Guardianship of Minor
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Question: How do I get guardianship of a minor child?
Question: I gave revocable guardianship to my mom when I moved out of state so the kids could finish that school year and I started my new job. Now that I have petitioned to revoke guardianship, she is suing me for custody. I am so far and not sure how to handle this.
Question: do I lose my rights to my child if a grandparent is apointed permanent guardian?
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Question: I obtained a legal guardianship of my grandchild in California, but now my grandchild and I have moved to Arizona. I want to file a Registration of Foriegn Order. What information do I use to fill in the form where it says "Statute Reference"? How do I file the form once it is complete?
Question: I am currently making plans for my child to move with my sister in another state. I currently have sole custody. I do not wish her to have custody, but she needs to be able to enroll him in school, take him to the doctor, etc. What do I need to do or what forms, if any, do I need to submit to the court for this to happen?
Question: How do I go about getting guardianship of a minor that was put out of his home and is now living with me?
Question: How do I obtain Guardianship of my minor cousins when mother and grandparents are deceased and fathers are not known. I live in Phoenix arizona and they reside in San Diego California?
Question: My husband passed away three months ago. The insurance company requested me to furnish appointment of guardianship to release the benefit of my daughter (under 18) under the Group Term Life Insurance. What should I do?
Question: what paper work do i need to give someone gaurdianship
Question: how do i find a lawyer to help get my grand kids from cps?
Question: Is it possible to obtain legal guardianship of an unborn grandchild? The mother of the unborn child is my 16-year old daughter. The purpose of guardianship is to provide health insurance for the baby.
Question: im only 15 and my parents still legally own me and i need to move out but i dont know how to. i feel if i spend another day with them something bad is gonna happen to me. help?
Question: Although I have guardianship of my young nephew and my wife and I have established ourselves as loco parents. My sister now is in custody of him. (she established herself as a stable loving capable mother) However she has moved in a boyfriend who has established himself as "Daddy" and is now refusing to allow my wife, me nor his maternal grandmother to visit with us. Do I have any enforcible visitation rights as his guardian?
Question: My daughter is 16 years old & is mentally handicapped. I want to get guardianship. What do I need to do first?
Question: I am 17 and i want to move out at midnight on my 18th birthday without my parent's consent. Is that possible? and if not when exactly can i legally get out of there
Question: im 14 yr old and both my parents do drugs and have serious achol problems they both been 2 jail for domestic violence i have a lil brothere can i take there parental rights away and give them 2 2 of your fanily memberes that can take care of us and not let them have any contact with me or my little brother and still have contact with or othere family
Question: My daughter is being evaluated in preparation for a competency hearing. Her French husband filed for divorce three weeks ago. If she is declared incompetent, can the divorce proceed?
Question: my daughter is somewhere in phoenix and I dont know where I live in showlow and I have her daughter,my granddaughter with me i need to get temporary guardianship of her for medical coverage to update her shots and my daughter already had two children taken by CPS where do I find the paperwork to fill out?
Question: my boyfriends mother has had gaurdianship of our daughter for about two years. what are our rights as her parents??? also she wont even lets us be alone with her??? my fiencee and i are well established with jobs and a nice apartment. what can we do??? please help!!! thank you
Question: How do I get proction for my grandchilden when my son girl freind can provide a home for them. Son is in jail. we have guardianship of there first child do to drug abuse by monther. She is now living with a cousin and her family along with her sister and there family in one home.
Question: I'm wondering if a Grandparent can get guardianship of a Grandchild through the courts alone? Can the Grandparent get court papers and have the Parent sign them without the Parent going to court also?Doesn't the Grandparent and Parent need to be involved in the court process?
Question: what can i do to get my social security card if my grandmother doesnt have legal gaurdianship over me?
Question: my mother has guardianship of my daughter and i need to establish visitation rights for myself and my husband for our divorce
Question: what are the steps that I need to take to terminate my childrens guardianship and return them back to my custody. And what are the steps to I need to take to open up CPS' case that have been closed to reopen them
Question: my husband left me and my children, he is the father of our 6 yo daughter. He has been gone almost 2 months, and has not helped out financially at all. My question is, in the event of my death or incapacities, how do I grant my parents legal custody of my daughter. I am wondering if I can type a letter and have it notarized since we have not started divorce proceedings at this point in time. I just want to make sure my parents get my children in case of tragedy.
Question: My minor grandchild's parents are willing to sign paperwork for me to become the child's guardian. I want to make sure it is done right. Do I need an attorney or can I just have the parents sign forms obtained on the internet?
Question: I am 19 years old and I have a 13 year old sister. We have the same mother but different dads. Her dad is an alcoholic and our mom is homeless and uses drugs. I want to gain custody of my sister. My mom will probably fight me on this. How do I go about getting custody of my sister?
Question: My In- Laws currently have custody of my nephew I want to know how I can transfer custody and how much will it cost?
Question: im 17 years old and a few weeks ago my mother kicked me out. i had one of my friends there to witness, and her mom. now my mom is wanting me to go back, but do i have the legal right not to? its a very unstabkle home, ive been forced to live with her since my father died but now i cant take it anymore. our fights scare me and often have gotten physical since i was 14. Do i have any rights here? im not neccisarily looking into emancipation but id like to have gaurdianship switched to someone i trust.
Question: My Gandson's mother took off when he was 3 weeks old, he resides with my son since we brought him home from the hospital.. My question is do how do I go about getting gardianship of him when my son goes into the Airforce in Feb, my son is willing to sign custody over to myself does the mother still have the right to take him since she does not come around to see my now 5 month old grandson?
Question: I have been taking care of my two sisters for a year now. The mother and father are living together out of state. I went to court and have permanent guardianship. I was getting food stamps but the mother claimed the two girls on her case and the assistance got taken away. Can I file for child support? I am getting no help with raising these children.
Question: I am the legal guardian of a 6 year old child,i need to know how i go about to become his permanent guardian?
Question: My husband & I are legal guardians to a non relative child age 15. We have had him since he was 7. Mother's location not known. Father never in picture. We would like to transfer guardianship to our son & his wife. How do we proceed with this? The child was a ward of the state and we do receive cash assistance, health benefits and free lunch at his school and would like that transferred to our son as well. We do not want to incur any legal costs. Thank you.
Question: COULD you please tell me the first steps in removing guardianship from the grand parents who have my son. I would appreciate this very much
Question: My boyfriends little brother is living with us and has been for a long time since their mom got deported. We now need proof of guardianship so he can get his driver license. How do we go about getting this?
Question: what is the name of the form that must be filled out annually by the guardian of a minor child?
Question: I am a single mom of 4 children (20, 19, 13, & 10). I divorced the children's father almost 8 yrs ago. I have full sole custody, and he was granted supervised visitation 2 hrs a week. Soon after the divorce, he stopped seeing or contacting the children. He currently has 5 felony warrants in the state of AZ for drugs and such and owes large fines. He fled the state about 6 yrs ago. And has not been seen or heard from since then. I want to know what I can do in lieu of custody of my children in the event of my death. Obviously the older children are safe; however, my 2 younger children I am concerned about. They do not know him or even know what he looks like. A long time fear of mine is that he could come and take them from family and friends here. Am I able to leave them to a more capable and safe guardian? And if so, what can I do without racking up large attorney fees? Thanks so much.
Question: Is it legal for a child to be inside of a strip club as long as their adult guardian is with them?
Question: my sons grandma has gardianship of my son i still have my rights as a mother to legally be able to see him she cant keep him from me can she
Question: My stepdaughter was ordered a guardian at age 18, her father. She is now 24 and wants to have that terminated. how is it done?
Question: I live in kansas and my little sister is on phoenix. My mother and her father want to send her to live with me. I would like to know how to properly attain legal guardianship of her so that i can enroll her in school. I dont know what to do
Question: im 14 ive been living with my grandma for 6 months. My mom does drugs and my little sister and little brother live with her and her new husband(does and sells drugs). i moved out on my own. my sister doesnt want to. now my mom is saying that she has ALL athority over me. Does she? is she still my legal gardian?
Question: With a legal guradianship of a minor the age of 16, who performs the home evaluation prior to the final court hearing?
Question: Our daughter is planning to enlist in the Navy and need to know what we as the grandparents need to do to get custody of our 9 month old grandson while she is gone.My daughter is in agreement of this but need to know what we need to do legally.She will be gone at least five years. Also what is the time frame this will take to get legal custody?
Question: What do I need to do to get guardianship of a 16 year old that lives with me but is originally from California?
Question: I was wondering how could my 19 year old sister go about taking custody of me? im 15 years old my dads locked up and is technically now illegal and well my mom isnt financially stable and already has my 4 younger brothers and sisters from 2 different men to take care of.
Question: I have had legal guardianship of my grandson since birth.He is now 9 years old. What rights exactly do I have with him? what rights does the biological mother and/or father have, Even though the father is not on the birth certificate.
Question: Community Legal in Phoenix does not provide help for guardianship, custody, or parenting time cases. I desperately need a lawyer but can't afford one. How do I find one??
Question: My sister is pregnant and she has a two minor children already that is out of the home. Her daughter has been adopted by the fathers parents an her son has been adopted by another family and she is pregnant yet again and has got into alot of trouble i want to get custody of the baby but i dont know if i should obtain Power of Attorey or should i go for Guardianship or Legal Custody I need help bad and soon!!!!!!
Question: Hello, I am filling out an annual report of guardian for my minor niece for the first time. Is there an official form that our doctor must fill out as the doctor's report or is it simply a letter from our pediatrician reporting on my niece's current health? Thank you.
Question: in aug. 2011 i temporarly gave my daughter to my mom and dad. No papers were signed just a verbal agreement that they would only be taking care of her until i moved back to the county they lived in and got settled. Since Jan. 2012 i have been askin for my parents to return her and they keep refusing. Now in April i recently recieved a order of temporary gaurdianship and i need to know what i can do to contest this?
Question: How old does a child need to be to say where they would rather live?
Question: I have permanent guardianship of my granddaughter since 2000 she is now 13. She went for her first time out of state to see her mother for 2 weeks. When the visit was almost up she sent a message that she is not sending her back and is filing some papers and states that i can call and talk to her after thats all done. What rights does she have? How do i go about having my daughter send her back home? I researched and no papers have been filed here.can she file in that state to terminate guardianship?
Question: I need guardianship for grdkids. I don't know how to do it are where to go.
Question: My mother was deported , i need gurdianship for my 6 year old sister so she can go to school i am 18 now can i get gurdianship or do i have to be older ?
Question: My mother passed away about 3 years ago. When she did, my father gave my brother a verbal guardianship. They never had the papers filled out or anything, and now I have to fill out things like FAFSA and my college that I plan to attend requires proof of legal guardianship. My dad lives in a different state. Is there a way around this?
Question: My mother lives in Phoenix and has Title 14 Guardianship of our 6 year old nephew. She wants to transfer it to us in Texas. The child's mother agrees with the plan and will give consent. I believe ARS 8-874 applies here. Where do we find the paperwork to motion for appointment of a successor and affidavit (assuming this is the correct path to take).
Question: My husband and I gave Temp Guardianship and then Guardianship after 2 years to his mother. The years were from 2000-2004 that she had our children. Since June 2004 the children have lived with me. That was Almost 10 years ago. Almost 5 years ago she passed away. At least 7 of the 10 years she has not complied with the court yearly. I want to know since my childrens father and I consented to the guardianship in the first place. Once his mom passed,would the children fall back to us? If not I need to know what papers I should file to say I'm back and I have the children? thanks so much
Question: I reside in NV, but need to modify an existing permanent guardianship order in Phoenix juvenile court. I have permanent guardianship now of my two year granddaughter, won through Judge Norris. The case was ICWA, and the paternal grandmother was awarded eleven weeks visitation, and has not used one day and called three times in two years. The childs father is being released from AZDOC in October and I am frightened that the paternal grandmother will suddenly want visitation. What can I do to modify the order to require transistional visits, supervised visitation?
Question: My husband & I have legal guardianship of our two grandsons, aged 14 & 15. Our 14 year old has requested to live with his mother, who is also in Tucson. This will be ok with us, however we don't know exactly how to proceed. His father has physical custody,mom has joint custody. His dad has indicated that he does not want him. What is the legal proceedure to turn custody over to his mom?
Question: Our grandchildren have been placed with us by CPS. Is it still possible for us to file for guardianship? They have different fathers. One is amenable to the child staying with us but the other is contesting the placement.
Question: My wife's sister and husband want to relinquish their rights as parents and transfer full custody and legal guardianship to my wife and I. If both parents are consenting and sign a notarized court approved form, would we be required to announce the hearing in the local newspaper?
Question: can a mother just write a note giving another adult temporary guardian over her 15 almost 16 year old daughter
Question: Does Az require a Move Away Order from California to transfer or obtain Guardianship of my Granddaughter?I have full guardianship in CA for the last 4 years.
Question: I have had legal guardianship of my grandson in Arizona since he was 15 months old. He is now 11. My husband has been given a promotion and we now have to relocate to Indiana. As legal guardian am I able to just move with him? Do I need to file paperwork? Do I need his mothers permission? She is still unable to take care of him in a stable manner. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank You
Question: I have had sole custody of my three sons since my divorce in 2007. Their father moved away to vegas and only sees them at christmas, doesnt pay child support and only calls on their birthdays (after i send a text to remind him). I have ben remarried 2 years but my husband has been apart of their lives for four years now. Can he file to be a guardian so he has legal rights? How would we get this started and what would we need to do? Would this effect child support?
Question: I am 19 years of age and I have a girlfriend that lives currently in mesa arizona. Although she has a guardian, can I pick her up and bring her back with me to live with me in greensboro north carolina if she leaves a note willingly at her assisted living home stating that she left with me by her own choice?
Question: My sister gave my husband and I power of attorney over her son when he was a month old because she had several outstanding warrants including one for failure to pay child support for her other two children. She turned herself in and was out in about a month she asked for baby back and complied, about a week later she was incarcerated again. We got the baby he was 3 months he will be turning 2 soon she was recently released from prison and has only had contact with him twice. She wants to take him with her but she does not have a job or her own place. What can I do to keep her from taking him.
Question: My ex-wife has legal and physical custody of our daughter. She is 14 and currently staying with her uncle. I am in the military and stationed in GA. Her uncle says he plans to file for permanent guardianship. I do not want him to have it. She does not want to come live with me. Can he gain guardianship without my consent?
Question: My younger cousin who calls me aunt has been arrested And cps has gotten involved. Although her daughter has already been living here for 6 months they say I need guardianship of the child and need it by the next day or they will have no choice but to take guardianship of her while they say she can still live with me. My question is would it be easier to get the child's mother (and legal ) to sign over guardianship or to go through the courts which is going to cost me 350$ and will take weeks to get a court date?
Question: My husband's niece has two daughters in foster care in Mesa. We live in Alabama and are interested in becoming the girls guardians. She has a restraining order against her Mother. Will there be an issue with being insufficiently close kin?
Question: I'm a school counselor and over the semester I've gotten to know my students. One in particular has a mother in Mexico, and is living home to home currently. Her current living situation is temporary. She's over 14 and wants a stable home. I'm willing and able to be a guardian. Would school policy, district policy, or situations where the child is not related to the guardian be an issue? Would a lawyer be recommended to aid this process?
Question: My mother, who lives in Wisconsin, has guardianship of her minor grandson. She has been his guardian for about 7 years (since the death of his father in 2007). The minor's biological mother is living, but her whereabouts has been unknown for the same time. My mother is currently receiving financial support from the state for the minor. My mother also has to re-apply each year to continue guardianship. My mother wants to relocate to Arizona with the minor. My question is: 1.can my mother leave the state of Wisconsin with the minor?
Question: How do i get guardianship of my 15 year old brother. He has been with me for over 8 months my day lefthim with me and refuses to talk to me. Now no one in my family including my brother can get ahold of him. I need to take care of his school and medical stuff. How do i take care of this issue in a legal fashion.
Question: Okay, so I'm 24years old currently seeking custody or guardianship of my little sisters. Our mom passed in 2011 and since then i have been trying to get custody of them. It has been difficult to get help with the forms. So i was wondering what I would need or who i should talk to
Question: Is it possible to become a guardian for a 19-year-old in Arizona? And if so, under what circumstances? Thank you!
Question: I want to get guardianship of my grandson who is 16 and living with my ex daughter in law,She is not related to him and does not want custody of him,She is separated from my son,the child belongs to my daughter who lost custody of him what do I need to do please help me
Question: Guardianship of 2 minors not related to myself or my fiancé.. we have two children that have been willingly given to us by there father and we would like to get temporary custody for them so we have time to start the full adoption papers... Both parents are iagreeable with us taking them but some of there other family isint happy about it. We are not requesting any money or anything from parents. What is the quickest and simplest way to file something so they can't take them away from us (the family, not parents).
Question: I have had my grandson since March 28,2007 right when my daughter got out of the hospital from having him. I have papers wrote up by her signed by her and myself saying he lives with me it is notarized as well. He is on my insurance i do all his school paperwork. She picked him up for a visit he didn't want to go but she told him if he don't she will have the cop's put me in jail!!! Now she is refusing to give him back to me!!! Is there anything i can do to bring him home right now!!!!
Question: My granddaughter's aunt is in the process of getting guardianship of her . Currently her and her husband have temp guardianship for 6 months. I want to take my granddaughter to disneyland for a long weekend but the granddaughter's aunt says that the court has to approve her leaving the state first . Is this true ?
Question: paternal gmother given guardianship through protective services and sent ward to live in Nevada with maternal gmother and gfather with informal "custody" note then informal gship under NV law. maternal gmother and gfather want to adopt and have consent of guardian as well as consent of mother and unknown father's rights have been terminated. Need to know how to terminate the gship now that adoption case been filed in NV.
Question: My parents have agreed to give up guardian ship. Whats the fastes way to have my aunt at least have some legal control over my life. WITHOUT court
Question: How Do i get guardianship of my 15 yr old sister she has been in my care for a year and half my mother signed a notarized letter stating she gave me temp custody of the child. My mother is currently living in Calif. and is in the process of trying to remove her from my home. My sister does not want to live with her neither one of the parents live in AZ. My question is basically how do i go about getting guardianship of her. Please help ...
Question: How can I get Immediate Temporary Guardianship of a minor when CPS from the reservation is involved? I am helping CPS, and I'm the next closest family member to the minor but I would like to get them with me right away.
Question: My dad left when i was baby. He just came back into my life a year ago, my mom has custody of me. But this past year i have been emointally abused and have had a few situatons with being physically abused as well. This is causing my school work to drop, and i cant take living here anymore. I have tried to find a way to live with my dad until i graduate, but i would like to know if there is any legal way i can move out, so I can get my life together and finish school without any problems.
Question: How do I go about giving guardianship or power of attorney of my son to my sister and brother in law
Question: My dad died in 2008 my sister who is autistic and my brother were left with my grandmother she has guardianship of both of them now but she is unfit to take care of them she can't walk and needs a nurse how can I take custody of my brother and sister my brother is 15 years old and my sister is 19 and autistic my grandmother doesn't let me take them anywhere
Question: I have guardianship of my 2 nieces. Planning on moving to California how do I transfer guardianship from Arizona to California?
Question: My sister recently moved to AZ and left her children at my house & didn't tell me she was moving. She left me with no guardianship, power of attorney or ANYTHING that will give me authority to take these kids to get medical attention god forbid something happens. They've been living with me for 10 months. How can I apply for legal custody/guardianship? 4 kids and no help from the parents. I have 4 of my own. What do I do?
Question: my son an daughter-in-law died over 9 years ago,i have been taking care of my grandchild for all these years never got guardianship what do i do
Question: My sister and her husband are divorcing and he will get custody of their two boys. He is active in the Military and currently overseas. He will be returning late September and they wish for my husband and I to care for them for a few months due to my sister moving out of state. I would like some form of legal documentation to be able to enroll them in school and seek medical care if needed. What is the quickest, easiest, and least court dependent way to do this? All parties are in agreement.
Question: Can I get help from Indian Reservation? The mother is full indain and I have custody.
Question: I want to enroll my little sisters in school, our mother is in Mexico but they won't let me enroll them. My sisters are u.s. citizens my mother is not. She gave me a power of attorney letter giving me right to take care of them. It was notorized in Mexico but they still won't let me enroll them. What do I need?
Question: my grandkids have been left with me since December 25 which mom is not helping me at all and wont sign power of attorney for me. what can I do to get custody without going thru CPS?
Question: My children would like to stop seeing their biological father. Is this possible or at what age may they do so?
Question: What do I need to do to get Legal Guardianship of my Niece and Nephew that DCS has in forter care? What is the law on giving kids to relatives vs foster homes?
Question: Ive had Guardianship for the past 13 year the mother is decreased father unknown. are you able to apply for cash asstiance for the child to help with clothes etc. child still aware to the state /courts.
Question: I have full guardianship of my 17year old nephew. Father has been court ordered to pay 50% of past medical bills. He is refusing until I provide him copies of the bills. Nephew doesn't want to because they show record of the PTSD his father caused and he is afraid of his father retaliating. Am I required to provide them or are we protected by HIPPA privacy laws?
Question: My step-daughter is living in AZ with her aunt and uncle. We are trying to find out how to give them temporary custody or a temporary power of attorney for her.
Question: I need to know if all petitioners on a guardianship application must appear in court. We are filing for guardianship of my almost 18 yr old son with Down Syndrome.
Question: Okay everyone I have a question where downtown can I go to establish my parental rights over my 2 year old son,so his father could never take him from me. My son's father has been in prison for over a year a d 3 months and now h3 is out and trying to give me a schedule on how we should share our son and I feel with his drug use and past I don't feel comfortable with agreeing with him on his schedule besides I believe since I have been raising and providing for my son his entire life I should have the say of how the schedule should be.
Question: My sister is in prison for the next year. She shared custody of her 2 children with the father. My parents who my sister and kids are living with have been keeping and taking care of them. Now the father filed for full custody. Do my parents have any rights to apply for legal guardianship? What can we do so we can still have the kids every 3 days?
Question: Im trying to get custody of my nephew whom we've had the majority of his 4 years. My sister is bad on drugs and does not want to let him go even tho we have 20days out of 30. He calls me mom my husband dad and our 2 kids are his brother and sister. How and where do I begin to start this custody battle?
Question: Yes my wife has had custody of her niece since she was 6 months old her niece now is almost 7 years old the biological mother is now starting to show up in the picture but only reason why she is the picture is because she has had another baby in the last 3 months cps was involved because she was dirty with meth i just wanna know what rights does my wife have because the biological n the grandmother have been arguing with my wife bout taking the 7 year old back but the 7 year old know as mom n dad
Question: My mom lives in a different county than myself and my daughter,I would like my mother to take temporary guardianship of my daughter for the purpose of enrolling her in school in the county that my mother lives in.Can she do that
Question: My children live with my sister right now because DCS took them from me. If i sign guardianship of them over to my sister can i get my kids back at some time? Does my sister then have the authority to sign them back over to me in 6 months?
Question: My 22 year old daughter was arrested along with her boyfriend. They have a 2 year old child together. They were aressted for battery in the 3rd degree. My daughter spent 5 days in jail & the boyfriend spent 38 days in jail. With them being arrested, my grandchild how no where to go but with me. She is still with me & I don't know where the parents are. I have talked to my daughter a couple of times sense april. I asked her to give custody to me sense she Iis homeless & can not take care of her child. She refused. She did sign a notery so I could be able to take my grandaughter to the doctor
Question: Have guardianship over nieces just wondering if it's ok to move out of state with them
Question: I have guardianship of a 16 year old boy from Kingston jamicia how can I get a green card an social security card
Question: i need help trying to get started on taking guardianship of my girlfriend. shes living with me and another family i just recently got an apartment i wanted her to move in with me but shes 17 and can't be on the lease. what can i do to try and get temporary guardianship until she turns 18 in july
Question: How do I go about getting custody of my nephew when he is born. The mother has asked my husband and I to raise the child.
Question: i have a friend who is now 17 and her grandma had guardian ship of her but had kicked her out of the house and she has been staying with me since. now they are trying to get her to go home but she doesn't feel safe there. how can i make it to where i take over guardian ship of her? or how can she get imancipated she just does not want to go back to that place
Question: The mother of child is in jail and will be there until the end of September 2016. The mother wants me to keep the child until she is released. She did write a note saying she gives me permission to make any and all decisions for the child,but its just handwritten.I had been keeping the child three or four days a week since she was 5 weeks old,but she has been with me constant since she was 3 months old.what do I need to do to get temp guardianship until her mom gets out?
Question: We are seeking to get guardianship of our grandson who is 1. Our daughter lives with us & he stays with me 95% of the time, however she does not provide financial care for him. We believe she has some mental issues that need to be addressed, although she refuses to seek care. When she chooses to care for him, she makes choices that are neglectful & at times putting him in danger. How do we accomplish this task with her living in our home, proving the issues we see daily, keeping him safe with us & hoping she gets the help she needs.
Question: What forms are needed to for Emergency Temporary Guardianship of a Minor in Pinal County for our grandchild?
Question: My mother was deported and left behind my 15 year old brother and 16 year old cousin. How can I get legal Guardianship of both of them?
Question: how can i legal guardianship my expire sisters infant
Question: I have raised my granddaughter since she was born. Her mother gave her to me in 2013 and never came back. She calls sometimes and comes to see her every few months. The baby's father is in prison and has had no contact with the child except for a few cards he has sent over the last 3 years. Can I file for custody due to abandonment?
Question: My daughter is 12 she ws 11 wen her dad passed away he is on BC we were not married, he has proprty tat ws sold I hv to initiate conservationship on her behalf to set up trust, do I hv to apply to be approve or am I'm automatically approved becuz I'm her mother? I cant afford a high price lawyer is there free legal asst tat can assist me in this process?
Question: I have guardianship of my two stepchildren and I just moved to Arizona will I be able to apply for any kind of assistance
Question: When I was 14, my olet sister had a baby boy. A few days before he was turning two years old, she was found abusing him and my other older sisters 5 year old daughter. The police did nothing but a few months later, she left and never came back. I've been taking care of the boy since he was barely 2. He's almost 8 now. My mother was supposed to try to get custody and hand it to me but she didn't. Now I'm 21. He knows me as his parent. He doesn't know anyrhing else..what can I do if the mother isn't around?
Question: Hello my son is 3 years old. A year ago hisfather left we chose to be civil and not go to court. I am now going into the airforce and letting his father and my family care for him. I am scared his father will keep him instead of sticking to the plan we made. Can I give temporary guardianship to someone I trust?
Question: my mom abuses me, but I don't want to call DCFS unless I can go live with my dad, who has zero custody of me. is that possible for them to send me to my dads?
Question: I gave my mother temporary gaurdianship over my daughter and I want my baby back she already live with me full time I live near my mom and is not in conflict with her just don't know the proper paperwork in the court papers it States I can take custody at anyanytime what all do I have to do
Question: We took my husband's sister in almost a year ago she had been in fostercare for 17 months in alabama. We didn't know what we were getting into she has become more than we can handle. She is ruining our family. How can we give her back to the state.?
Question: I am 15 and I would like to move out because it is not in my best interest to live with my mom I continually get into fights with my mom(verbally) I also get into fights with my step dad (he has hit me on multiple occasions) I have a place to stay at my friends house his dad said it would be okay for me to move in I would have my own room (I live in an attic at my moms)can I legally move in without parental consent
Question: I want to live with my aunt who lives a town away from my parents. My mom won't let Move but I have my Aunts permission to live with her is it legal to move out without my parents permission? My aunt is a safe place too.
Question: im 17 and i live with my grandma. She has legal custidy of me. My dad died and my mom has been getting her life together and wants me to live with her. and i do too. I cant stand living with my grandma... what can i do, so i can live with my mom or someone else?
Question: do i need the permission of both parents to obtain guardianship? what if i cant find one of the parents but the other gives consent?
Question: My question is how do I go about getting Guardianship/Custody of my 3 nephews. I really need legal advice. I don't want then to end up in the system.
Question: I now live in Arizona I had full guardianship of my grandson in Michigan, We moved here with his mother,she now has moved out, been her for 8 months, how do I go about getting legal guardianship here, The mother is a drug addict ,supposedly not using,but do believe she does,without it showing, she wants guardianship back. Father lives in Ohio ,he hasn't had contact in two years,.
Question: Our parents passed away two months ago and in their Will they appointed me guardian of my fourteen year old, half sister. Her grandparents don't like me and want to gain custody of her. Their son always said he never wants them to have my sister because of how he was raised. Our parent's assets are split between us so I will be able to take care of her until she comes of age to get her half. Please help. I can't get through this hard time without her with me.
Question: I am moving to Florida in a couple months and my 16 year old son wants to go live with his grandmother what do I have to do so she can make decisions for him like medical decisions and decisions about school it is only for a year
Question: I am a single mother of an 8 year old. The father of my child left us when my son was only 3 months old. The father recently contacted me and made it clear that he does not want any obligations with our son. He has not paid child support for 8 years. The father of my son is willing to give up his rights completely. We want to get this done as soon as possible. What can I do? I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 4 years ago and would like complete guardianship so that in the event that I was to pass on because of my sickness that my son is taken over by my sister who is a very stable person.
Question: My boyfriend and I have been living together almost a year. We have had his 14 year old son at least every other weekend of the last 5 months and he moved in with us full time a month ago. While my boyfriend is taking the steps to obtain sole custody, what paperwork do we need or what steps do we need to take so I can be legally responsible for his son when he travels for work or is unreachable? We are not married or engaged, but I have the more flexible schedule and spend more time with the son (not that it really matters, I guess).
Question: My son got custody of his two boys about three years ago before that we had them for a year. There mom just left. If I want to be the guardian in case something happened to my son. Would there mom have a say so on this. She doesn't do anything for them. She is not allowed to see them. If she does see them her mom has to be there. Which is maybe once every two three months.
Question: How many kids can you put in a room
Question: My son was placed in guardianship approximately 5 yrs ago. recently he (16) has expressed desire to return to living with me as he no longer feels safe or wanted at grandmas who has guardianship. He has threatened to run away many times. Frequently asks me to get him away from there as he is told almost daily that he needs them, they don't need him or that he will be sent to fostercare if he keeps on going way he is. Also that he will never be able to return to live with me again. (my rights were not terminated). What do I need to do to end the guardianship so he can come back to live with me?
Question: Can the lawyer for the birth mother, force the guardians to give her visitations? She signed the guardianship paper that states, "I understand that I shall not have any right or claim to control or custody of such child or property." We have a guardianship hearing on Oct. 23, 2019.
Question: Where can I get legal forms for adult guardianship for my disabled daughter ??
Question: Our friend who was a single parent caring for her 13 year old son just past away. The father has always been in the life of this child and now has promised to dedicate all that is needed to continue raising him. My concern is if something happens to his father and if there is a legal actiin that can take place prior in order to avoid this child ever becoming involved with state litigation etc
Question: My daughter passed away from cancer 2 years ago. I took over the care of my grandson, who is now 13 years old. My daughter never left a legal document giving me custody or guardianship of my grandson. My grandson's father is not and has never been in his life. We don't even know where he is or how to locate him. How can I get legal guardianship or custody of my 13 year old grandson?
Question: My son's biological father pays child support regularly (after being threatened with jail time by a judge) but is completely uninvolved in my son's life - hasn't seen him, talked to him, or asked about him for years. My current husband is an amazing father to my son. I have been researching legal guardianship to give some rights to my current husband since he is the one actively raising my son. What are the benefits/drawbacks to my current husband becoming a legal guardian? Would my ex be released from obligation to pay child support like he would be if my current husband adopted my son?
Question: I married a 16-Year Old female (I was 23) last year legally with proper parental consent. I was curious to know what my guardianship/consent rights are when it comes to my spouse being served legal paperwork or court orders by anyone, including myself. She was not emmancipated before our marriage, and I've had to legally be there to sign on her behalf for reasons such as school signup and notarizing items, so I know that I have some consent.
Question: I am a single mother of 6 children. 4 of them belong to my first husband and the baby belongs to my last husband but the next to youngest does not have any contact with her father. He does not want to have anything to do with her. I have joint legel custody of all of the other children and would like to know what my mother can do to retain that custody or have legal visitation for herself should something happen to me, and become the legal guardian of my next to youngest child since she will have no one else to turn to?
Question: i have a son and a daughter and i would like my fiance to be their permanent guardian, when we get married does he automatically become their guardian?
Question: Our family is relocting to another state. Our 16 year old daughter is not wanting to go and says "she refuses." We are an average American family and never had a problem with our daughter. She does well in school and my wife and I have always held very good jobs. What are her rights as a minor and ours as parents. She is claiming that if she runs away, she legally cannot be "forced" to go home.
Question: I am the legal Guardian of my 15 y/o neice who is currently pregnant. Do I need to establish guardianship of the baby?
Question: What ( if any ) court papers do I need to fill out if I wish to grant custody of my daughter to my mother if anything should happen to me? Or is a handwritten notarized paper sufficient enough?
Question: My husband and I have had our grandson since last November. My daughter doesn't make time for her son. She is willing give legal guardianship of my grandson. What do we need to do ?
Question: My mother Passed away on June 28, 2013. Since then my dad has remarried and kicked my little brother out of his home he is currectly living with my older brother, my sister in law and I. We recently tried to get him registered for school but could not and had to wait on my father who is always late with things that are not pertaining to him. He also gets my brother social security he give it to him. I do not think its fair that my lil brother should have to go over my dad's house with his new wife and get his own money or any other document. Please let me know how to obtain guardianship.
Question: How do me and my Husband go about getting Legal Guardianship over our Stepgrandaughter? Here Biological have Legal Guardianship over her since last year. But they have moved out of state and chose to leave the 15 year old here in Arizona with her Mother. The 15 year old and her Mother had a blow up at the end of Dec. 2014. So we were called and asked if we could take her and that her Mother wanted nothing more to do with her. So we've had here since Dec. 29th 2014. The Mother had me write up a letter stating that she was giving me and my husband power of attorney over the 15 year old.
Question: If a married couple has guardianship of children for the past 5 years, and the couple now wish to divorce. Would the they risk losing the children?
Question: My daughter has a friend that is 16 parent Is moving but they want to stay here the mother says she will give me notarized note but what is my legal responsibility
Question: I am not wanted by my family anymore, im 17 and have been out of the house already for 2 months on my own, living with my girl friend. I want to buy an apartment, and buy a car, but since im 17 would It be possible to do so?
Question: I have had my grand daughter since september 2015 and now her mom is wanting her back in June, how do I go about getting guardianship of my grand daughter, my daughter does not live in this state and at the moment she is living with friends, she also has 4 other kids who are constantly being taken out of school and moved around at the moment none of the kids are in school, I really don't want to send her back, she is autistic with other disabilities and is doing good here although we have our moments and she is in counseling, I don't even know if I even have a chance to gain guardianship.
Question: my wife separated from me 4 years ago. she took my son and my stepdaughter with her. I am wondering what rights I may have to see my son and if I have any rights to see my stepdaughter that I raised for five years.
My husband & I are legal guardians to a non relative child age 15. We have had him since he was 7. Mother's location not known. Father never in picture. We would like to transfer guardianship to our son & his wife. How do we proceed with this? The child was a ward of the state and we do receive cash assistance, health benefits and free lunch at his school and would like that transferred to our son as well. We do not want to incur any legal costs. Thank you.
My Gandson's mother took off when he was 3 weeks old, he resides with my son since we brought him home from the hospital.. My question is do how do I go about getting gardianship of him when my son goes into the Airforce in Feb, my son is willing to sign custody over to myself does the mother still have the right to take him since she does not come around to see my now 5 month old grandson?
What forms are needed to for Emergency Temporary Guardianship of a Minor in Pinal County for our grandchild?
How do i get guardianship of my 15 year old brother. He has been with me for over 8 months my day lefthim with me and refuses to talk to me. Now no one in my family including my brother can get ahold of him. I need to take care of his school and medical stuff. How do i take care of this issue in a legal fashion.
in aug. 2011 i temporarly gave my daughter to my mom and dad. No papers were signed just a verbal agreement that they would only be taking care of her until i moved back to the county they lived in and got settled. Since Jan. 2012 i have been askin for my parents to return her and they keep refusing. Now in April i recently recieved a order of temporary gaurdianship and i need to know what i can do to contest this?
im 17 years old and a few weeks ago my mother kicked me out. i had one of my friends there to witness, and her mom. now my mom is wanting me to go back, but do i have the legal right not to? its a very unstabkle home, ive been forced to live with her since my father died but now i cant take it anymore. our fights scare me and often have gotten physical since i was 14. Do i have any rights here? im not neccisarily looking into emancipation but id like to have gaurdianship switched to someone i trust.
I live in kansas and my little sister is on phoenix. My mother and her father want to send her to live with me. I would like to know how to properly attain legal guardianship of her so that i can enroll her in school. I dont know what to do
What do I need to do to get guardianship of a 16 year old that lives with me but is originally from California?
my daughter is somewhere in phoenix and I dont know where I live in showlow and I have her daughter,my granddaughter with me i need to get temporary guardianship of her for medical coverage to update her shots and my daughter already had two children taken by CPS where do I find the paperwork to fill out?
im 14 yr old and both my parents do drugs and have serious achol problems they both been 2 jail for domestic violence i have a lil brothere can i take there parental rights away and give them 2 2 of your fanily memberes that can take care of us and not let them have any contact with me or my little brother and still have contact with or othere family
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