
Court Information


  • Need to file an release of order of protection. The domestic Violence charges were dropped. Never been arrested before and need my arrest record sealed.
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  • How do I answer to a complaint in a civil justice court? Is memorandum in response or memorandum in reply the same as a response/answer?
  • My brother was convicted in Maricopa County of a Felony charge. He has filed a Notice of Post Conviction Relief. He had public defense at the time. Is there anyone that can help us find out what the status is on his NPC filing?
  • i was kicked out of my nursing program 3months before i was due to graduate because a background check company falsely reported a 13 year old misdemeanor drug possession. because of their mistake I also lost my externship job offer. I have since provided that company documentain from the state they claim i was accussed in confirming they're error. I was reinstated into my program and have since graduated but it took me a year and I racked up a large bill fighting them. they ruined my life for a year and I want to sue them for the financial burdens they caused me. Im not sure how to start this
  • I filed a small claims complaint against a former roommate of mine when after I decided to leave he only gave me some of my personal belongings back and kept other items that he knew were important to me. I won the case and received a judgment for the amount that I requested. However, in the complaint two of the items I did not place a dollar amount next to because I knew he was still in possession of them (two portraits drawn by my brother that are very dear to me) and I wanted them returned. He had indicated in his Answer that he was in fact in possession of those items but wanted to be reimbursed for framing them. The hearing officer indicated we would need to take up the matter in a different forum due to the fact that they were personal property that I wanted to have returned. After the judgment was ordered I prepared a letter to the defendant and requested that he return the portraits to me and deduct the cost of framing from the judgment and I would then give him a satisfaction of judgment and we would be finished with this matter. About two weeks later I received a check for the amount of the judgment and a letter stating that he no longer was in possession of the artwork (he did not state what in fact became of my portraits). I decided to have the artwork appraised as I had photographs of the artwork as well as other drawings my brother had done. I then prepared a demand letter, again in an effort to resolve the matter without going to court. He did not respond in the time in which I had requested - (20) days. My question is do I have the right to file a Complaint for Conversion of Personal Property requesting to be compensated for damages (the price for the artwork as well as punitive damages and costs incurred)? And, if so, can I still file in small claims court as long as the amount I am seeking does not exceed $2,500 exclusive of court costs?
  • When I was 16 my dad found out about me having sexual relations with an 18 year old which was my boyfriend at that time. My dad forced me to take my ex boyfriend to court and tell the court that he raped me so now he has charges on him. I was wondering if there is anything I can change now that I am 18 maybe I can have those charges taken of???
  • can someone be put in jail for non child support payment and how long



  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program