back

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Question: My child is almost 6 months old, the father left when I was 9 weeks pregnant and has never expressed interest in our child (not wanting to see our child, not asking questions about our child, and not helping with support). He is not on the birth certificate and we haven't done paternity and he had agreed to terminating his rights when my child was born. Can I get his rights severed based on abandonment? Do I have a good case for severing his rights?

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Question: My daughter is 17 and pregnant the baby's father is also 17 but his parents are refusing to let him attend any baby appointments or be a part of the child's birth. The baby is due in March and he wont be 18 until May. What can he do legally? He doesn't want to miss out on his child until he is 18.

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Question: I was a victum of domesticviolence. Because of that my son and i had to live with my drug addticed mother. Now the father of my son has full custody. And i am forced to pay child support i can not afford it. What should i do?

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Question: My child is 7 years old , I’ve been an only parent for nearly all of that time with the non custodial parent making inconsistent monthly visits for the first year of life and completely disappearing for the next 6 (by own choice). My child was unaware non custodial parent existed . They show up months ago requesting to meet child & now is demanding parenting time . Essentially I feel as though my child was abandoned by none custodial parent & would like to know what rights to custody and parenting time the absent parent is allotted to if any after being absent for 6 years?

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Question: My son friend 14 year old kid is homeless and staying in different friends home every day..his mom has never contacted any adults and the kid doesn't know where she is at ..what can I do to get this kid help

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Question: I have legal custody of my daughter and father has 4 hours supervised visits a week. My daughters daycare closed due to CoVId 19 and father wants to watch her while I'm at work can I leave her with him yes or no

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  • Are there any type of communication laws, guidelines,(w/ the mother) that are necessary for when I have my children during my parenting time?
  • Can I put a restraining order on my wife for myself and our three children? We are in the middle of a divorce and the kids live with me, I take care of them, she hardly calls or comes to see them but everytime I don't give her money she threatens to take them and remove them from school while I'm at work? I need an order of protection to keep her away until the court hearing. Can I do this?
  • By law at what age can a minor be left alone
  • i'm in the navy, i'm currently in chicago. my wife and 20 month old daughter live in tucson. my wife decided to leave me and move in with another guy and she took my daughter. she won't tell me where. since we're still married don't i have the right to know where my daughter is and with who?? can i call the police if she won't tell me where my daughter is?
  • My ex wife has not let me see our daughter in almost a year. We share joint custody. I have called and texted at least 2x a week with no response this whole time. I just received notice of intent to relocate minor child to North Carolina. How do I respond to this? What papers do I file? How do I get her to let me see my daughter again?
  • If the divorce decree states that the father is responsible for dental costs for our children, must he carry dental insurance?? If not and he claims he is unable to pay the 2/3 of he medical/dental that is not covered by insurance what action can I take to get him to pay?
  • I am currently involved in a custody case that requires I take a parenting class. I was involved in a seperate custody case(the child was not with my soon to be ex) a year ago and took the class. Do I need to retake the parenting class for this case or will the class I took last year work?
  • I am a Non Custodial father of my 18 year old son he is still in high school living with his Mother and I am still paying child support I found out through Facebook he is going on mission to Dangerous Mexico in December,his Mother or he never told me about the trip, do I have any rights that I was not told and does he need my consent to make this trip, he traveling to a part of Mexico that is on the State Departments no travel list, what are my rights to stop this trip without my consent,also will the school be liable for letting him go without my consent.I am scared for his life on this trip.
  • Hello in a divorce decree where both parents have legal decision-making if a child needs mental health treatment or counseling and the father continues to refuse to sign off on a consent or refuses to allow the child to receive any treatment, can a judge intervene and file an emergency order without the fathers consent so the daughter can receive the needed treatment.
  • where do i go to file and establish my paperwork for parental rights, and how much does it cost?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program


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