questions & answers
Question: I appologize for the repeat question but I cannot find my reference number. My sister is currently serving a jail sentence and my nephew is staying with his father. There is no court order on custody parenting time etc. but since my sister has been in jail his father is hasn't allowed me visitation with him. I am an active part of his life where I would have him 1-2 nights a week while both of them were at work and for the past month I haven't been able to see him or speak to him. His father has blocked my number so I cannot even check on his well being.
Answer: Please refer to ARS 25-401 for more information. There is no information on an aunt or uncle having visitation rights, only grandparents, unless you have established *In loco parentis, meaning a person who has enjoyed a meaningful parental relationship with the child for a substantial period of time and whom the child views as a parental figure. You may need to speak with an attorney to see what rights you may be entitled to. In Maricopa and Pima Counties, they do have a self help service desk where papers can be filed by you for visitation. You can go to
I appologize for the repeat question but I cannot find my reference number. My sister is currently serving a jail sentence and my nephew is staying with his father. There is no court order on custody parenting time etc. but since my sister has been in jail his father is hasn't allowed me visitation with him. I am an active part of his life where I would have him 1-2 nights a week while both of them were at work and for the past month I haven't been able to see him or speak to him. His father has blocked my number so I cannot even check on his well being.
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