Can someone who is suing me in small claims court have my SSI/DES benefits garnished?
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My 12 yr. old austisic son is receiving SSI, if my boyfriend and his two yr. old son move in with me and my son does this effect his SSI? My boyfriend is on disability. And is currently applying for his two yr old bennifits . I'm employed with the Govenment as a Correction Officer..and SSI is saying I make Too much money for my son to continue receiving SSI..now that my boyfriend and son are moving in does this help things are hurt things?
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I'am a person with a medcal condition. I would to know if I qualify for social security disablity
Where can I get help for my 39 year disabled daughter who has been on SSI since 2001 and last year was denied SSI, we are receiving part benefits as she is in appeal but need a lawyer to assist us on her case before we go to court in front of a judge and also help her to get her benefits back permanently. Any lawyers I have contact want a deposit and hourly wages which of course anyone on SSI couldn't possibly pay. Where can I go to get her proper representation without a huge bill?? She lives at home with me.
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Can you please send me forms to sign up for sst?
I went to the local SS office for help because I did not get my SSI check. The said it was a paperwork error and updated my information. Then I got an interview appointment sent to me and went to it plus had my sons wife with me for help with paperwork. I have severe PTSD and felt threatened by security when he stood behind me with his hand on the gun. I went outside and turns out my sons wife told lies, saying I own many autos and a house, I don't, I am denied an appeal, I need my money, I am homeless. How do I get help.
I have an overpayment for SSI and I do not see a link for this specific area. I want to apply using the website and I do not really see an application for what I'm applying for.
Can one apply for and be granted social security disability benefits while already drawing social security retirement benefits?