Child Support
questions & answers
Question: I am expecting a baby in the next couple of days. The father of my child doesn't want anything to do with the baby and he says if I put him on child support he will "disappear" and I'll never hear from him and will not get any child support. He is a CNA, can his license get suspended for failure to pay?? He also said he'll sign over his rights so he doesn't have to pay child support.
AZLawHelp Question 22146
If a parent requests, the court may order child support when:
• Married couples are divorcing or separating.
• Unmarried parents are breaking up or separating.
• An unmarried parent who has never lived with the other parent requests child support.
• In Arizona, if a parent is unmarried, paternity must be established before child support can be ordered.
Child Support Locator
DCSS attempts to locate any member of a case(s), including absent parents, alleged fathers, custodial parents, noncustodial parents, obligated parties, caretakers, as well as sources of income and/or assets and medical insurance providers for all DCSS cases.
Professional License
Failure to make child support, alimony, or spousal support payments on time; file one's taxes; repay student loans; or pay one's creditors may create licensure problems for nurses. Unsatisfied judgments or judgment liens may be reported to the board and trigger an investigation.
DCSS has the legal authority to suspend or revoke the professional or occupational license of a person who has deliberately not paid their child support for over six months. DCSS can send an order directing the licensing agency, board or commission to suspend a professional or occupational license without going to court.
Termination of parental rights
The grounds for involuntary termination of parental rights are specific circumstances under which the child cannot safely be returned home because of risk of harm by the parent or the inability of the parent to provide for the child’s basic needs.
I am expecting a baby in the next couple of days. The father of my child doesn't want anything to do with the baby and he says if I put him on child support he will "disappear" and I'll never hear from him and will not get any child support. He is a CNA, can his license get suspended for failure to pay?? He also said he'll sign over his rights so he doesn't have to pay child support.
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