Birth Certificate
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Question: I had my daughter 2 months ago and allowed my, then boyfriend, to sign stating that he was the baby's father. His name is on the birth certificate but we have since found out that he is not the baby's father. What do I have to do to get his name off the birth certificate now. We are no longer together and the biologicial father wants to be on the birth certificate. What do I have to do?
Question: how much is a copy of my birth certificate by mail? since i live out of state and have to mail it in.
Question: When I first received my daughter's birth certificate (born in 2007) I did not notice it, but after having looked at it again, I noticed my birth date on her birth certificate is incorrect, how can I change it?
Question: does the fathers name have to be on the birth certificate
Question: Can the Office of Vital Records recall a birth certificate for any reason once it has been signed, notarized, and paid for?
Question: When i had my daughter i didnt have a name picked out so she left nameless, so her birthcertificate has no name. what is the proceedure to apply her name on now , shes 18 and cant get any form of identification . please help
Question: I found out when I was in my twenties that the father on my birth certificate is not my biological father. How can I get that corrected?, The man on my birth cert is deceased.
Question: how do i go about finding out if im on an child birth certificate and i dont not know the childs name only the mothers
Question: My daughters was born last month and her father would like to be on her birth certificate. But he is located in Mexico and is not able to sign so he can be on the certificate. Is there any form that he can fill out in mexico in front of a notary him stating that he agrees with being on the birth certificate. Could he go to the Americana consul or something for this to occur. Please Help!!!
Question: I have forms to add my name to my Birth Certificate from 2002, but got sick and did not complete. Can I still use the forms and how much do I need to pay? I can not get through by phone, why is that?
Question: My boyfreind is currently in prison but right before he was taken into custody we found out I was pregnant. Yes it is his and he acknowledges that. He left me with a power of attorney and it is still valid. I want to know can I use the power of attorney to put him as the father on the birth certificate? And how would I do this? would I just sign as if I were him?
Question: I had my baby two months ago, she was "unnamed baby" on her birth certificate. I gave them her father's information. I went to give them her name at the Vital Records Office, but it couldn't be done because her father has to sign and noterize an affadavit. I don't know where he is and my daughter needs her birth certificate. I was told that I need a court order for her to be named, how do I go about doing that?
Question: I am having my first baby in 4 weeks. I would like to have my baby receive my boyfriends last name and have him listed as the father but i am concerned. If I do this will he be able to take the baby and not give her back ? Should i have some sort of custody arrangements in place before i put his name on the birth certificate? I am worried. Please give me some advice. Thank you.
Question: my ex wife and i have agreed that the child she concieved is her boy friends we took a home paternity kit now since we all agree on this is there a form we can just fill out without any DNA testing just to get it over with so he can get on the birth certificate
Question: My son was born in Arizona and we moved to Colorado. He has an AZ birth certificate. We have done a paternity test and have determined that the father listed is not correct. We have also had his last name changed. How do I get a birth certificate with his correct last name and father?
Question: We need to add my name to the birth certificate of our daughter. We have my wife's divorce paperwork stating by the judge that I am the natural father. But the Office of Vital Statistics stated that a court must also include an order to add my name to the birth certificate. How do I go about accomplishing this? Thank you.
Question: is it okay to use a copy of birth certificate when renewing ahcccs for a three month baby
Question: I'm 18 years old and I would like to have the father's name removed from my birth certificate. I don't want to have a test done or anything and I don't want to put a different name, I just don't want his name on it. How would I go about doing this?
Question: I am applying to live in an apartment, and the application asks for my birth certificate. My peers think that is unheard of and that I need to double check why they are asking for that personal documentation. Does it have anything to do with the laws regarding illegal immigration? Or does it have to do with checking to see if I am a legal citizen, but why can't they just use my drivers license and/or social security number?
Question: Where can I get my baby's birth certificate in Tucson az?
Question: How can I remove non-paternal father on birth certificate and add paternal. Does non-paternal have to relinquish rights first, or can it be changed by DNA submission.
Question: When my daughter was born 8 yrs ago I was married to a man who is not her father. When we got divorced my attorney had him sign a "waiver of paternity" and I thought that would be all i needed to take his name off, however I'm having difficulty getting this donewithout an attorney. I was hoping someone might be able to get me on the right path
Question: How can I obtain my mothers birth certificate from Mexico?
Question: My wife and I have been together for 7 years and just got legally married yesterday (Yay az!) We've had the kids together. Can I put name on the bc? How do I make her a legal parent?
Question: My step daughter has already lost four of her children to children and youth when she gives birth they are stepping in and taking custody of the new baby. Will she be allowed to name the baby or not
Question: i reside in las vegas nevada and my ex girlfriend went and had my son without telling me where she was and i never got to sign the birth certificate or anything! how do i go about getting rights to my son?
Question: I am pregnant with my ex boyfriends baby. If I give my son my last name, can his father fight to make me change the last name to his? and if he can will he win?
Question: I never got my daughter's birth certificate. All I have is the one from the hospital. I now live out of state. What do I need to do to get a certified birth certificate?
Question: My boyfriend is in the Dominican republic and I want my son to have his last name, what can i do?
Question: Where can I change might son birth certificate
Question: I was brought here as a baby from Mexico. My mom never got my birth certificate. How can I get one.
Question: My mom was born in Mexico, and she needs a new birth certificate. Where can we obtain one in Phoenix, AZ?
Question: If I plan to apply for my birth certificate in person but do not have any sort of issued picture I.D (which is actually why I need my birth certificate) What else would I provide?
Question: My mother remarried when I was 2 years old. My brother and I both were enrolled in school using my stepdad's last name even though our last name was still legally our birth certificate name. I got married using stepdad's last name. My mother, real father and brother are all deceased and even though I have a certified copy of my birth certificate I am having a hard time proving that it is me, since I never used that last name. I am 65 years old and have had my driver's license since I was 16, moved to Arizona last year but cannot get my license/passport. What can I do? Terry Jaynes
Question: What is the process for adding my father to my birth certificate, as an adult?
Question: When my daughter who is not 4 was born. Her father was not present. We are now married. I never filed for a BC while at the hospital cause I was still deciding a name. Well I have her name now. She has my last name. But I never filed for her BC. My mistake. But being as I never filed for it. It was just my name on the hospital paper work. Me and her father are together and we got married. I went to file for her BC with his name on there of coarse and the sent the paper work back to me saying the information is not correct or the same as the certificate. How so? When I do not have her BC yet?
Question: How do I add my father to my birth certificate. My mother was not married at the time of my birth; nor has she married since.
Question: The man listed on my AZ birth certificate is not my real father. Am I able to change this information? What would the process be?
Question: I have my 17 yr old disabled son his mother gave him to me so now he lives with me I'm not on the birth certificate Ineed to know how do iI get on his birth certificate I've already done paternity test for D.E.S and I pay child support.
Question: how do I send in for a copy of my birth certificate
Question: How can I put my fathers name on my birth certificate if he can not come to the US?
Question: How can I put my fathers name on my birth certificate if he can not come to the US?
Question: I was born in Sierra Vista, AZ and I now live in NY. I am transgender and need to change the name and gender marker on my birth certificate. How would I go about doing this?
Question: Am trying to get my father's name on my birth certificate he lives in a different country and can't come to the US I've called vital records and the tell me to call the Maricopa superior court i called they transfered me to the family Court from there they told me to call the civil court and i did but they told me they can't do anything and told me to go to the website it seem like no one can help me what can i do ?
Question: The father listed on my daughter's birth certificate is not her biological father and I have a paternity test that is court approved showing he is not the father. How do I remove him from the birth certificate?
Question: I am 21 years old and a new mother to my 4 month old son. My fiance has been there for my son since he was still in my tummy. She is his second primary mother and he has no father. I am the only one on the birth certificate as of right now. How do I go about putting my fiance on his birth certificate since we are both his mothers?
Question: My son's father isn't on the original birth certificate do I have to get a new one if he was proven to be the father.
Question: I live in another state, how can I get my birth certificate and I do not have a state ID. I cannot travel back to Az.
Question: When my daughter was born i couldn't add father to birth certificate be cause he wasnt present, i want to add her non biological father to her certificate how can i do this?
Question: I never received my son's birth certificate from his birth. We moved shortly after he was born and it never arrived in the mail. Now I have to pay for a copy when I never received the original. How do I get the original
Question: I am 24 and had a baby with a girl. we have never been married. I pay her childsupport and I seen him regulary .4 times a week. My name is not on the birthcertificate. if i dont pay her she wont let me see my son what can i do I have a paternity test from a az doctor he is mine
Question: Can two women sign the birth certificate in the state of Arizona if yes do they have to be married?
Question: A few days before I turned 18, my adopted family of 4 years kicked me out and dropped me off at my birth mothers house. (Who is not capable of taking care of me) they didn't even give me a quarter of my belongings and I also didn't receive any of my documents (I.e birth certificate, social security card, etc) this has caused me many problems in the year since dealing with trying to get a car, registering for college and other things. In order to get new documents, I need to have other documents and I have none. Is there something I can legally do?
Question: if a judge order the fathers name to be put on the birth certificate and DNA was done many years later and proved the person on the birth certificate was not the father how can i remove the listed father
Question: Can you add add the fathers name to the birth certificate if he is not present.
Question: If the father is not listed on the birth certificate can you stillget chils support
Question: My son is 10 and two years ago I had a paternity test done with his biological father but I have his step dad on the birth certificate. What can I do to have him removed from the birth certificate?
Question: yes i need to know how much it will cost me to get a new birth certificate when i moved i lost my birth certificate so i need a new one my fathers name is walter o clark my mothers name is lois a clark and mine is anakin j ginger i have change my name legally and now i need the cost of it
Question: How do I remove the biological father off my child's birth certificate? He is willing to remove himself.
Question: I am having a baby girl and was wondering do I have to give her her father's last name or can I give her my last name? And my other question is can he take me back to court to change her last name?
Question: My question is the father of my child wasn't there when we signed the birth certificate so my daughter doesn't have his last name. How can I add him to the birth certificate and add his last name to my daughter?
Question: The mother of my child says she removed me from my daughters birth cer
Question: My daughter is 2 1/2 when she was born I was with a man who is not her father and he signed the birth certificate and took claim for her until we split a year ago. I want him off the birth certificate and to change her last name. What papers do I need to file? How would I go about doing this? He has not had contact with her in over 6 months and I can’t even contact him anymore.
Question: I am pregnant and want to give my child my last name. The father and I have never been in a relationship. Can I give my baby just my last name?
Question: I was born & raised in Phoenix, Az. When I was born my mom thought my dad sent in my paper for birth certificate and my dad thought my mom sent it in. In all reality it didn't get sent in at all, in the required time frame deadline so now my birth certificate reads (not named) and my last name with all of the other info re: my birth (parents names, etc) How do I get my first & middle name added to my birth certificate? I need to have this done for the new Real ID & so I can switch things over to a new state. ( driver lic, etc) can this be done from out of state & how much would it cost? Thanks
Question: My child who I have custody of due to taking his mother to court for mental heath reasons. With that being said I have taken the paternity with it saying I’m the father, which I knew. what do I do now to get my name on my sons birth certificate. I have his birth certificate with me. His mother will not agreee to sign the necessary paperwork for me to be added onto his birth certificate. What packet would I need to go down to the court and get this case started. The end result is be put on the birth certificate and proceed to change his last name to mine bc mother is not present / active.
Question: If I want to add my last name to birth certificate can I still do so ? Daughter is barely two weeks right now ! Is it to late ? How would I go about doing so ?
Question: I need to put my name on my childs birth certificate because the mother left him at a young age but her name is the only name on his birth certificate
Question: I'm involved in family court case the mother isn't being cooperative and I may have to file for a default in this case. Is it possible for me to request a copy of the child's birth records to verify the validity of the case prior to filing for a default if she is being resistive to filing a response?
Question: Someone has my daughter birth certificate and will not return it what can I do Can I take legal action
Question: So, I have a almost 2 year old. I had my rights severed sadly, and I wasn't able to get her birth certificate done at the time. My parents are thankfully adopting her, but I was wondering if I can still have my name as her birth mother, and her biological dad on her birth certificate, that way when she gets older she is able to know that we are her parents. Also, my mother who is adopting my daughter said that, because my parents are adopting her, that her last name will not be under my daughters biological fathers last name, that it will be under my parents last name. Is that correct?
Question: I live with my boyfriend we are not married and he has no intention of getting married. He intends on being involved in our, as he calls it “illegitimate child’s birth” and I would prefer to use my last name for our child. He disagrees and wants to use his last name. I have a child from a previous marriage and I find it difficult with us having different last names over the years with insurance and doctors appointments, just frustrating. Do I have to use our child’s father’s last name for this child?
Question: I am about to give birth in a week and i was wondering if i am able to put my babys father last name even if hes not gonna be there when i give birth. We are not married and hes from mexico.
Question: I gave birth to my daughter in feb 2019 Approaching her 1st bday D.E.S requested birth certificate & ss card for her health insurance. I went to vital records & they said the hospital never recorded her name. And to change it I'd have to pay $332 at court to amend it. Her birth cert. States her name is (noname) and my ex husband's last name( we divorced in 2014) that is not her father. I remember filing out the forms and giving them time a nurse.I have no money. What can I do? My baby has a heart condition and needs medical assistance.
Question: I’ve been married for over 3yrs but he’s been in and out of prison and cheated several times so we separated about 1 1/2 yrs ago. I started dating someone and got pregnant . When I had the baby I didn’t know it was illegal for the boyfriend to sign the birth certificate and not put my husbands name until a friend told me. So what do I do to fix it without getting in trouble? Like I said I had no idea as this was my first child.
Question: I am an adopted child and i ran away from my adopted parents in april of 2006. i turned 18 in aug. 2006 and now that im 18 i went back and asked for my birth certificate and my social security card but was refused to have it. im trying to get my life on track and i cant get a job with out my social security card, so what should i do.
Question: Can you please outline the steps necessary to acquire a birth certificate when one was never filed in 1980 when I was born? Thank you!
Question: I had my daughter 3 years ago and did not have her father sign the birth certificate we are still together and he wants to sign her birth certificate how would we go about him signing it
Question: the father of my unborn child will be in prison when he is born. How do i go about listing him on the birth certificate without him present
Question: My daughter was born in a different state than which we live in. I am in the process of leaving the father because he verbally abuses me on a daily basis. We know that he is not her biological father, can I have his name removed from the birth certificate in the state we live in? Can I change my daughters last name from his last name to mine?
Question: I was married at the time my two children were born, my ex husband left the state and haves nothing to do with my kids and I want to know how I can take his name off of the birth certificate and change my kids last name to my maiden name? Thank you
Question: I applied for birth certificate at hospital for my baby boy when he was born and I have not received it
Question: My daughter was married but had twins with another man. There is no name for the father on the birth certificate, it says unknown. What does the father have to do to get his name on the birth certificate
Question: I have two children with my ex we were never married he is actually still married to another woman. He signed the acknowledgment of paternity for my youngest daughter who is now 3 years old. I was wondering how I can take him off the birth certificate because he has not supported the kids since they were born no doctors appointment nothing I can not get legal documents like passports with out his signatures is there anything I can do to take his name off. He has been very violent and hit me several times and I have emails of him saying dangous things.
The father listed on my daughter's birth certificate is not her biological father and I have a paternity test that is court approved showing he is not the father. How do I remove him from the birth certificate?
I am about to give birth in a week and i was wondering if i am able to put my babys father last name even if hes not gonna be there when i give birth. We are not married and hes from mexico.
My son was born in Arizona and we moved to Colorado. He has an AZ birth certificate. We have done a paternity test and have determined that the father listed is not correct. We have also had his last name changed. How do I get a birth certificate with his correct last name and father?
I live in another state, how can I get my birth certificate and I do not have a state ID. I cannot travel back to Az.
how do i go about finding out if im on an child birth certificate and i dont not know the childs name only the mothers
I am 24 and had a baby with a girl. we have never been married. I pay her childsupport and I seen him regulary .4 times a week. My name is not on the birthcertificate. if i dont pay her she wont let me see my son what can i do I have a paternity test from a az doctor he is mine
I am applying to live in an apartment, and the application asks for my birth certificate. My peers think that is unheard of and that I need to double check why they are asking for that personal documentation. Does it have anything to do with the laws regarding illegal immigration? Or does it have to do with checking to see if I am a legal citizen, but why can't they just use my drivers license and/or social security number?
I am having a baby girl and was wondering do I have to give her her father's last name or can I give her my last name? And my other question is can he take me back to court to change her last name?
the father of my unborn child will be in prison when he is born. How do i go about listing him on the birth certificate without him present
I was born & raised in Phoenix, Az. When I was born my mom thought my dad sent in my paper for birth certificate and my dad thought my mom sent it in. In all reality it didn't get sent in at all, in the required time frame deadline so now my birth certificate reads (not named) and my last name with all of the other info re: my birth (parents names, etc) How do I get my first & middle name added to my birth certificate? I need to have this done for the new Real ID & so I can switch things over to a new state. ( driver lic, etc) can this be done from out of state & how much would it cost? Thanks
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