


  • In the pass about 4 months ago I hped my niece out a couple times and paid on her Sprint account since then she has cancelled the account well since I paid on her account 4 times with my debit card Sprint has taken my money from my account since I helped her and pAid her bill 4 times took out 4000 of my money they won't help me recovery my money my bank won't help me since I helped her and pAid in the pass...i need help that was so the money we had and now nobody will help me recovery my money ..please someone any one help I never had Sprint just helped my niece out.thus is not my debit
  • I owe $8,000.00 in state income tax from 1991. I retired in 2012 & have no income except social security. can they attach my payments?
  • My husband got a loan online in 2007 and paid 288.00 a month until 2010. I now have been contacted by a debt collector who wants the so called balance to be paid by me. What is the statue of limitations and so I start making payments.
  • My father in law had a stroke in April of 2013 and has been unable to pay his credit card debts including a home equity line of credit through State Farm. He owns a home here here in Phx but has since been relocated to be with other family members in Napa, Ca. in a group home. He receives his usual SS benefits and a small pension of $120 per month, he is also getting his aid and attendance from the V.A. The problem is this, all of his benefits go to his care and he is unable to pay his credit card debts. Since he is no longer living here we are paying his house payment along with the State Farm home equity line of credit since that is like a second mortgage I believe. My question is how do we keep the house in the family and eliminate his credit card debt? which is probably around $20,000. The house doesn't have any equity in it or if it does, it's not much. Thank You
  • My father has become unable to live independently. He has no estate, nothing of value-only his 1440 SS monthly income. He has 7000$ in credit card debt as well as 4000$ in medical bills. I am looking into placing him in an assisted living or nursing home as it's too difficult for us as a family. My question is -how do I absolve his debt? Chase calls MY home phone daily-despite my discussing the situation with them, as well as the medical bill.
  • I am drawing ss disability and I have a car I have been paying for 4 years just owe 6 payments but car broke down over a year ago and I cannot afford to get it fixed and can't afford the payment anymore. I was getting help to pay the payment but my son moved off and lost his job. My name is on a piece of property a half acre with my daughter she lives on the property can they sue me and get the property? 
  • When a spouse passes away and has debt in his/her name only, like credit cards, and or contractual obligations for satellite services or cell phone service that charge fee for early termination, etc.- is the remaining spouse responsble for that debt and fulfilling contractual obligation?
  • I have a decree from Colorado stating that my Ex-Husband is responsible for certain debts. Creditors are coming after me for the debts because he didn't pay them and 1 creditor is suing me, I answered the complaint and they filed a motion for a judgement and I have to answer in 10 days. Am I responsible for debt that was ordered under the decree to be paid by my Ex?
  • I co-signed for my grandson on an auto loan. He had a great job but he had a nervous break down and was diagnosed bipolar and can't keep a steady job. He refuses to return the car so sure he's going to be able to get his life back together. It hurts so much to se him struggle. But I've done all I can do. Now they've placed a lean on my home. What can I do?
  • Our income is social security only. Is it safe from garnisement? I am currently paying 228 per month on a credit card settlement arrangement, and I can no longer afford it since I can no longer work. My health has failed. Please advise. Thank you.



  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program