Guardianship of Minor
questions & answers
Question: I'm a school counselor and over the semester I've gotten to know my students. One in particular has a mother in Mexico, and is living home to home currently. Her current living situation is temporary. She's over 14 and wants a stable home. I'm willing and able to be a guardian. Would school policy, district policy, or situations where the child is not related to the guardian be an issue? Would a lawyer be recommended to aid this process?
Answer: If you wish to file as guardian, you can go online to the Superior Court self help center for forms. There are instructions along with the forms to help you in the process. Go to: You may want to contact an attorney to assist you and also advise on the school and district policies of being a guardian.
I'm a school counselor and over the semester I've gotten to know my students. One in particular has a mother in Mexico, and is living home to home currently. Her current living situation is temporary. She's over 14 and wants a stable home. I'm willing and able to be a guardian. Would school policy, district policy, or situations where the child is not related to the guardian be an issue? Would a lawyer be recommended to aid this process?
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