Child Support
questions & answers
Question: If the mother, whoese case is in AZ moves to TX without the child, and didn't notify the non custodial parent or AZ until father filed a motion of modification (6 months later). Can the father file and Order the Stop Payment and close case, because child is with someone els??
First, please begin by reading the article on this website titled “Child Support” for general information on child support payments. Child support is determined in accordance with A.R.S. 25-320 . Courts will follow the Arizona Child Support Guidelines when determining whether child support should be issued. The guidelines can be found here.For more information on Arizona Statutes regarding child support please review Title 25 Marital and Domestic Relation of the Arizona Revised Statutes.
In Arizona the child support calculator is used to determine the amount a parent pays in child support. A link to the child support calculator can be found here. Family law issues can be very complex. You may decide that you would like to seek the advice of an attorney. Please visit our website for different legal aid options that may be available.
If the mother, whoese case is in AZ moves to TX without the child, and didn't notify the non custodial parent or AZ until father filed a motion of modification (6 months later). Can the father file and Order the Stop Payment and close case, because child is with someone els??
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