Child Support
questions & answers
Question: I have been listed as custodial parent for our daughter since our divorce in 2010. At the time of divorce my ex husband wasn't employed but it was listed in the decree that he was to pay 100% for all health insurances including dental and vision and was responsible for 50% of all non covered medical expenses as well. From Jan 2011-March 2018 he failed to pay any of these obligations. We have a court ordered child support in place now but his self employed income hasn't been filed according to his then attorney since 2016. How will the court determine his income?
These are always tough issues for family court. The Arizona Child Support Guidelines provide the basis for the court to determine income for purposes of child support. If your ex is self-employed, the court may ask for business records and tax returns to determine his gross income. The Guidelines also require that the parents exchange tax returns and other financial records every to years. You may want to review the guidelines to better understand what you are dealing with. They can be found on the court's website. Go to:
I have been listed as custodial parent for our daughter since our divorce in 2010. At the time of divorce my ex husband wasn't employed but it was listed in the decree that he was to pay 100% for all health insurances including dental and vision and was responsible for 50% of all non covered medical expenses as well. From Jan 2011-March 2018 he failed to pay any of these obligations. We have a court ordered child support in place now but his self employed income hasn't been filed according to his then attorney since 2016. How will the court determine his income?
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