Child Support
questions & answers
Question: I was wondering what can I do if the mother is not paying child support? The children are 16 & 17 both are still in school. The original order was: Children stay with mother and father had to pay child support. Now the children are staying with us full time in another State and mother is not paying child support or sending any funds. Father is scared to ask for support. I help what the children needs but I feel its not fair that she's not paying her end. What can I do to have her start paying for child support? I want to do this anonymously? Do I have rights as a step parent to turn her in?
Answer: Nothing can be done anonymously in a family court proceeding. Your question is unclear. You stated that the original order required dad to pay support while mom had the children in her custody. At some point, the children came to live with you and your husband (the father of the children). You did not say if the court order was ever changed to reflect the change in physical custody of the children. If the order was changed so that mom is now ordered to pay support, then the father can petition the court to enforce the order and request back child support. However, if nothing was ever filed in court to change the original custody and support orders, then there is no legal order requiring mom to pay support. All these things must be done according to legal proceedings and by court order.
I was wondering what can I do if the mother is not paying child support? The children are 16 & 17 both are still in school. The original order was: Children stay with mother and father had to pay child support. Now the children are staying with us full time in another State and mother is not paying child support or sending any funds. Father is scared to ask for support. I help what the children needs but I feel its not fair that she's not paying her end. What can I do to have her start paying for child support? I want to do this anonymously? Do I have rights as a step parent to turn her in?
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