Child Custody
questions & answers
Question: My daughter grandmother was granted poco parentis custody and sole legal decision making custody. What do I need to do to get custody back of my daughter? I'm currltey living in the same home as them. What steps or actions do I need to start for me to get my daughter back?
Answer: In Loco Parentis generally means that a person or organization is granted temporary custody. For example, when a child attends school, the instructor is granted In Loco Parentis. Contact the courts to determine if your mother has been awarded legal custody. If you are underage, the court will look at the child's "best interests" first. Review the following website for more information. Contact an attorney to determine what course of action to take next. Legal advice/representation may be available at a reduced cost provided that certain conditions pertaining to monthly income are met. For further information contact: Community Legal Services-602-258-3434 or LegalLearn: 866-637-5341
My daughter grandmother was granted poco parentis custody and sole legal decision making custody. What do I need to do to get custody back of my daughter? I'm currltey living in the same home as them. What steps or actions do I need to start for me to get my daughter back?
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