Child Support
questions & answers
Question: I am a veteran I tried to attempt suicide 11 months ago and I am currently ordered to pay child support but the way life is going I think its in the best interest of the kids to not have a relationship with me because of my mental health problems and major financial issues. How to I go about giving up all parental rights and financial obligations without having to discuss my suicide attempt in court? I just want to let them live a happy life and not worry about me because I plan on moving away in the next few months.
Answer: AZLAWHELP has a website for veterans - There is information on their regarding family law. They also have some attorneys that will give you a one hour consultation for free if you meet the qualifications. They may be able to assist you in explaining your financial obligations and parental rights. You can contact the Legal Learn line Monday through Friday, 10-12 noon, and 1-3 p.m. at 866-637-5341.
I am a veteran I tried to attempt suicide 11 months ago and I am currently ordered to pay child support but the way life is going I think its in the best interest of the kids to not have a relationship with me because of my mental health problems and major financial issues. How to I go about giving up all parental rights and financial obligations without having to discuss my suicide attempt in court? I just want to let them live a happy life and not worry about me because I plan on moving away in the next few months.
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