Child Custody
questions & answers
Question: I am the father of a 5 year old and the mom wants me to keep my child. I do not know for how long. I want to make sure I go into this the right way. Are there any forms or legal documents I should be filing out? Please help!
Answer: Parents may agree between themselves the custody arrangement to be made regarding a child. This includes but is not limited to matters related to the location and time frame for where and with whom the child may live, the arrangement as to who shall have visiting or parenting time with the child, and the financial responsibilities that will be shared between the parents to care for the child. When the parents cannot agree about child custody matters, then custody automatically becomes an issue for the court to decide. These court decisions are made in temporary order hearings and in final trial if the parties are unable to reach an agreement. The court will make a decision based on the best interest of the child. For assistance finding an attorney to discuss your issue, please feel free to visit the AZ State Bar site at Here is more information on child custody
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I am the father of a 5 year old and the mom wants me to keep my child. I do not know for how long. I want to make sure I go into this the right way. Are there any forms or legal documents I should be filing out? Please help!
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