
Consumer Issues / Bankruptcy


  • My husband passed away with no life insurance, leaving a few thousand in credit card debt. I am only an authorized user on some of these accounts and my only income is disability. Am I responsible for paying these debts?
  • My trial was scheduled more than 10 months after the Plaintiff filed a lawsut. It has been over 2 months since my trial and there has been no ruling. Can I file a post trial motion to dismiss based on the 10 month rule in Az? This is a civil debt matter and I filed everything in a timely fashion. At trial the judge halted the trial half way thru as he said he was unfamiliar with the new amended AZ laws. It has been over 365 days since they file a complaint and over 2 months since we both gave him our memorandum of case law after trial. Question is should I wait for a decision or file a motion?
  • I helped my fiancé purchase a new car. I have good credit and got a great rate. She's making the payments but moved out and I don't know where she is. As long as she's making the payments I'm OK, right? If she stops payments that would not be good. What is the worse that can happen? If I have the spare key and were to get the car back is it considered stealing since the car is in my name?
  • Does a California judgment creditor HAVE to file the judgment in Arizona to garnish my wages here in AZ? The law I found ARS 12-1702 uses the phrase “may be filed in the office of the clerk of any superior court”. It doesn’t say where it says they must. If they must and have not what would be my next step in stopping the garnishment? Thank you
  • My old Apartments received a judgement for 2400 and now the collection agency is trying to get 3000. I asked for all proof of debit and judgment and all they sent was a copy of lease and the ledger from apartments adding the extra 600. Can they collect more then the judgment?
  • I am being sued/summoned from Chase through a debt collector to appear in court, they came to my home and made my 16 year old daughter sign the document, This is a 6 year old debt (they sent this account in January 1st 2008 to collection) and after this date I didn't receive any collection letters. I am afraid to face charges or fees other than owed. I need legal advice please!
  • After a Judgement has been paid in full through a writ of garnishment can a creditor claim that there is still money owed to his client? In this case the amount in the judgement is less than what the client turned into the creditor plus a 40% collection fee. And after the judgement was paid in 2005 no further notification was received as to any extra amounts being due. I have just now received notice that I owe this outstanding blance plus 4 years of interest. This is still the original creditor from 2005.
  • If I have received a release of garnishment can they re file an application for garnishment?
  • Hi, I was married for a year which ended in a annulment, but in the mean time my husband borrowed money from me, I need to know how can get it back, what kind of lawyer I look for, please help.
  • My husband has a child support collection that was filed against him prior to our marriage, the child support collection is with his exwife and children that are not mine. I am obligated to pay the collection since the collection was prior to our marriage and it is for child support to his exwife and his children ?



  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program