Guardianship of Minor
questions & answers
Question: My 22 year old daughter was arrested along with her boyfriend. They have a 2 year old child together. They were aressted for battery in the 3rd degree. My daughter spent 5 days in jail & the boyfriend spent 38 days in jail. With them being arrested, my grandchild how no where to go but with me. She is still with me & I don't know where the parents are. I have talked to my daughter a couple of times sense april. I asked her to give custody to me sense she Iis homeless & can not take care of her child. She refused. She did sign a notery so I could be able to take my grandaughter to the doctor
Answer: To obtain guardianship of your graddaughter, go to The forms and information are there for the various courts in Arizona. You may want to speak with an attorney regarding guardianship.
My 22 year old daughter was arrested along with her boyfriend. They have a 2 year old child together. They were aressted for battery in the 3rd degree. My daughter spent 5 days in jail & the boyfriend spent 38 days in jail. With them being arrested, my grandchild how no where to go but with me. She is still with me & I don't know where the parents are. I have talked to my daughter a couple of times sense april. I asked her to give custody to me sense she Iis homeless & can not take care of her child. She refused. She did sign a notery so I could be able to take my grandaughter to the doctor
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