Child Custody
questions & answers
Question: My son father has custody. he is always late for my visitation, bad mouths me in front of my son. My son keeps telling me he is scared of his dad and he hits and yells at him and he doesn't want to go back. I'm scared for his safety. I want to file an emergency order to keep him here in AZ instead of CA. What do I do?
Answer: To modify an existing custody order, the court will consider all facts relevant to the child's emotional or physical well-being. These include the child's adjustment to the community, the wishes of the child, the mental and physical health of both parents etc (A.R.S 25-403). To file an emergency custody order, you must send the following files in to the Superior Court.
My son father has custody. he is always late for my visitation, bad mouths me in front of my son. My son keeps telling me he is scared of his dad and he hits and yells at him and he doesn't want to go back. I'm scared for his safety. I want to file an emergency order to keep him here in AZ instead of CA. What do I do?
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