Divorce & Annulment

questions & answers

Question: What is a Dissolution of Marriage?

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Question: What are Conciliation Services?

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Question: What reasons must I have in order to get a divorce?

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Question: When can I file for a divorce?

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Question: How can my ex-husband file court papers changing the custody orders made with our divorce, stating that i can not take my son out of the county they live in. hes not even his son. its a long story and i need help getting my kids back.

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Question: How do I serve my wife with divorce papers.

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Question: My husband filed for divorce. My question is since the house is in his "mother's" name, which is what I am being told, when the divorce is final can they just kick me out? I have paid the utilities and upkeep for 4 years now. My husband lives on one side of house and I on the other side right now.

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Question: Please describe what the courts look at for "best Interest for the child". Do they take into account what the child(ren) want?

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Question: My husband and I are getting divorced and have 4 children under the age of 12. We have not been able to reach an agreement on custody and temporary orders  included that joint physical custody be granted. In addition, there are "parentling evaluations" scheduled . What is a "Parenting evaluation" and what kinds of questions should I expect? Will there be an opportunity for me to provide the evaluator with inforation? Thank you!

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Question: Is there specific paper I need to move out of state after a divorce where I have received sole custody of the children

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Question: During the final divorce could I change my name back to my maiden name but also keep my married last name, Just hyphen it? EX: jane doe-smoe

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Question: My husband and I are in the process of getting a divorce, am I able to purchase a house before the divorce is final?

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Question: What happens if you have already been divorced for three years and then notice on your divorce papers your social security number is wrong?

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Question: Our divorce was granted 09/26/06. As part of the agreement, I was supposed to pay my husband $35,000 to buy him out of a rental house we co-own with my parents. He refuses to take the money and I am at a loss as to what to do. He now says he wants the house, but has done nothing to procure financing to buy out me and my parents. Do I go to court and petition them to enforce the court order or do I sue him for non-compliance? The property agreement was "not-merged" and I have been advised to sue. How do I do that?

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Question: Can I get an anulment instead of a divorce?

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Question: When in the middle of divorce proceedings, and one of the two spouses moves out to another residence taking all of his possessions, is it legal to have the locks changed on the marital home even though both co-own the home? The home is up for sale as listed in our beginning divorce papers.

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Question: What to do with an exwife that has not followed the judge orders on the separation of goods after the divorece was done. She is still taking money from my account,she has taken things from my home, how can I get her out of my life and make her return all the money and goods she has taken afte the divorce?

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Question: I have just gotten a divorce and my exhusband is ordered to pay back money he took from our savings account when we seperated. He says that he does not have the money and will have to make payments. He was awarded our personal property which is paid off. Can I put a lien on this title? He says he is building a home is there any other way of ensuring that I will get my money returned?

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Question: My husband was recently arrested for sexually abusing my daughters. He is currently in jail awaiting trial for 3 class 6 felony charges. Of course I want a divorce, but I want to make sure that I proceed in a way that will most benefit my five children. I want to protect them from their father (get sole custody), and I want to do what will help us most financially. So is it best to file divorce papers immediately or to wait until he is convicted? If he is convicted does all of his property revert to me if we are still married? I am thinking long term, I know that I won't be receiving any child support so if the property doesn't revert to me on his conviction, is it likely that courts will give me all the community property in lieu of child support? Thank you.

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Question: How can we separate finances during our sepatation? I want to buy a house of my own with out obligating him or puting myself at risk of it being considered community property. He has moved out and our home is up for sale.

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Question: Is there a time limit between filing a legal seperation and filing a divorce?

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Question: My husband is homeless and does not really have an address. I mailed the acceptance of service plus the divorce papers to him at his last known addressvia certified mail. If I get the papers back unclaimed or undelivered can I file this along with asking for a default or do I have to go by publication? I cannot afford all these fees. I did get a deferral for the court fees but did not check for publication fees. Publication sounds like it is a hard and delaying process. I hear some saying I can file if I get the certified green card back as proof of service or even if the papers come back unclaimed. We have three kids and I am asking for sole custody.

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Question: where can i get free or very low help in filling out a qualified domestic relations order (qdro)

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Question: My ex-wife has stopped paying on the car and credit cards agreed upon in the divorce decree. My name is still on those items and I am afraid it is going to effect my credit. What can I do?

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Question: my husband & i filed for legal separation in 2001. we reconciled in 04/2003 and lived together as husband & wife in arizona until end end of september 2006. he has filed for a dissolution of marriage, according to arizona law, are the terms of the 2001 legal separation still valid?

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Question: Can I remove my husband from my medical insurance I have for our family at work, before are divorce is final?

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Question: I understand that when a divorce occurs, everything accumulated is community property. However, is a disability retirement subject to joint disbursement. My online research gives me conflicting answers. How do the courts interpret this?

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Question: How do I get married?

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Question: I own my home as sole and separate property and I am filing for divorce. My husband refuses to leave. What can I do?

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Question: I married a 16-Year Old female (I was 23) last year legally with proper parental consent. I was curious to know what my guardianship/consent rights are when it comes to my spouse being served legal paperwork or court orders by anyone, including myself. She was not emmancipated before our marriage, and I've had to legally be there to sign on her behalf for reasons such as school signup and notarizing items, so I know that I have some consent.

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Question: Is Arizona a common-law marriage state? If two seniors have been living together for more than ten years without being married and one passes away, will the living senior be responsible for the debts of the deceased.

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Question: Where can I find a court approved parenting class?

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Question: I want to get a divorce.  I married my wife several years ago.  After we were married, I found out that our marriage ceremony occurred before my wife had legally divorced her previous husband.  Is my  marriage to my wife legal?  Do I need a divorce or annulment?

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Question: Can I use legal aid even if my ex-wife used it for our divore 7 years ago?

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Question: The Judge granted me a divorce 12/08/06.My ex keeps filing Motions to the courts requesting to stop the default divorce. The Judge has already denied two as previously denied by the courts. What can I do to make her stop, or is there any paperwork I can file for her to stop.

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Question: I have been divorced since 2003. I have been living with my exhusband since the divorce. My divorce decree calls for me to receive half of his pension. I have never asked for any alimony until now. How do I go about getting half of his monthly pension and some back pension too? I receive SSI each month.

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Question: If we own a house together, and i wanted to keep the house after thedivorce, is it possiable? I work from my home and i have paid the house payments for the past 6 years.

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Question: my husband and his ex-girlfriend have a house and he wants to sell and she does not what can we do and what type of lawyer do we need?

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Question: I have been seoerated from my husband for the last 8 week. He told me to take my two boy age 6 & 8 and move to my sisters in Nevada. I have both boys in school here and have a new job . befor my paper were filed with the Nevada. He filed in AZ. I was served today with paper stating I must return the children to Flagstaff. I need to know what I can do to appeal this discision. My husband has anger issues he is bypolar and has very eratic behavior

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Question: I am a homemaker and I found out my husband of 9 years cheated on me. When confronted he left and has not been back, . We do not own our house but he has abandoned me and everything else leaving me with no vehicle, no money, and also cleaned out our bank account. What are my legal rights and where can I get help when I have no money for one?

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Question: My husband and married in Arizona. He is incarcerated in AZ. I have moved out of state. Do I have to get divorced in AZ or can I get it done where i reside now?

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Question: I have filed for divorce. I did this on January 28, 2008. I cannot afford an attorney so I am having to do this on my own. I also filed a petition for temporary orders. The hearing is on the 22nd of February. I did not understand the instructions to serve my husband. I took the papers to the sheriff's office on February 4. What happens if my husband doesn't get served on time? I just mailed the order to appear yesterday, 2-13.

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Question: If you are currently pregnant can you file for divorce in AZ, or do you have to wait until after the baby is born?

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Question: My husband and I are in a covenant marriage and we both agree we want to divorce (. From what I've read this is allowed by the court without stipulation. Which form does the courts need to pursue this? We have both search extensively and short of hiring lawyers (which neither of us want to do) we are unable to find this information out. Please help! (there are no children and no argument regarding property)

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Question: How long do I have to file annulment papers in the state of Arizona? in other words what is the statute of limitations on time?

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Question: We would like to start the Divorce process ourselves, when we file the Petition do we have to submit a parenting plan at that time if we are planning on joint custody of our two minor children. Having trouble just getting started, thank you.

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Question: I am wanting to divorce my husband who is currently incarcerated. His parental rights were severed by the courts and I have full custody of our only son. How does this change what documents I need to be filed and how he is able to respond ?

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Question: Would like to know the status of a case

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Question: how soon does a complaint for divorce have to be served, before its dismissed

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Question: I got married in Arizona, but we moved to another country. If we want to divorce, do we have to come back to Arizona ?

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Question: do you have to report your debt in a divorce, if you and your spouse have already agreed on how to split it up?

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Question: How is spousal support(alimony)figured?

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Question: How long does it take for a divorce to finalize in that state os Arizona?

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Question: if i was married in nevada can I get a divorce in az?

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Question: I've lived in Arizona since February. My husband is in the military. I am now pregnant, & want a divorce. He is verbally abusive and has a strong temper. He just recently tried to commit suicide and was in the pyschiatric hospital. Can I get a divorce while pregnant? Or what about an anullment since he tried to kill himself? Thanks.

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Question: My wife is asking for a divorce. Do i have the right to ask/make her change her last name, in the divorce decree?

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Question: how do I get a copy of my divorce paperwork

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Question: i don't have the money for an attorney to complete my divorce. I have been living seperately from my husband for 4 years. I don't qualify for living at or near poverty level but only have about $40.00 a month in disposable income. Is there anywhere that i can get help?

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Question: I have been seperated from my wife for over 18 years but we are still married. What do i need to do to get a divorce?

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Question: Where can I go to get the appropriate form to "Petition for Annulment"? I have taken two different sets of forms to the court and both have been denied.

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Question: My husband and I lived in Pima county, I moved out and now live in Maricopa Co. What reuirements do I have to meet to esablish residency in Maricopa so I can file for divorce here?

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Question: My wife and I are currently separated, and I am residing in Pennsylvania at the current time. I was able to attend only the first half of the parenting class before I moved out of state. Is it necessary to complete the course if I am no longer residing in Arizona? If so, is it offered as a "correspondence course"?

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Question: My wife and I separated she stayed in the house. The house is in her name only we moved in together in October 2001. I moved out in March 2007 am I entitled to half of the proceeds from the sale of the house?

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Question: how much would it cost to get divorce papers?

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Question: My husband wants a Divorce and we have a boat that has His Name OR my name. Does the word OR make it community property? He says it was a gift to him and won't sell it. What does the word OR mean on the title? Is it community property?

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Question: How long do I need to run an ad in the newspaper to get a divorce?

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Question: I became disabled during our marriage.After that time,she was able to get a good paying job with benefits incl, profit sharing,retirement,etc.I have become dependent on her income to pay for bills incl. basics.Am I entitled to spousal maintenance?

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Question: what recource by the respondant is possible after a petition for divorce is signed by both petitioner and respondant and before the final decree for dissolution

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Question: I have filedfor divorce with children done everything in order and made it to the hearing for temp. orders. We both are scheduled for the the pip class which i just took on Wed. The judge said my husband could take his in Las Vegas cause he lives there. The judge said that he is not setting this case for anything until completion cert. are received by the court for both of us. How long does he have to prove completion so we can keep going forward

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Question: If one person wants a divorce and the other does not, can that person contest the divorce?

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Question: I want to know how and where to proceed with collecting my money that was finalized with my divorce such as the 401k plan that I was awarded and my child support for 1,064 dollars a month that I havent recieved and if there is a time frame in collecting this money

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Question: Does AZ allow individuals to sue for alienation of affection in cases of marital infidelity?

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Question: My wife and I are separated and will file for divorce. She is refusing to let me see my girls who are 9 & 11. I am a good dad who does not do anything illegal, never committed domestic violence or other crime. Up to this point, I have raised and cared for my girls with the most love. It is killing me not to be able to see them. Can she keep them from me? What can be done until the divorce papers are filed? What are my rights?

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Question: Can someone who is mentally unfit to make decisions for themselves marry someone? My sister with severe dimentia recently married a stranger.

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Question: Whats the differance between divorce and legal seperation

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Question: What happends next when my spouse responds to the divorce?

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Question: I am trying to find the dissolution of marriage papers for cochise county, I've looked on the website for Self-Service Center and only see them for every county other than Cochise. Please Help!

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Question: I wish to file for a divorce. My wife left the country with my daughter. Do I use the "with children" or "without children " packet since the judge does not have child support jurisdiction here? I do not know the whereabouts of my daughter at this time. Thank you.

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Question: If I am married to an Illegal Alien, am I legally married and if he is in Mexico and not coming back, How do I divorce him?

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Question: married in phoenix AZ, wife lives there but husband lives in texas. married less than 1 year, no children. Does husand have to go to AZ to start divorce action?

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Question: My question is: Sept 2003 I got married in San Jose, CA. I moved to Phoenix, AZ the same year in July, We had a daughter May 2004, So what Law would my divorce be under? My husband had a house several year before we got married, and till this day Im not on the title of the house or the Cars we purchased during our marriage, Am I intitled to half of anything if I divorce?? I never changed my last name to my married name can that be an issue??

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Question: Where can I find past cases in Arizona where Alimony was not granted.

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Question: I need help finding a lawyer.I lost my job and my husband filed for a divorce this week.I would like help defending myself.No Ins.or money

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Question: How do I file a contempt of court because husband is not paying temporary spousal maint. plus he's changed titles on vehicles and property/house?

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Question: If court ordered my friend to pay child support, does this mean a decree was complete? My friend still thinks he is married and a responsible party.

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Question: My husband has not followed through with the stipulations set forth in our divorce decree. We filed our divorce in Pinal county, but I now reside in Maricopa county, which county would I have to go through to get the standing court orders enforced?

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Question: My spouse filed for a divorce in Pima County, we both reside in Pinal County, what steps do I need to take get a change of venue to Pinal County?

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Question: Is inheritance considered community property?

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Question: My daughter is being evaluated in preparation for a competency hearing. Her French husband filed for divorce three weeks ago. If she is declared incompetent, can the divorce proceed?

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Question: My ex wife moved to another state with our children, she does not work, and I ssupport their household financially, however it is all considered child support as it is writen in the decree. I ensured the decree stated I could claim the children on my taxes so long as I am up-to-date with my payments. Due to the condition, there is a form she is required to sign. I am up-to-date but she refuses to sign. What are my options to enforce the decree?

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Question: My husband left and took all furniture and appliances/electronics. Long story short, the only things he left me are all the household/child expenses. He left over a month ago and has not helped or contacted me. We own a home and there is a joint tenancy deed between my mom, me, and my husband. What is the difference between a joint tenancy deed and community property?

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Question: I am a resident of AZ. My wife and I were married in AZ. My wife is a resident of Minnesota and has filed for divorce there. The laws of which state govern in the divorce settlement?

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Question: I currently am legally seperated, what do I do now to get a divorce?

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Question: In our Divorce Decree, my ex is ordered to make payments to me every month for the Equity from our home and property. He has been late in his payments half of the time; sent a NSF check or only partial payment. I accepted the payment plan because he said he wanted to keep the house, and was unable to get a loan for the amount he would owe. The total amount he would owe me is only $21,000.00. Is there anything I can do to have the Decree changed so that he has to pay the balance to me in a lump-sum now?

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Question: I just found out that my husband went to Vegas and married the woman he was seeing. What are my rights in this situation? Who is the legal wife?

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Question: My divorce was final in May of 2007 I have been living with my xhusband since November of 2007. Can we apply for a Stipulation to Dismiss the Court granting of the divorce if we both agree to remaining married?

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Question: How do I get the status of my divorce? My husband filed and said he took care of everything and I didn't need to do anything.

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Question: I've filed for divorce, have served my husband with those papers and am now awaiting my parenting class that is just over a week away. Upon my completion of the class, can the court deny my divorce if my husband does not attend his class?

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Question: Is the self-help booklet available in Spanish?

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Question: Do I need to get annulment from my two month marriage. I recently found out I have been married for the past 9 years to another man that I thought I was divorced from. The original husband is a Veteran and although I might not be eligible for benefits because I left 9 years ago, I need to know if I can still apply for benefits being currently married. Does this 2 month marriage exist?

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Question: How long does it take for a divorce to be totally final?

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Question: If I move out of the house (after 50 years of marriage) this will not be considered 'abandonment' or 'possession is 9/10th of the law' as my husband tells me will it once I file for divorce?

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Question: I am deploying to go to afghanistan. I want to file for divorce but am concerned that may not go in my favor at this time. Can my spouse file for a divorce legally? I am leaving in july. How long does a divorce take , can it be finalized w/o me being present? If we have our own vehicles, both names r on each, could it possibly be divided where I keep my truck? Thank u

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Question: I just found out the person I married 6 yrs., ago is wanted in Mexico for attempted murder, she uses a false identity, our marriage may not be legal, she is a fraud and only married me for Immagration purposes. I went to immigration for assistance and guidance and they took the complaint but showed very little concern. I am told I should file for an annulment but I need an attorney do take care of the paperwork and file with the court. I need a domestic attorney, I dont have much funds, she has taken everything and left me in a poor financial state. Can someone recommend an attorney.....

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Question: If a husband moves out unexpectedly while you are at work and takes your car that is in your name can you call police and report it stolen?

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Question: I'm in the process of filing for divorce. What is the best way to serve papers to my husband, who is currently in AZ State Prison? I have not had contact w/him for over 2 years, & do not wish to take them to him personally.

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Question: my husband is in prision for domestic violence agg/assault on me. in his divorce papers he is wanting his 6 yoa son to have maditory visit every other weekend . I do not feel this is reasonable and should not be his choice. Is there a law pertaing to this.

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Question: My husband & I both agree on the dissolution of our covenant marriage. We have filed with Maricopa County Courts. I need to know if I have the proper forms to include with the standard forms given to me thru the court house.

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Question: i am going thru a divorce and i am still legally married but my wife is sleeping around and has been for some months. is that adultry? we havent lived together for 4 months and she has been sleeping around the whole time? is there anything i can do in court?

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Question: I am in the process of a divorce and will be moving back to my home state. As part of the divorce, our house will have to be sold. Do I have to continue living in AZ once the divorce if finalized or can I move back to my home state?

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Question: I was granted a divorce from my husband in January of this year. He was to pay me a certain amount of cash by February and hasn't and was to place the house up for sale and didnt. The house has gone into foreclosure. All this was stated in the papers. Doesn't he have to pay?

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Question: Where cam I find online "Respondent" forms for a dissolution of marriage petition?

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Question: My husband and I are going through a very civil divorce. We have no kids and want to be officially divorced as soon as possible so he is able to purchase a house without my liabilities. Once we turn in the paperwork, how long will it take for it to be processed?

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Question: merry for 6 years, my wife is with some other person (cheating) she does not know i know yet, i have 2 kids 6 & 2, how can i start the divorce process, i want costudy of kids. im the only one that works for the last 6 years i need help.

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Question: I have been seperated from my husband for 2 years, he lives in Mexico we have 2 children, I am aware that he cannot offer anything for my children, I just want the divorce, How can this work out being that we married in Nevada and resided there throughout our marriage, I have been living in Az since he was deported 2 years ago, What procedures do I need to follow since he lives in Mexico?

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Question: I have recently moved back to arizona,my husband resides in illinois and has filed for divorce. I was told i can't file any papers here to respond to what i was served, and i have no idea what to do or what is going on. Can someone please help me

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Question: how long does it take to get a annulment in az

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Question: Am I responsible for debt incurred prior to marriage at anytime?

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Question: If i have always had a savings account under my name only can the other party claim it?

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Question: Is Arizona a no-fault state?

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Question: I was incarcerated in july of this year and was released just recently, during that time my wife and 2 children had moved to kansas I am most likely to file for divorce and will be seeking joint custody. I am planning on having the kids for their summer break and winter breaks.Since she is out of state what is the procedure for this to occur and what must I file,also will she have to come back to Arizona for the proceedings or can she remain in Kansas?

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Question: When does the time to vacate the premises begin after a petition for divorce has been filed and how long does the respondent have to vacate?

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Question: Do u have to have a attorney to go through with a divorce

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Question: I have not lived with my husband in over 6 years. Technically we are still legally married even though we have not been or seen or talked to each other in over years. I do know that he lives in another state but not the city or address. how can I file for divorce to finally end this chapter in my life? what are the steps i need to take to end this?

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Question: location of child support office in phoenix

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Question: I brought my company into the marriage. It grew while we were married. Is it considered community property. She did not work for the company

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Question: I am legally divorced, I was a stay at home mom. I have just started working pt, but do not have enough money to get a lawyer. Will his income be counted as mine, even though I have no access to it. I'm wondering if I qualify for free legal assistance. We are not agreeing on custody.

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Question: I filed for divorce 6yrs ago paid all that money and they say i am still married. My Husband has moved back to morrocco and i dont know how to find him. havent seen him in 6yrs how do i get a divorce from him if i cant find him?

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Question: If a divorce petition was initiated and granted with the help of an attorney, do i need an attorney to repetition the courts for a change in my old decree which was filed in 1998.

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Question: In the event an annulment was granted does the the wife have the option to keep the husbands last name even if he requested she not keep it?

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Question: I have been legally separated for 7 years and would like to obtain a divorce, what are the procedures for it?

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Question: How does property get divided in AZ? In WI. automatically the spouse get half no matter whose name is on the house, car,boat,etc.?

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Question: Is there a form to amend a divorce petition i am filing for an annulment but i made a mistake and it turned into a request for divorce judge said i needed to file an amendment

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Question: Can i have my fathers rights teminated in the State of Arizona if im under the age of 18?

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Question: I have been married for nine yrs. I worked at a job for 28 1/2 yrs. before we were married. I received a 30 yr. pension which I still get every month like wages. If I file for divorce would she be able to steal part of my retirement pension even though we only gained 300 dollars of it while we were married,and if so could she start getting have my pension before we were divorced?

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Question: how do you find out if you are divorced before you spend all that money

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Question: My husband and I have been married for 19 years. Common Law for 4 years and 14 years Legally Married (State of NM). We have been separated for 3 months, if I decided to divorce my husband my reason is "Adultery". We have a State Marriage Licence and we married in Navajo Nation Court. Do I file with the State of New Mexico or Navajo Nation. We have 2 children therefore child support will be filed. And can I charge my husband and his companion with "Adultery"?

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Question: how do i get divorce forms?

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Question: My daughter is in Perryville prison. and needs to get a divorce packet. I don't have much money. What do I do for her?

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Question: I was married a few days more than 6months now. We entered into a covenant marriage, and my husband has not been here since. He has lived in north carolina the entire marriage, he is a compulsive liar, he has stolen money from me, and has also verbally and emotionally abused me. Is there anyway to have the marriage annulled?

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Question: I was a stay-at-home mom for the majority of my marriage. During that time I accrued some student loans. In our separation agreement we each agreed to pay half of that, and any other, debt. A lawyer I spoke with stated that I am eligible for alimony (we were married 9 years and I stayed home for 6 of them), but my spouse takes great exception to this. He believes that since I did not contribute, monetarily, I should not be entitled to alimony. What should my expectations be?

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Question: I filled divorce last March 2010 and it was dismissed on April 30,2010 then I reinstate last May 2010? When will be the divorce final, from now I did not recieved any answer from the court?

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Question: Our no fault divorce was just finalized. I learned that she was pregnant is pregnant with another mans child and told me days after the divorce was final. Do I have any recourse? She didn't want me to have joint custody and I have to pay alimony. Now, she's struggling with my 4 kids and I doubt the other guy she was having an affair with will marry her due to the alimony but I believe I would of filed grounds had I known.

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Question: I am getting a divorce. How long must I be in Arizona before I am considered a resident?

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Question: I am the Respondent. I received a "Notice of Resolution Management Conference." (b) says I must comply with all disclosure requirements. I found the Disclosure Statement, but I don't know if I file it with the court or bring it with me to the conference. In my Response paperwork, I thought I read that I do not file it. Thank you

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Question: Is there any free legal help in AZ for stay home moms that have no income?

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Question: Can I use the Dissolution papers for Maricopa County Superior Court to file in Navajo County? Since Navajo County does not provide these forms online.

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Question: How do I divorce my husband when I don't know where he is haven't known for 11 years! I've 2 kids by him, I've been with a new man for the past 10 years i have a child with him do i have to include this child on the divorce papers?

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Question: we agree on everything just want the divorce. How long will it take? We don't want to wait 60 days we just want ot sign the papers and get it done now.

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Question: My husband and I have been seperated for 6 months and I want a divorce. I am looking at moving out of state to be closer to my family. I need help filing for divorce as I have a limited income. He wants joint custody but he is not her biological father. After we got married he signed paper claiming paternity. How do I go about getting the divorce with full custody when I have no money? Thank you

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Question: if a person has had no contact with their spouse in 6 years are they considered legally seperated? What are seperation laws in Arizona?

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Question: In my divorce the Judge issued a Final Ruling months ago, but it seems there is no way to get a Final Decree. My ex keeps requesting delays claiming medical issues, but has provided no proof to the court of any medical issues. In the meantime I keep paying more and more temporary spousal maintenance and attorney fees. The Judge keeps approving my exs requests for more time. My attorney has filed a Final Decree with the Judge. How long can the Judge take to sign a Final Decree (months or years)? What else could my attorny do to push along my case? No one but me wants the divorce to be done

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Question: if both parents agree on everything and go through a civil divorce how long will i get the actual divorce papers? For example my wife and I are getting a divorce we actually agreed to me oaying a certain amount of child support which comes to about 400 to 500 for both of my kids a month. She is to keep the house and all the items there in. we have signed all the papers that we need to sign for now and tomorrow we will go and sign the rest of the paper work before the clerk. How long before I get the actual document that says we are legally divorced?

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Question: does the parent paying for the insuranse for the child have to pay what ever the insurance does not cover

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Question: I got married in san luis Az. when I was a legal resident, but now I'm no longer a legal resident and I live in san luis mexico, I been separated for 13 years and I want to get a divorce, I don"t know what to do.

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Question: I am in grad school for nurse anesthesia and am contemplating divorce due to husbands repetitive habits. My question is..do I start the divorce now and risk financial hardship while in school or wait until graduate in one year with a salary of $150,000? thanks so much

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Question: I have a questions, please help, thank you! 1.) we marriage on 2/14-2010 & my husband wanted to divorce because he already had a "new wife". Anyway, he said he need my social security number to file the divorce! I wondered is that required by the Law of Arizona?

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Question: what websit can i go to and see if my husband did are divorce?

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Question: is annulment legal in az

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Question: I haven't seen or spoken with my husband in 8 years. I think he still lives in New Jersy but am not sure. I've lived in Arizona for 7 1/2 years and want a divorce. We have no children, no property, no finances, NOTHING to divide between us. How do I go about getting this done in the cheapest, most efficient way possible?

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Question: my husband walked out on me a week after we found out i was pregnant. we had bought a car together and he let his dad put the title in his name without me knowing and a week after we found out i was pregnant he left? what can i do and can i get an annulment?

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Question: My husband is incarcerated and we have two children. I am in the process of submitting my petition for a dissolution of marriage and noticed we are required to complete a parenting class. Is there a waiver for a parent that is incarcerated or any other way this class can be completed by him?

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Question: I am disabled and my husband has abandoned me now for close to a year. He filed a order to stop me from being able to talk to him as he refuses to divorce me but is living with another woman.He failed to tell the judge we r in a covenant marriage. I need free/cheap legal help. PLZ!

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Question: I got "married" at age seventeen to, (unknown to me at the time), a person who was in the country illegally. He was a permanant resident who had his residency pulled after recieving three felonies two years prior to our marriage. He was arrested and deported again four years ago. I was to annul the marriage, and also make sure I legally have full custody of our two children. Where do I start?

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Question: Divorce layer died before divorce became final. What is my recourse?

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Question: My husband is in the army and is stationed in S. Korea until March of 2012. We have a 3 year old daughter who lives with me. My husband informed me that he wants a divorce. He's going to see if he can get one started on the base where he's stationed. Can he do that? Also, should I file for legal separation now, or do I need to wait until he's back. He's very irresponsible with money and I'm afraid he will incur more debt before we're divorced.

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Question: My husband has been gone for eight years. I have no idea where he is. Do I still have to find him to serve a divorce? We have minor children together. The child support he has paid has been speratic.

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Question: I filed for divorce in Cochise County AZ in May 2011. I moved to Maricopa County the end of May and have drove back to file the other papers, for serving and default. Would it be possible for me to finish the divorce proceeding here in Maricopa? Thank you for your help.

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Question: My husband and I have a covenant marriage and now I wish to file for divorce. What extra paperwork is necessary for me to do that?

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Question: I have filed all of my paperwork and was advised to call the default line in 10 business days, yet I do not have a number for that. What do I do?

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Question: Will a judge grant my request to change my name to something other then a former name during a divorce proceeding

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Question: My ex-husband will not follow the divorce decree order that were signed by a judge. How can I enforce the judges order? What form do I use?

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Question: I got married in Morocco, got my husband to U S we have been married for 3 years. One day, he decided to leave and two weeks later, I found out he was filing divorce for domestic violence, I confronted him and he said it was the only way to get his legal status. I hired an attorney and got divorced but not for domestic violence, it was for irreconsiliable marriage. Can he still get a chance to get his green card?

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Question: My wife filed for a divorce and we still have intercourse are the papers still valid

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Question: how to file divorce papers myself

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Question: Is there a form for community property assets?

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Question: I got married in Jacksonville, FL, but I have live in AZ for 3 years now. Can I get divorce in AZ? and how? No children, bebt or property together at all.

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Question: My divorce was filed on January 17, 2012. When will my divorce be finalized?

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Question: My husband filed for a divorce.  Do I have to file a response or can I just let it default after the 20 days if I agree with everything on the paperwork I was given in regards to the property he wants?

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Question: Can I get my money back for my lawyer. My divorce never went through since 2004. I believe my lawyer never pursued the issue & I am still married ..what can I do

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Question: Me and my wife are separated and we have a little girl togther. She won't let me see her because I'm not with her any more.  I want a DNA test done so I can see my littile girl and a divorce. How I go about doing that?

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Question: I have been married for 20 years but my husband left me for another woman 16 years ago, and now he lives in another state and I want to divorce him how do I go about this? Now that I know where he is am I still entitled to anything?

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Question: My husband filed for divorce in Maricopa county, we live in Pinal county. Is it possible to have his case dismissed because of this?

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Question: i need some help asap to fill divorce paper i have 2 children and never work always stayed home

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Question: My spouse and i both have a retirement plan thru our employer. We are 38 and 40 years old and getting divorced. Since we both have our own retirement plan, do we each get 1/2 of the others during a divorce? this seems silly? How does the court view this scenario? If only one spouse had a retirement plan i could see the division of it but it seems if both parties have a retirement plan, you would just keep your own?

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Question: I am out of State and was told I need to petition the judge to accept the parenting class. I do not know what form to use to petition the judge to accept the class.

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Question: my husband and i have been married for 13yrs. i have asked and told him that i want a divorce cause we lost respect for each other and neither of us are happy. dv is within this marriage. i'm tired of the fighting, arguing, etc. do you think the judge would grant my request for dissolution of marriage? i need help with this please. i cant and wont take no more of this abuse from my husband.

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Question: I have run out of funds trying to Divorce my husband. He has a much higher income than I do. Also he is currently working in China. I have had custody of our 2 kids for 2 years. I filed last year, but he fought it and won. I want something legal to protect me financially .

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Question: I was ordered tbo reimburse 9500 of 9950 of remaining attoneys fees with 10% annum interest. My ex has not paid anything to her attoney in 2.5 years. I have settled with her attorney for their fees and interest because she took me back to court. She now owes nothing without paying a dime. Will I still have to pay her the 10% interest?

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Question: I had moved out of my house a year ago from my husband. I did not have the money to file for divorce until last week. As of the first of the year 2013 I have had a boyfriend and now my soon to be x is threatening me with adultery. Is this adultery if we have been separated for over a year?

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Question: My husband was deported to the UK after a conviction for domestic violence. He cannot return to the US. Our marriage is not legal there. Therefore he is not married. Do I have to get a divorce? And if so, how can I serve him when I don't know where he is?

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Question: How can I make a legal separation a divorce, when I did not offer any response to the petitioners request? We worked the separation out together, so I didn't want to fight her!

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Question: I wanted to know if furniture I already owned before the marrage and furniture that was purchased by my parents can legally go with me during the seperation/divorce?

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Question: I have three kids and my husband filed for divorce in Iowa...I moved to Arizona two weeks ago and I was wondering if I have to get a lawyer from Iowa or can I have a lawyer from Arizona...and does anyone know of how I would be able to get a lawyer for free because I am a single mother and can't afford a lawyer.

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Question: I would like to enforce my divorce decree. In the decree my ex husband was to buy me out of a portion of our business. He had 2 years to buy out my portion with an agreed upon amount. He is refusing to do so. What do I need to file in order to enforce this? The business is still operating and he is employed by it.

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Question: What happens if my husband or spouse refuses to sign the divorce papers?

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Question: My Divorce Decree was supposed to be filed on August 16th 2013 and I don't see the electronic online file minutes. Where can I find out if they were filed properly and ontime?

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Question: Is there a waiting period after the Judge grants the divorce?

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Question: Would I be able to get visitation of my two children if they live in a diffrent city? They live with there grandparents and there mother live in the same city I live in.

Where Can I Buy Ambien (Zolpidem) Online at Lowest Price?

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Question: My husband and I have been married 30 years. In the divorce papers he filed I am to receive nothing. I want to fight for spousal maintenance. I only work part time and have for 20 years. I have osteo arthritis in my knees and it is difficult to for me to get around. What are my rights? Also, all the stress he has put me under made me have a minor heart attack a few months ago. What about medical. I know when the divorce is final it ends. I can't get it through my job. It's too expensive. What are my rights?

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Question: My wife and I were married in Phoenix a year ago, and now we would like to get a divorce. However, both of us are working abroad. Can we get a divorce or an annulment? Can we have a lawyer represent us and fly back for the court dates?

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Question: My husband has said that he filed for divorce but I don't want it. Is there some way that it could go through even if I don't agree to it or if I don't sign the divorce papers.

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Question: I got a divorce about 7 years ago and it stated that my ex owes me some money but he has yet to pay in full. He had since moved to NC and gotten remarried. Can I go after them for the money? The decree doesn't state an expiration for the money to be paid but he refuses to make further payments to me. I also learned that he has recently bought a house. Can I put a lien out and file a document with the court to hold him in contempt for not paying me?

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Question: If I owned my house before getting married, can I sell it before we're divorced without having to split the money I make from selling it?

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Question: Separated now for 7 months and had to move in with my brother's family in Utah because we had no money. Should I file for divorce in Utah or AZ? We filed & granted Bankruptcy last April. We have very left (furniture). I still help him out with bills occasionally & my name is still on utilities etc. in AZ

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Question: Hello. I am finally attempting to get a divorce from my husband. I am from WA State and fled to get away from him and his family who were threatening my children and I. We have one small child together. When he was a child his mom changed his last name, not legally from his birth name to her maiden name. And we were married with her maiden name, not the name on his birth certificate. My question is does this make our marriage legal?

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Question: I have filed for a legal separation and want to drop it, can this be done? I have filed the acceptance papers, and my husband has not responded yet. we are trying to work out our problems and not ready for a divorce. How do I go about rescinding the filing?

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Question: Is it possible and lawful to withdraw a petition for legal separation before it is final? If yes, how??

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Question: How do I get a divorce when I don't know where my spouse is.

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Question: I got married in the US, but my spouse is a Korean citizen and never lived here, just visited. He went back to korea and got a divorce over there (mutual). Now he is legally divorced thru korean court and I have the official notarized court documents. Is it automatically accepted here in the USA? I am trying to get married again to someone else and want to make sure we are allowed to now.

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Question: how do I qualify for an anulment

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Question: who do i call if i have not gotten my child support payment in 2 weeks

Where to get Ozempic, Wegovy, Rybelsus without prescription?

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Question: I am an American citizen and got married in India. I been staying away from my wife for almost 2 years. To file for divorce do I have to file in India or here to be valid?

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Question: If I have not live or been supported by ex-husband who has been living domestically with another woman for over 20 years, does it help in my filing for divorce so I can proceed forward with another man?

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Question: If did not obtain a license from state of Arizona, but a clergy member "marry" us, were ever really married?

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Question: I got married in the state of Philadelphia, PA in 2004 and I have been separated since the year of 2012. I moved to the state of AZ in May of 2014 and I want to know if I can get a divorce here in the state of AZ.

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Question: My husband and I have bad credit so his father put our house in his name because his credit score is better than ours and we ended up with a great house payment. He hasn't paid anything for this house he hasn't never stayed the night in this house please tell me there is something I can do if he decides to sell house. When we found house we all sat down and had an verbal agreement this house is our. What should I do what are my rights? I feel that I may not have a lot of time can I stop him or have everything halted until someone can do an investigation.

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Question: can i get ssi from my x

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Question: What can I do if my husband is not filing his set of divorce papers, mine have been filed already and I waited the required amount of time, but he will not file his papers saying he is too busy. We have no children together and we agreed on everything. I believe I need to file a default form, but does that mean we have to have a hearing? Is there anyway to file the default form and have no hearing? Especially being we have no property/assets to divide.

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Question: what if husband lives in another state and i wish to obtain divorce?

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Question: My wife kicked me out by threatening to call the cops on me and tell them im violent. I left because she was the one slapping me. How do I get my items? Do I still have to pay rent due on 5th? Kicked out on the 1st.

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Question: I cannot seem to find the forms for a covenant marriage divorce.

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Question: Want to file for divorce and have no income

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Question: Can i get a annulment been less than 30 days

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Question: How does my granddaughter get an annulment? She has no income.

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Question: I need help with my divorce

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Question: My wife and I have been separated for 8 months after being married for 33 years; she is using illegal drugs and drinking and driving. Is there a way to protect myself from liability, without filling for divorce?

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Question: Where can I find a divorce packet for a covenant marriage?

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Question: Where can I find covenant divorce packet to file for divorce

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Question: Feb. 14,2014 Husband and I had a resolution meeting where he was suppose to rollover the per deim of his 401k plus 6k. it is on the paperwork to do so. It is now almost a year over and no surprise, he hasn't done a damn thing or how do I get him to or even know it is the correct amount? what if he has taken it all out by now? please help. I didn't say anything for I hoped he had done it and I just never got the paperwork, but I am pretty sure he didn't even attempt to. what can I do? sue him? hire my lawyer again? can I make him pay for my lawyer if I do have to get her involved again?

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Question: My Name is Rose Smith. I been married almost 7 years. my husband is becoming so aggressive is like he can be super nice next time his mad over nothing is he has custody of his 2 kids i help him raised them 7-9 but his never around. He said he wants me out of the house can he do that? i don't no what to do i don't work i just finish my school he says he work but we are always with no money kids needs blanks stuff or food he don't buy them please help with the money the we are getting from the taxes he says his not giving nothing.please help

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Question: what rights does a defaulted party have during the default hearing? he has been found in default, but still wants to argue topics to the judge at the default hearing. is this possible?

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Question: If I bought a house and a rental home before I got married, does my wife have any rights to the equity ?

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Question: Where do I have a legal separation agreement turned into a divorce? Husband and I and our two kids lived in Japan from August 2014 to March 2015, he and I got legal separation through military JAG over there. The last duty station we were all at for longer than 6 months was in New Mexico. Kids and I are now staying in Arizona with my mom since March 3, 2015. Can I still file in NM since that's the last place we all lived, even if I don't have a current residence there? -we would both like to file the divorce ASAP.

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Question: I was married in Maricopa county, can I file legal separation in navajo nation court?

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Question: My wife left the state, and we have since filed for divorce. She has made no attempt to ask for the property she left behing. She has retained a lawyer in our state. Can I leave her belongings at the lawyers office?

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Question: My husband and I have been separated for three years. We have an adult daughter aged 23 and another who is nearly 20- she is getting married in a month. We wish to file co-petitioner divorce but do we file the packet for with children or not? She is not emancipated, but does live on her own and will be married as I said in a month.

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Question: I was married a month ago to a man who I already have 3 kids by, can I get an annulment granted?..

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Question: I live in Phoenix & filed our divorce in AZ. My husband is going on medical disability & lives in CA. He is turning his pension into the disability. We have been married 19 years and the judge that I saw at my first hearing wants me to check the pension amount so I receive my correct amount. I have a request for $850.00 in spousal support but I would like to lower it to $450.00 because he is going on disability. I completed the decree with a paralegal. Can I change the decree myself to lower the amount of spousal support before my next default hearing?

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Question: Is it possible to file for divorce without knowing the spouse's SSN? She did not have a SSN when we married and I don't have any paperwork with her SSN on it. We're not on speaking terms, but I do know her address.

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Question: I am a Utah native and moved to Arizona about 2 years ago. I got married in AZ in October 2014. I recently have moved back to Utah in January and want to get my marriage annulled and my husband still lives in az. Do I file for annulment in UT or az? It is an az marriage license.

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Question: I got married in another country in 2002. I have lived in Arizona about 5 years. Can I get a divorce here without my husband?

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Question: I was married in Mexico to a college friend who was deported. We were married 3 years ago. I came back to AZ and have not seen him since, we talk regularly but he has no plans on returning to the states. Is filing for a divorce in Arizona possible, and could I file for an annulment considering we never consummated the marriage?

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Question: my spouse is filing for divorce and we have decided on the things that we agree on. however, I can't afford an attorney. Is it possible to get an attorney to review the agreement for me and how much would that cost?

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Question: i wanat to file for aa divorce with out hiring a lawyer,I reside in mesa phoenix but she reside in Ill. Can I still file on my own without a lawyer?

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Question: I started divorce proceedings against my husband but now he is dying from liver failure and on hospice. Which is to my advantage, the divorce or remaining married, we are separated now. This is purely a debt issue because of medical and other outstanding bills of his. I am disabled and live on my SS and he has no income being unemployed for over 2 years but recently accepted to ahccs.

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Question: Can one file for an Annulment OR a Divorce at the same time? The concern is if Annulment is not granted, would one need to refile for divorce. Thank you

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Question: My estranged wife of 9+ years left me for another man who by her instruction attempted murder on me where I died 2 times that day. She went back to the reservation in AZ where I cannot find her nor do I want to. How do I receive a divorce from her on the grounds of adultery, domestic violence, abandonment and attempted murder. We have no children or property togather. I am Sioux she is dine' but was a member of the wheatfield/tsaile chapter house. who do I file with and how? please e me at [email protected] it is 9-25-15

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Question: Neither of us is a resident of Arizona but got married in Arizona and would like to divorce in Arizona is it possible

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Question: how do you divorce an Alzheimers patient?

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Question: Hello, I married my spouse about 1 year ago. We then PCSed to overseas. My wife found employment in a GS-8 job. Now she wants to live the single life- never comes home, parties all the time with others, and has had affairs with other men. I want to divorce her but she doesn't want to get a divorce because she wants to keep the GS job. Her job really likes her and is looking for a way to keep her here . Its I want nothing to do with her. My question- is there a law that protects service members from these predatory spouses that marry just for the preferential hiring for these GS jobs?

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Question: I left home with few belongings because of domestic abuse. I obtained an order of protection,which he has violated,been arrested for & released. Husband filed for divorce listing my separate things to be mine. No other divisions of property was mentioned. They are at the house, house in his name, he changed the locks, can I get them with police escort now or must I wait til the divorce is final? Who would contact him about my coming? I am not planning on responding to summons.He is saying that he will dispose of all things if I do not remove them right away as he wants them out of his house.

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Question: if my wife leaves me does she have any rights to my pension and soc sec money no kids all are grown have some proof she has a boyfriend. has been gone since 10-30 no contact at all

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Question: been married 12 yrs, no children due to domestic violence I am seperated from husband.I'am wanting a divorce/alimony/order of protection what are my chances? Due to his disability will I be charged with abandonment?

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Question: I printed out a Pima County #2 divorce packet but i live in Yuma County. Can i use that packet to file for a divorce in Yuma?

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Question: Igot marry like 2years ago andhe just useme to Clem mykids he got 8000.00 eight thousand back we where to gather for 1 mouth can u. Help me feel free call me 6026722595 Erica thanks

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Question: Was married in VA and Nikki's recently found out that my husband is still married to one of his previous wives in VA. Can I get an annulment here on the grounds for bigamy and fraud?

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Question: I have been unable to find and secure any legal representation throughout out entire divorce and I have paid dearly for it. I live on a fixed disability income and cannot afford to pay for services. I have gone through local channels such as AZ211, AZLAW.COM & COMMUNITY LEGAL SERVICES twice and I am still not represented. Any help would be more than appreciated! Thank you, Diana Berne

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Question: How do I know if my marriage is a covenant marriage?

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Question: If my husband is charging gambling debts to a mutual credit card, can I avoid responsibility?

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Question: Why does one have to make a newspaper publication when filing for divorce?

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Question: I have a covenant marriage with no children and spouse committed several adultery acts. Where is the self service packet to complete? We have been separated 2years and will not be reconciling.

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Question: Can my exwife ask for any assets or property (ei. furniture, vehicle) after our divorce was final a year ago? She took guns, TVs, and jewelry before divorce was final and wanted nothing else.

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Question: If a couple married for 14 years and live in the same house in case of divorce who owns the house if the house was bought before the marriage by one of the spouse?

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Question: My husband who participated in illegal drugs once in a while before we got married had become an addict. We haven't been married a year. Domestic abuse has occurred numerous times with me too afraid to call on him. However, they are getting worse. His name is the one in the house and he threatens to kick me out. Would this be grounds for annulment?

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Question: I am currently covered by my spouses insurance coverage and our divorce has not been filed yet. ARS 20-1377 and 20-1408 state that I may continue to be covered under his health insurance policy. I have contacted the health care company and NO ONE is able to assist me with this. I've looked online for answers and there are none. How to I apply for a conversion policy?

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Question: My spouse was stationed as active duty in AZ, where we bought a house together and he still has an AZ driver's license, pays AZ taxes, and that house is his official address of record. Mine has changed. Can I file for divorce in AZ since he is an AZ resident (does the court consider him an AZ resident)? Thank you.

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Question: I live in Arizona and my spouse lives in Texas. I do not have any residence or employment information on him. Do I file for divorce in AZ or do I file in TX? I have had no contact with him since 2012. We have no children or property and I prefer to file on my own due to financial issues. Thank you.

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Question: My husband and I were married in 2000. We separated in 2001 and have no lived together or been in a relationship ever since. He was deported to Mexico. How can I file? He agreed to sign and get papers notarized in Mexico immediately. Would they be valid in Arizona?

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Question: How is spousal support determined? Is there a formula used by the court to determine how much should be awarded?

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Question: I married in 2001 when i turned 21 to a man i really didnt know he ended up having another family in mexico he left me a month later never heard from him again i believe hes in mexico how can i file for a divorce

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Question: I am recently divorced, and I got the house. He has personal stuff still here and I cannot get him to get it out of here. There is a lot of stuff and most too heavy for me to move. I've asked him several times to move it, even sent him letters that he had to sign for. Now he won't even answer his phone so I can pin him down on a date when he can have it done. It's his way of still trying to control my life and all I want is out and away from him. What options do I have to enforce this? It's been three months since the divorce and there was nothing on the decree that states a time limit .

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Question: My husband of a year would like to divorce. I would prefer an annulment. I entered into the marriage with a then 3 year old. Him being the non biological parent should I file for an annulment without children?

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Question: I'm trying to find legal help in regards to filing for divorce and custody. With very little funds.

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Question: How can i annul this marriage i was married just 3 weeks ago and know its a great mistake

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Question: Due l can't afford a lawyer I want to start the process of my divorce by myself. No children, property or nothing to fight for. Could you please help me on how to do it, where to go or give me any advice about i

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Question: Is withholding sex to a husband and to deny to have sex again as long as we are married, grounds for a divorce in Arizona.

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Question: What if I married into milatry sep 2016 he deployed sept 2016 and came back oct 2017 and i want an annulment is that possible

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Question: I am in a same-sex marriage. I live in Arizona and my wife lives in Guam. Can I file an annulment in Arizona based on the premise that by statute, a “marriage between persons of the same sex is void and prohibited” in Arizona. A.R.S. § 25-101(C)?

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Question: Divorce decree states my ex is to pay half of a credit card bill either in monthly payments or half of the balance. He is not paying me or the credit card company. The only payments he made were during the time we still lived together. I deducted his half of the payment from my half of the monthly bills. How can I get the court to enforce what is on the decree? Also, I no longer reside in the state of Arizona and do not have money for an attorney. Thank you.

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Question: When my wife and I separated she gave me a noterized letter stating I had met all my financial obligations of the household we shared. Now that we’re proceeding with divorce she is trying to say I owe a bunch of money in loans she took out from her family. Will the noterized letter defend me if we go to trial?

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Question: He wants a divorce, I don't. What do I do?

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Question: I've been married for 20 years and now getting a divorce. My husband was in the military 19 years of that. Do I still get half his pension?

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Question: if there is a civil/amicable decision for couple to divorce, does the house HAVE to be sold, or if agreed in writing to judge, can it be refinanced only under only party's name?

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Question: Hello I am going through a divorce and am representing myself. I have all the paperwork ready to go to serve my husband. Before I do that I need for someone to look it over and let me know if it okay and reasonable. I want spousal maintenance. I have no jo,b my husband does. together he makes enough money to get help but I do not. Just need advice

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Question: I was married thru the Catholic Church. Got divorced thru the state 5 years ago, but have not gone thru the church to get the marriage annulled. Legally, do I need to do this before I remarry?

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Question: I'm a Disabled Veteran, my husband is active army - we met on active duty 2008 & married 2012. Due to him physically and mentally abusing me, we seperated end 2014, had a separation agreement in place since we lived in NC. We toyed with reconciling during 2015 and 2016. Feb 2017, despite being in contact with each other, he filed for divorce in TX, filed a false affidavit that he couldn't find me, and had a default judgement granting divorce. He cleared out our 3600 sqft home in NC of all our joint & personal property and dropped my daughter from ins. How to make his wrongs, right?

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Question: when trying to find my divorce degree to apply for ex-husbands social security after his death, finally got sent to the filing dept. and the clerk said there was no signed divorce degree in the file. The judge had never signed a divorce decree. she said i was still married to him but the ssa courts won't accept my word How do I fix the situation so I can get my ex's social security. altogether we were married 12 yrs but I disqualified because we didn't remarry for 2 yrs versus 1 yr. Neither of us ever remarried

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Question: Filing for divorce how do I answer this question when I owned my house before we got married and we have nothing but debt shared? How do you request that the court divide the community, joint and common property between you and your spouse?

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Question: Can I get an annulment if my husband sexually abused his step-daughter (my daughter)? He has not been charged but there is an open case with the city of Phoenix detectives. CPS is also involved. There is an order of protection which he has been served. He has left the state to avoid being questioned and going to jail due to not following the order of protection.

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Question: My husband and I have a covenant marriage. We are getting divorced (we meet the necessary requirement to do so), but I'm not sure if I need to file different paperwork. All of the regular divorce paperwork for AZ states that it won't work for covenant marriages. Please advice. Thanks!

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Question: How do I download the forms for annulment

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Question: i am trying to find a form for dissolution of a covenant marriage with children

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Question: My wife signed a online prenatal that was notarized that basically stated her debt is hers and mine is mine and her finances are hers and mine are mine. We tried to make it work for 3 1/2 years but it’s not working. I brought a house while we were married and put $75,000 down, all my money. We are both on mortgages though. She agreed if we divorced the $75,000 I put down. I would get back and would split any extra money from the sale of the house. Now she has changed her mind and wants to keep the house but there is no way she can buy me out. What are the chases I get my $75,000 back after

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Question: We live in Mohave County. I want to move back to PA without my husband. Do I file for a legal separation or file for divorce? We own a home in both our names. The car is in my name first but I would not be able to afford it. We both get SS and he has a pension.

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Question: I have a question regarding The Uniform Services Former Spouses Protection Act. I retired from the military in 2010 and married my current spouse in 2012. We were not married nor had any relationship while I was on active duty. My question is, if my spouse and I are divorced is she protected under The Uniform Services Former Spouses Protection Act? Basically is she entitled to any portion of my retirement pay in case of a divorce?

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Question: I've been married for over 7 years I did an annulment but Tucson courts are saying its invalid because we have been married longer then 90 days and I was supposed to do a dirvoce not an annulment. Need someone to let me know if I am legally annulled or do I need to reapply and do a divorce.

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Question: If one has a legal separation can those documents to rolled over to divorce papers without additional filing fees or document preparation?

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Question: I am currently married but we have been living very separate lives since 2011. My spouse has just "married" someone else. I have checked with the courts and there is no marriage certificate filed, however I was informed if they are presenting as a married couple, sent out wedding invitations, etc.. that this still falls under A.R.S. 13-3606(A) Anti-Bigamy Act. I will not be the one to actively pursue divorce as I took sacred vows and getting divorced was not one of them though I will not be difficult if a divorce is presented to me. In the interim what he is doing is wrong so what do I do?

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Question: the father of my children, my husband, lives in Phoenix, AZ. he no longer wanted us. no blames that on adhd he has. since may 25 our two sons and i moved to S.C. now my husband says he wants his children back. am i able to file for divorce in AZ even though i now live in S.C.?

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Question: My husband is having a adultery, can I report him and her to the police? Would they both prosecuted? She is also marriage in China.

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Question: I have a spousal maintenance order that stops when I have attained federal eligibility age of retirement. What does this mean?

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Question: My wife and I are living separate and have divided all of our assets and financials. Also we signed a contract to protect one another. Will this hold up in court if we decide to get divorced later?

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Question: I was married in Texas and left Texas due to irreconsilable differences and intend to apply for a divorce. There isn't any property involved or financial responsibility, and we both want the divorce. 1. Can I file for divorce without and attorney? 2. Where do I get the necessary papers to begin the divorce procedure.

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Question: I pay spousal maitenance monthly to Support Payment Clearing House directy, in the form of a check. The divorce decree that is on record has a date listed as the final date or last payment to be payed through January 31, 2019. Do I need to fill any additional closure documents or just send the last payment when due? It is not withheld from my paycheck. I write the check. Not sure if I need to file anything or if they get it per the decree.

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Question: I was married to my ex-husband for 11 years. He served in Air Force until he retired. Nothing regarding his retirement is in our divorce decree. Can I collect some his pension under the Former Spouse Retirement Act?

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Question: when I divorced my ex wife in 2003, the decree did not state a clear awarding of my military pension since I was still active. I will be going to court to fight the amount I have to pay. She waited over 19 months to let me know she wanted the money. I agree to pay but only at the lower amount (E5) vice (E8). any info is greatly appreciated.

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Question: I just received a summons from my spouse for a court date for divorce but I have already filled and received a court date prior to that. Is this possible?

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Question: A wife cheats and get pregnant by another man. The husband and wife are currently going through a divorce. If the child is born before the divorce is finalized is the husband responsible for the child even though it's not his?

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Question: my ex sold property our divorce decree states if he sells property he is to give me 30% of profit....He will not comply I am disabled, and need money to pay for my medical issues..what can I do?

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Question: I just filed for divorce and filed the proof of service at the central courthouse. My husband and I decided that we will provide the consent decree for divorce, but I was curious about the portion that directs us to pay a response fee. How and when do we pay that? Does he need to submit a response if we are going to do the consent decree for divorce?

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Question: My husband took money out of his gross wages. It is now in his IRA. Our CPA said that it is still partially mine, because he earned the money while we were married. Is my CPA correct?

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Question: I got divorced on Oct.17, 2018 after 24 years of marriage which 15 were active duty. Now I’ve been considering the “Former Spouse Act” . My question is .. can I get a percentage of his pension even after divorce? How do I go about it?

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Question: In the military, is retired pay divided?

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Question: In the state of Arizona in a no - fault divorce does the state require a period of separation

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Question: My "ex" and i got a marriage license back in 2007. had a wedding ceremony but NEVER filed for the Marriage Certificate. Does that mean that we were never Legally Married?? We are now wanting a "divorce", we both agree on everything we just want to be returned to "single" status and i would like to change back to my maiden name. i would also like to marry again in the future. How do i go about getting my maiden name back if i was never legally married. can i remarry with out a "divorce decree" since we were never "legally" married?

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Question: How do I file for divorce when domestic violence is cause for the divorce?

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Question: If I am the respondent . what name goes in the person filing on the form myself the respondent, or my spouse the petitioner

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Question: My wife and I are currently going through a divorce. She opened a separate checking account before I filed but transferred her check to her new account afterwards and didn’t inform me about it until payday because we both get paid the same week. I need to know if she’s in violation of a court order because it was my understanding that you cannot hide funds, get loans etc. until the divorce is final??

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Question: How long after your final hearing, does it take to receive your divorce decree?

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Question: Wife left three years ago. No legal separation or divorce. We verbally agreed on money and custody. I bought her out of joint house and own it myself. She now demands money for medical for son. I give her willingly 120 a month. She wants more. Can she sue me?

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Question: Ex has not paid credit card debt, child support, or ,child medical Bill's per decree. He moved out of state and is refusing to provide current contact information. How can I get decree enforced without knowing current address and how long do I have to enforce.

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Question: How do i go about divorcing a native american if we married at the end of Feburary of this year.

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Question: I was divorced in 1987. My former spouse has been living with the same person in SC since before the divorce. My former spouse still recieves 30% of my pension. SC is a common law state. Do I have any recourse in proving she is living in a martial state and stopping this benefit?

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Question: We have a covenant marriage there has been abuse on both sides I've wanted a divorce he refuses to give me one. I cannot find any forms to fill out can someone help me with a template or some kind of help please I can't live like this anymore I hate that he lies all the time I hate him I just want a divorce

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Question: My spouse and I separated in 2015, and shortly thereafter he moved to CA, but without any job, address, or income of any kind. Everyone in his life seems to have lost track of him, as he has a pervasive drug abuse and addiction history, no address or consistent place of residence. How do I manage to serve him with a petition for divorce??? I have waited 4 years, trying to locate him, but as I am now looking to remarry, is there any other way to move forward with a divorce?

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Question: I am the wife of a retired service member that I receive 50% of the community property pension. Do I have to pay taxes on the payment?

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Question: I am finalizing my divorce decree, and my previous lawyer added his fees to my decree with a date when payments needs to start. I am completely broke, lost my job and all my money. I won’t be able to pay his payments set up on the decree. Can file bankruptcy and get ridge of this debt?

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Question: I was married for 14 years and do already receive 50% of my exhusbands military pension. When he dies, will i still be entiteled to this pension ?

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Question: My husband was Active Duty Army when we married and had a son together. He got a divorce without my knowledge after 8 years and went on to Retire as a Sgt. Major. Am I entitled to part of his retirement ? I now live in AL and he lives in VA.

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Question: Hello, once a divorce judgement is entered, what documents need to be filed with the court in order to split a pension? The marriage was for 45 years.

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Question: Under the Uniform Services Former Spouses Protection Act, the 2017 Rule. If my former wife and I made a verbal agreement to split retirement pay 50/50, will DFAS honor that or would they need a court document stating the amount she would receive?

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Question: Hello, once a divorce judgement is entered, what documents need to be filed with the court in order to split military pension? The marriage was for 45 years

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Question: I already divorced my x husband and he gave me alimony for 3yrs he is a retired u.s navy my question is do I have part of his retirement pension? We are married for 15yrs.

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Question: Through my divorce my ex new how to take advantage of my situation which was my drug abuse issue she her attorney and the judge knew I was high on heroin and meth through the whole divorce I did lie when asked at court if I was high but everyone knew it. I am now clean 85 days and realized how bad I have been taken advance of . All my money my belongings were taken by her as she had an order of protection she had a high dollar attorney and got screwed. Az law states if I were under the influence then the divorce is not valid is this true??!

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Question: My ex husband recently died am I entitled to any of his property

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Question: Legal separation instead of divorce. If my spouse and I get a legal separation, will she be entitled to my City of Phoenix police pension I die?

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Question: i got married on my husbands reservation at the beginning of this year, and now hes already wanting a divorce but i dont want a divorce just yet. if he files for a divorce do i have to give it to him

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Question: I just read that in 2017 the laws changed for military divorce. It now states the pension division in divorce is based on the service member’s rank and time in service at the date of the divorce. As I have always believed it should. So, my question is, can I go back to court and have my pension recalculated with the new formula? Thanks, Dan

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Question: My son was married for 10 years. She always wanted to be the one bringing in all the money. My son was given an allowance. She makes close to 60,000 a year and basically told my son to get a job the last year. He couldn't find one and she decided to ask him to leave. He left with just some stuff and nothing else. Do you think he would be able to get alimony at least for awhile? No children. He is 29 and will be looking for a job now obviously, but he was left with nothing. Ty for any advice in advance

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Question: I was a 20 yrs Navy veteran, I was also married 16 yrs on active duty. I divorced following my retirement. The courts granted my ex-spouse 50% of my retirement. Will my ex continue to receive alimony for life?

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Question: I am retired military and was retired medically in 2013. I was active duty 91-94 and national guard time the remainder of the time. I was injured in combat in 2007 and later received an active medical retirement. I do receive some of my compensation from va with the remainder coming from DOD. My spouse who i married in 1999 is wanting my military retirement but it seems im the one with medical issues for life and just doesnt seem to be right. I havent found anything specific to medical retirements and am looking for guidance. Thank you

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Question: Can the petitioner file for covenant marriage

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Question: Can I have my divorce finalized before I give birth if I'm pregnant?

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Question: Husband wants to buy me of home mortgage which is under my name only. I would love to keep the home but I don't want to start a fight so I am considering moving out with my 2 kids. I want to be the primary household for my kids which is why I want them to live with me most of the time. What should I consider when moving out? Will this affect me negatively in or out of court?

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Question: My fiance wants to divorce his wife hes in prison they've been separated for 5 years she's in another state he wants me to get the ball rolling BUT Don't he?

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Question: If money was gifted by a spouses relative to purchase a home in a marriage, is this considered a gift that would apply under A.R.S 25-211? Can the spouse get the money returned after sell of the property?

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Question: We live in Tucson, AZ, and my husband is going to file a divorce paper. We married in South Lake Tahoe, Ca. We have been married for 23 years. We both are not working, but he has a girlfriend during our marriage and she is working.  My question is he told me he doesn't need to pay me his social security or any spousal support due to he doesn't work. Also since he bought the house before our marriage which we are living now. In my marriage, this house all the repair, utility, property tax are from our joint account. Now he told me I have no right to this house. It is true what he told me.  

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Question: Military Retirement Pay and divorce. I married AFTER I've retired from the military. Most of the Q&A talked about divorce while in service or marriage occurring while serving. If I divorce, would my spouse still be able to get a percentage of the retirement pay?

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Question: My husband filed for divorce and I was served the papers. I was unable to go to the court date so divorce was granted by default. Decree says I went to parenting classes which I didn't. Also ex doesnt have to pay child support or alimony even though he left the family and was having affair. Can I file for child support and alimony since we were married for 20+ yrs.? We get adoption subsidy for our daughter and he wants half of that but only has her 48hrs/wk. What can I do?

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Question: I have been separated from my ex for over 10 years. We tried to get a divorce in 2011 but because he lived in California and I lived in Atizona it got squashed. I now dont know where he is, last I heard he was living in different hotels in California. How do I go about getting a divorce if I dont know where he is at? And dont have a phone number for him. He doesnt communicate with me or my son at all.

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Question: My wife left me 8 mos. ago. We lived in Colorado (I still do). How do I find out if she has filed for legal seperation ?

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Question: I got married to someone incarcerated in 2005, at the time I didn't know he had a life sentence. I soon heard that a marriage was not legal if someone had a life sentence or had to be consummated. In AZ there are no conjugal visits allowed. I was not ok with some things he was doing and I asked for a divorce in 2007 and stopped all contact. We do not have anything in common and want to know if I file for annulment or divorce and how to go about that, I would like to be divorced and get my maiden name restored. He stated that he will not give me a divorce or sign papers.

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Question: My husband wants a divorce and only married 9mo. He moved his girlfriend into our home yes I am still in the home also! This is adultery and illegal in the state of AZ! Our home loan is in his name only but title is in both. We started the paperwork before marriage but closed on the home after married. We have a car loan in both our name. He is telling me that his lawyer said I’m not in titled to anything because he is the one who pays the bills. He is a City Emp with retirement and savings similar to a 401k. He is pushing to sign the divorce papers now and leave with nothing. I helped build!

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Question: I am trying to get a contact number for the clearinghouse. I am retired military my ex wife qualifies for 42.5% of my military pay. When we the divorce was final my lawyers had the spousal maintenance taken out of my military pay instead of my civilian pay that was corrected this month now they are taking money out of my civilian pay but no one sent anything to DFAS so they are still paying her 1000 dollars a month and they are also taking 1000 from my civilian pay the court order says tha I will pay 1000 dollars a month spousal maintenance and she gets 42.5 percent of my retirement not 2000

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Question: Is it required to file for child support? I filed for divorce and my ex and I are in agreement on everything, neither of us wants child support or spousal support and we filed a Maritial Settlement Agreement stating that neither of us is seeking Child support but when I am filling out the final decree it seems as though it is requiring me to also do the child support order and child support worksheet.

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  • I got married in another country in 2002. I have lived in Arizona about 5 years. Can I get a divorce here without my husband?
  • We have a covenant marriage there has been abuse on both sides I've wanted a divorce he refuses to give me one. I cannot find any forms to fill out can someone help me with a template or some kind of help please I can't live like this anymore I hate that he lies all the time I hate him I just want a divorce
  • I have been seoerated from my husband for the last 8 week. He told me to take my two boy age 6 & 8 and move to my sisters in Nevada. I have both boys in school here and have a new job . befor my paper were filed with the Nevada. He filed in AZ. I was served today with paper stating I must return the children to Flagstaff. I need to know what I can do to appeal this discision. My husband has anger issues he is bypolar and has very eratic behavior
  • Igot marry like 2years ago andhe just useme to Clem mykids he got 8000.00 eight thousand back we where to gather for 1 mouth can u. Help me feel free call me 6026722595 Erica thanks
  • I got married in san luis Az. when I was a legal resident, but now I'm no longer a legal resident and I live in san luis mexico, I been separated for 13 years and I want to get a divorce, I don"t know what to do.
  • I understand that when a divorce occurs, everything accumulated is community property. However, is a disability retirement subject to joint disbursement. My online research gives me conflicting answers. How do the courts interpret this?
  • Through my divorce my ex new how to take advantage of my situation which was my drug abuse issue she her attorney and the judge knew I was high on heroin and meth through the whole divorce I did lie when asked at court if I was high but everyone knew it. I am now clean 85 days and realized how bad I have been taken advance of . All my money my belongings were taken by her as she had an order of protection she had a high dollar attorney and got screwed. Az law states if I were under the influence then the divorce is not valid is this true??!
  • My son was married for 10 years. She always wanted to be the one bringing in all the money. My son was given an allowance. She makes close to 60,000 a year and basically told my son to get a job the last year. He couldn't find one and she decided to ask him to leave. He left with just some stuff and nothing else. Do you think he would be able to get alimony at least for awhile? No children. He is 29 and will be looking for a job now obviously, but he was left with nothing. Ty for any advice in advance
  • I'm in the process of filing for divorce. What is the best way to serve papers to my husband, who is currently in AZ State Prison? I have not had contact w/him for over 2 years, & do not wish to take them to him personally.
  • my husband and his ex-girlfriend have a house and he wants to sell and she does not what can we do and what type of lawyer do we need?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program


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