Forms and Letters: Family Law
questions & answers
Question: My friend has a son and the mother currently has sole custody of him. She currently resides in a two bedroom apt with her boyfriend whereas my friend is renting a three bedroom house. His son has his own room and the mother has the son sharing a room with two children 10, 8 that belong to her boyfriend. Is there some sort of law that makes it not okay for my friend's son to share a room with two older children that aren't blood related?
- In Arizona, there is no law for non-blood children to share rooms; otherwise, foster homes would likely disappear. Usually, when one parent has sole custody, the court orders that one parent (usually with sole custody) be responsible for making the major decisions regarding the child’s care or welfare. Although both parents may discuss these matters, the parent designated by the court has authority to make final decisions in the event the parents do not agree, see the article here for more information.
My friend has a son and the mother currently has sole custody of him. She currently resides in a two bedroom apt with her boyfriend whereas my friend is renting a three bedroom house. His son has his own room and the mother has the son sharing a room with two children 10, 8 that belong to her boyfriend. Is there some sort of law that makes it not okay for my friend's son to share a room with two older children that aren't blood related?
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